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莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案研究 进入二十一世纪之后,受全球经济发展缓慢和烟草控制不断加强双重因素 的影响,社会控烟呼声越来越高涨,禁烟条例也逐渐在各地开始颁布实行,世 界烟草行业的发展环境日趋严峻,往日烟草行业的垄断地位和发展优势已逐渐 消退。各级烟草公司面临着如何进一步优化内部监督管理流程、降低成本、提 升企业整体运营水平的严峻挑战。特别是广泛分布在基层烟草商业企业中数量 最多的县级局烟草公司,如何进一步完善科学合理的绩效考评机制,实现对员 工的有效管理,提升企业运行效率,增强企业核心竞争力的目的,成为了当前 夯实基础管理工作,推动企业良性发展的关键。 本文基于烟草专卖管理体制的特殊行业背景和企业愿景,从绩效管理角度 出发,希望运用现代绩效管理理论,对莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案进 行设计研究。首先是对课题研究背景及意义的详细论述,然后在对绩效管理理 论发展脉络进行系统总结过程中,阐明了绩效管理与绩效考核之间的区别与联 系,最后依据绩效管理方案构建思路、考评工具和方法,提出了本文绩效管理 方案设计的具体框架。通过文献资料研究和深度访谈法,本文认真研究了莫旗 烟草公司绩效管理现状,指出了公司绩效管理存在的一系列问题,比如绩效指 标设定不合理、忽视考核过程、缺少与员工沟通、结果应用反馈不全面等,并 分析了产生这些问题的深层次原因。在理论研究与实践调查结合的基础上,本 文釆用关键绩效考核指标法(KPI),首先从公司战略目标出发,结合部门职能 和岗位职责对战略目标进行层层细化分解;再根据绩效管理方案设计原则及目 标,从抓好绩效计划开端、落实考评核心步骤、用心沟通反馈、踩好绩效改进 落脚点、强化结果应用等环节入手,对莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案进 行了落地设计,并从企业文化、制度保障、激励机制等方面出发,提出了保证II 方案得以有效运行的具体保障措施,展望预期实施效果。 本文研究目的就是通过对一线员工绩效管理方案的设计及运行,来激发莫 旗烟草公司一线员工迎难而上的干劲和与时俱进的创新力,从而提升员工整体 业绩水平,推动企业的长远发展。通过实行全面有效的绩效结果反馈与应用, 不仅可以及时发现员工存在的工作问题,实现企业对员工工作目标和职业发展 的正确引导作用;也有利于企业通过评判员工行为表现,判断战略目标设计的 合理性,及时调整企业发展方向。希望基于关键绩效指标(KPI)设计出来的莫 旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案,能对大多数县局级烟草公司的绩效管理开 发与运用提供帮助。 关键词: 绩效管理,绩效考核,关键绩效指标III Abstract Research on the Frontline Staff Performance Management Scheme of MoQi Tobacco Company After entering the twenty-first century, by the slow global economic development and tobacco control continue to strengthen the impact of dual factors, the growing popularity of tobacco control, anti-smoking regulations are gradually enacted around the implementation of the world's tobacco industry has become increasingly serious development environment The tobacco industry's monopoly position and development advantages have gradually subsided. Tobacco companies at all levels are faced with how to further optimize the internal supervision and management processes, reduce costs and enhance the overall operational level of the serious challenges. Especially in the grassroots tobacco business enterprises in the largest number of county-level tobacco companies, how to further improve the scientific and rational performance evaluation mechanism to achieve effective management of employees to enhance the efficiency of enterprises to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises to become The current lay a solid foundation for the management of enterprises to promote the healthy development of the key. Based on the special industry background and corporate vision of the tobacco monopoly management system, this paper studies the performance management of the first-line employee of Moqi Tobacco Company from the point of view of performance management. First of all, it is a detailed discussion of the background and significance of the research topic. Then, in the process of systematically summarizing the development process of performance management theory, the distinction and connection between performance management and performanceIV appraisal are clarified. Finally, based on performance management plan, And the method, this paper puts forward the concrete framework of performance management scheme design in this paper.This paper studies the current situation of performance management of Moqi Tobacco Company through literature research and in-depth interviews, and points out a series of problems in the performance management of the company, such as unreasonable performance indicators, neglecting the assessment process and lacking communication with employees. Application feedback is not comprehensive, and analysis of the deep-seated causes of these problems. On the basis of the combination of theoretical research and practice investigation, this paper uses the key performance appraisal index method (KPI), first from the company's strategic objectives, combined with departmental functions and job responsibilities on the strategic objectives of the layers of detailed decomposition; with the performance Management program design principles and objectives, from the beginning of the performance plan, the implementation of the core steps of the evaluation, the intention to communicate feedback, step on the improvement of the foothold, strengthen the results of the application and other aspects of the operation of the company's first-line employee performance management program ground design And puts forward the specific safeguard measures to ensure the effective operation of the scheme from the aspects of corporate culture, system guarantee and incentive mechanism, and look forward to the expected effect of implementation. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate the design and operation of front-line staff performance management program to stimulate the first-line staff of Moqi Tobacco Company's difficulties and advancing with the times, so as to enhance the overall performance level of the staff and promote the long-term development of. Through the implementation of comprehensive and effective results of feedback and application results, not only can find the existing work problems of employees, to achieve the work of the staff goals and career development of the correct guiding role;V also conducive to business performance by judging the performance of employees to determine the strategic objectives of the design Rationality, timely adjustment of enterprise development direction. It is hoped that the company's performance management program based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will help to develop and apply performance management for most county-level tobacco companies. Key words: Performance management,Performance appraisal,KPIVI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 ............................................................................ 3 1.3 理论基础与文献综述 .................................................................... 4 第 2 章 莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理存在的问题及成因 .......... 8 2.1 公司概述 ........................................................................................ 8 2.2 一线员工绩效管理存在的问题 .................................................... 9 2.3 一线员工绩效管理问题的成因分析.......................................... 11 第 3 章 莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案设计......................... 14 3.1 一线员工绩效计划制定 .............................................................. 14 3.2 一线员工绩效计划实施 .............................................................. 23 3.3 一线员工绩效考评 ...................................................................... 25 3.4 一线员工绩效考评结果反馈及应用.......................................... 28 第 4 章 莫旗烟草公司一线员工绩效管理方案的保障措施 ............ 31 4.1 企业文化保障 .............................................................................. 31 4.2 公司制度保障 .............................................................................. 32 4.3 公司激励保障 .............................................................................. 33 结 论 ..................................................................................................... 35VII