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冷轧酸再生项目技术可行性研究及设备选型 摘要 对工业项目而言,做好可行性研究并且如何使新建项目与原有的设备相配套, 以及与原有设备更好地共享现有能源等设施,以达到初期投资与运行成本的平衡, 获得更高的经济、社会等效益是在决策过程中需要解决的两个重要问题。 本文以项目可行性研宄和综合评价理论为基础,以SW公司的酸再生项目为 对象,对项目的技术可行性进行了研宄,并对酸再生机组的设备选型实际应用进 行了研究。首先遵循项目可行性研宄的原则,对酸再生的工艺方法进行了分析, 根据各工艺方法的特点和工程实施情况,综合考虑SW公司的具体实情,确定喷 雾焙烧法更适合本项目。其次对酸再生机组的技术可行性进行了研宄,分析了酸 再生机组的生产规模、主要设备的性能参数和能源介质消耗以及对技术人员的需 求等,得出项目在技术上可行的结论。确定项目可行之后,利用系统分析的方法, 初步建立了酸再生机组设备选型的评价体系,然后根据粗糙集理论的属性约简原 理,利用差别矩阵和差别函数,对初建的指标体系进行了筛选,只保留了必要的 指标,既简化了计算,又避免了指标之间的重复和可能存在的冲突,建立评价信 息系统和决策表。然后,基于粗糙集的属性重要度确定各指标的客观权重;该权 重是以测量和实验数据为依据,对数据本身进行挖掘,从而找出指标间的内在规 律,它比主观赋权法更具客观性,提高了评价结果的真实性。之后利用专家经验 法,通过问卷调查,得到各指标的主观权重。设定经验因子以后,利用综合权重 公式,求得各指标的综合权重。最后,利用决策表和各指标的综合权重,对各评 价对象——待选设备进行打分排序,选出经济、技术和社会效益等综合指标较好 的设备。 本文通过对项目进行技术可行性研宄,得出可行性研宄的结论;并且利用粗 糙集的理论方法建立了酸再生机组设备选型的综合评价体系和综合评价模型,确 定了指标的综合权重。该综合评价体系和综合评价模型对设备选型的理论研究和 实际应用都具有一定的参考价值,利用该评价指标和评价模型得出的设备选型结 论可以为管理者提供决策支持。 关键词:酸再生;可行性研宄;设备选型;综合评价;粗糙集 I Abstract The Technical Feasibility Study and Equipment Selection on Cold Rolling Acid Regeneration Project Abstract As for industrial projects, how to do a good job in the feasibility study and how to make the new project match with the original equipment, as well as shares the existed energy and other facilities with original equipment better, so that can achieve the balance of the initial investment and running cost and obtain higher economic and social benefit are two very important problems that need to be solved in the process of decision-making. Based on the theory of project feasibility study and comprehensive evaluation, take the acid regeneration project of SW company as the object, the technical feasibility of the project and the equipment selection theory and practical application of acid regeneration system were studied in this thesis. First, based on the principle of project feasibility study, the process methods of acid regeneration were analyzed in this thesis, according to the characteristics and project implementation of each process method, comprehensively considered the specific facts of SW company, determined that the Ruthner-spray roasting process is more suitable for SW company. Then studied the technical feasibility of acid regeneration system, analyzed the scale of production, the performance parameters of the main equipment, energy medium consumption and the demand for technicians of acid regeneration system, came to the conclusion that the project is technically feasible. After determined the feasibility of this project, cid regeneration system equipment selection evaluation index system were preliminarily established. Then, according to the principle of the attribute reduction of rough sets theory, preliminary evaluation index system were screened using the discernibility matrix and function, only keep the necessary index, both simplified the calculation and avoided the duplication and possible conflicts among indexes, then established the evaluation information system and decision table. Then, based on attribute importance of rough sets,the objective weight of each index was calculated. The weight is based in 昆明理工大学硕士学位报告 on measurement and the experimental data, mining the data itself so as to find out the inherent law among indicators, it is much more objective than subjective values, improved the veracity of evaluation results. After that, using the method of expert experience, through the questionnaire survey, got the subjective weight of every index. Finally, using the decision table, and comprehensive weights of each index score for each evaluated objects(acid regeneration system),selected equipment with better comprehensive indexes, such as economy, technology and social benefits. Through the technology feasibility study of the project, draw the conclusion feasibility study. Using the method of rough sets theory, established comprehensive evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation model of acid regeneration system equipment selection, and determined the comprehensive weights of indexes. This comprehensive evaluation system and comprehensive evaluation model has certain reference value for equipment selection theory research and practical application. The conclusion of equipment selection based on this evaluation index system and evaluation model can provide decision support for managers. Key Words: acid regeneration; feasibility study; equipment selection; comprehensive evaluation; rough set IV 目录 目录 摘要 I Abstract Ill 第一章绪论 1 1.1选题背景和意义 1 1.2国内外研宄现状 1 1.2.1酸再生技术研宄现状 2 1.2.2可行性研究现状 3 1.2.3评价理论方法研究现状 5 1.3报告研宄内容与报告结构 9 1.3.1研究内容 9 1.3.2报告结构 9 1.4本章小结 10 第二章理论综述 11 2.1可行性研宄 11 2.1.1可行性研究理论 11 2.1.2可行性研究的方法和程序 12 2.1.3工业项目可行性研究的内容和作用 13 2.2综合评价基础理论及评价方法选择 15 2.2.1综合评价理论 15 2.2.2综合评价方法 18 2.2.3评价方法选择 20 2.3酸洗理论 21 2.3.1酸洗概述 21 2.3.2酸洗原理 22 2.4粗糙集 24 2.4.1粗糙集理论 24 2.4.2粗糙集理论应用于综合评价的研宄 25 2.5本章小结 27 昆明理工大学硕士学位报告 第三章SW公司酸再生项目技术可行性分析 29 3.1 SW公司酸再生项目背景 29 3.2 SW公司酸再生项目技术要求 30 3.3酸再生系统工艺分析 33 3.3.1酸再生系统介绍 33 3.3.1酸再生系统工艺方法分析 34 3.4酸再生技术在冷轧厂的应用现状分析 39 3.5项目技术可行性分析 41 3.6关键技术的风险分析 42 3.6.1风险识别 42 3.6.2风险估计 43 3.6.3风险评价 45 3.6.4风险防范 46 3.7本章小结 46 第四章酸再生机组选型指标体系与决策模型的建立 49 4.1设备选型原则 49 4.1.1设备选型应遵循的原则 49 4.1.2影响酸再生机组选型的主要因素 49 4.1.3指标设置的原则 51 4.2指标体系的建立 52 4.2.1建立指标体系的流程 52 4.2.2指标体系初建 54 4.2.3基于粗糙集的指标筛选 55 4.2.4基于粗糙集的综合指标权重确定 59 4.3本章小结 63 第五章酸再生机组选型模型在SW公司的应用 65 5.1评价指标体系的优化 65 5.1.1建立评价信息系统 65 5.1.2评价指标的约简 67 5.2设备排序 69 5.2.1确定权重 69 目录 5.2.2设备选型结论 74 5.3本章小结 74 第六章结论与展望 75 6.1本文的主要结论 75 6.2展望 76 酬 77