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近年来国内自主研发创新药的制药企业如雨后春笋般崛起,这种新兴的制药 企业类型正逐步打造成我国制药行业的中坚力量。此时,单一、传统的公司战略 已无法全面为新兴制药企业发展保驾护航。只有通过对新兴制药企业内外部环境 的全方位思考和分析,促使其科学理性地制定和甄选有效的竞争战略才是提高企 业核心竞争力的题中之义。国内新兴制药企业在应对国内竞争对手的同时,还要 面对那些已经受市场千锤百炼的成熟跨国企业的强大攻势。因此,制定并实施有 效的公司战略已非锦上添花,而是直接关乎着企业的生死存亡。 本文在对以往文献进行梳理的基础上,以 BD 药业股份有限公司为研究对 象,用 PEST 分析法对 BD 药业的外部环境进行分析、用 SWOT 分析法对 BD 药业 的内部优势、劣势,外部机会、威胁进行分析,在此基础上,提出了四个备选战 略,即集中发展抗癌药主业战略、相关多元化战略、垂直一体化战略、水平一体 化战略,再通过 QSPM 定量矩阵进行定量分析,对四种备选战略进行打分,最终 得分最高的为集中发展抗癌药主业战略。在备选的四个战略中选择了集中发展抗 癌药主业战略后,对实施该战略需要提供的各个方面的保障措施进行了进一步的 分析和梳理,也就是 BD 药业战略实施部分的研究内容。 本文通过对 BD 药业股份有限公司进行定性和定量分析,得出了以下结论, 以 BD 药业为代表的国内自主研发创新药的制药企业在面对更加激烈的国际竞 争的前提下,应该抓住我国大力提倡自主创新的机遇,集中优势资源进行自主研 发新药,切实增强核心竞争力,用更具技术含量的自主创新药去面对跨国药企的 全面竞争,同时也为我国的老百姓制造出更多用得起的好药。 关键词,战略管理,战略制定,战略实施 论文类型,案例分析浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 BD 药业战略制定与实施研究 II RESEARCH ON THE FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BETTA PHARMACEUTICALS CO.LTD.STRATEGY ABSTRACT In recent years, domestic pharmaceutical enterprises that independently develop innovative drugs have mushroomed. This new type of pharmaceutical enterprises is gradually becoming the backbone of China's pharmaceutical industry.At this time, the single, traditional competition strategy has been unable to fully escort the development of new pharmaceutical enterprises.Only through to the emerging pharmaceutical enterprise internal and external environment of comprehensive thinking and analysis, its scientific and rational formulation and selection of effective competition strategy is one characteristic of improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. As the new domestic pharmaceutical companies deal with their domestic competitors, they also have to face the powerful attack of mature multinational companies that have been trained by the market. Therefore, the formulation and implementation of effective competition strategy is not the icing on the cake, but directly related to the survival of enterprises. Based on previous literature, on the basis of combing with BD Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd as the research object, using PEST analysis of the external environment of BD pharmaceutical analysis, using the SWOT analysis method to BD pharmaceutical internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats were analyzed, and based on this, puts forward the four strategic choices: focus on developing cancer drugs business strategy, related diversification strategy, vertical integration strategy, horizontal integration strategy, in carries on the quantitative analysis by QSPM quantitative matrix, to score four alternative strategy, finally scored the highest for anticancer drugs mainly concentrated development strategy.After selecting the main industry strategy of developing anti-cancer drugs in the four alternative strategies, this paper further analyzed and sorted out the safeguard measures in various aspects浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 BD 药业战略制定与实施研究 III needed to implement the strategy, which is the research content of the strategic implementation part of BD pharmaceutical. This article through to the BD Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd for qualitative and quantitative analysis, draws the following conclusion: represented by BD pharmaceutical domestic independent research and development of innovative medicine pharmaceutical enterprise in the face of more intense international competition under the premise of should grasp the opportunity to vigorously promote independent innovation in our country of centralized superior resources for independent research and development of new drugs, strengthen the core competitiveness, and with more technical independent innovation medicine to face the comprehensive competition of the multinational drug companies, as well as for Chinese people to make more use of good medicine. KEY WORDS: Strategic management; Strategy formulation; Strategy implementation TYPE OF THESIS: Case Study浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 BD 药业战略制定与实施研究 IV 目 录 1 绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ......................................................1 1.2 研究目的与意义 ................................................2 1.2.1 理论意义 ..................................................2 1.2.2 实践意义 ..................................................3 1.3 研究对象 ......................................................5 1.3.1 研究对象简介 ..............................................5 1.3.2 研究对象的选择依据 ........................................5 1.4 研究方法 ......................................................6 1.5 研究框架 ......................................................7 2 相关理论研究综述 ....................................... 9 2.1 国内外研究现状 ................................................9 2.1.1 国外战略管理理论研究现状 ..................................9 2.1.2 国内关于战略管理的理论研究 ...............................12 2.2 相关战略分析工具 .............................................15 2.2.1 PEST 分析法..............................................15 2.2.2 SWOT 分析法.............................................16 2.2.3 外部因素评价矩阵(EFE Matrix) ............................17 2.2.4 内部因素评价矩阵(IFE Matrix) ............................18 2.2.5 定量战略计划矩阵 .........................................18 3 BD 药业股份有限公司竞争环境分析 ....................... 20 3.1 BD 药业简介 .................................................20 3.2 宏观环境分析 .................................................20 3.2.1 政策环境 .................................................20 3.2.2 经济环境 .................................................22 3.2.3 社会文化环境 .............................................22浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 BD 药业战略制定与实施研究 V 3.2.4 技术环境 .................................................24 3.3 BD 药业外部环境分析 .........................................25 3.3.1 BD 药业所处的行业环境分析................................25 3.3.2 BD 药业面临的机遇........................................26 3.3.3 BD 药业面临的威胁........................................28 3.4 BD 药业内部环境分析 .........................................30 3.4.1 BD 药业的竞争优势........................................30 3.4.2 BD 药业的竞争劣势........................................33 4 BD 药业战略制定....................................... 36 4.1 BD 药业备选战略 .............................................36 4.1.1 集中发展抗癌药主业战略 ...................................36 4.1.2 相关多元化战略 ...........................................38 4.1.3 垂直一体化战略 ...........................................39 4.1.4 水平一体化战略 ...........................................40 4.2 备选战略的 QSPM 评价 .........................................42 4.2.1 BD 药业外部因素评价矩阵..................................42 4.2.2 BD 药业内部因素评价矩阵..................................45 4.2.3 利用 QSPM 矩阵对 BD 药业备选战略进行评估 ..................48 4.3 BD 药业的战略制定 ...........................................52 5 BD 药业战略实施....................................... 54 5.1 企业文化措施 .................................................54 5.2 制度建设措施 .................................................55 5.3 组织架构措施 .................................................55 5.4 人力资源措施 .................................................55 5.5 财务管理措施 .................................................58 5.6 研发管理措施 .................................................59 5.7 战略合作措施 .................................................60 结 论..................................................62浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 BD 药业战略制定与实施研究 VI