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在广大人民群众对物质精神文明提高的趋势下,环境空气质量的好坏直接影响到人 民群众的生活、工作、出行,为了从根本上更好的保护人民群众的身体健康,环保部制 定了最新的环境空气质量标准,对大气中的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、一氧化碳、可吸入颗 粒物、臭氧、细颗粒物均有了严格的标准限值。金昌市作为 113 个环保重点城市之一, 必须严格执行上述六项的标准限值。但由于金昌地处西北地区沙漠边缘,空气中的可吸 入颗粒物和细颗粒物在很大程度上被自然因素所干扰,无法人为严格控制,一氧化碳和 臭氧根据监测表明浓度在可控范围内,二氧化硫和氮氧化物则主要来自工业企业生产排 放,只有控制好工业企业的污染物排放量才能减少二氧化硫和氮氧化物对空气质量的影 响。同时,氮氧化物作为大气的主要污染物,继火电行业脱硝工作顺利开展后,国家加 大了对水泥行业为主的其它行业氮氧化物排放控制力度。为了更好的控制氮氧化物的排 放量,国家出台新标准,要求水泥窑炉氮氧化物排放浓度将从严 50%,基于以上原因, 金泥集团 1000t/d 水泥窑炉的脱硝技改势在必行。 本报告主要通过对 SNCR、低氮氧化物燃烧器、SCR、分级燃烧等脱硝技术综合比较, 在借鉴国内外成熟的水泥行业脱硝改造技术的基础上,结合国内水泥生产线的脱硝现状 和金泥集团实际情况,综合考虑后选用 SNCR 脱硝技术进行脱硝改造,主要因为该脱硝 方法不使用催化剂、反应温度较高、固定投资较低,被认为是可用于水泥工业回转窑上 的最好的技术。同时,金泥集团所在地近邻金昌化学集团股份有限公司,该公司主要产 品为氨水,这就减少了工艺中所使用氨水的运输费用,大大降低脱硝系统的运行成本。 在生产过程中通过 PLC 全自动控制系统对喷氨量的高度控制,可以保证脱硝效果稳定, 使得金泥集团水泥生产线氮氧化物排放量能够控制在国家规定的标准限值内,在达到减 排目标的同时减少了环境造成的污染。 脱硝工艺技术确定后,根据金泥集团 1000t/d 水泥窑生产线目前的生产情况、可用 的场地、在用的设备以及人员分配情况等条件,对该项目中所涉及的环境保护投资及措 施、公司经济财务状况、节能降耗、劳动安全卫生等方面进行了可行性研究,为脱硝项 目的顺利开工并达到技改要求奠定了基础。 脱硝技改项目竣工验收正式投入使用后,脱硝效果明显,运行稳定,自动化水平高, 将窑尾氮氧化物平均排放浓度由技改前的 600mg/Nm 3 控制在 320mg/Nm 3 以下,在正常生产 情况下各种污染物的排放均能达到国家标准限值要求,不但解决了企业氮氧化物的超标 排放问题,还改善了当地周边环境,同时也为企业的良性循环经济式发展做出更大的贡 献,符合预期设计目标。金泥集团1000t/d 水泥生产线烟气脱硝技改工程可行性研究 Ⅱ 关键词,氮氧化物;水泥窑;脱硝;可行性研究 报告类型,工程设计兰州交通大学工程硕士学位报告 Ⅲ Feasibility study on 1000t/d cement production line flue gas denitrification retrofitting projects of Jinni group Abstract Under the trend of that masses of people have a higher requirement of both material and spiritual civilization, the environmental air quality directly affects people's life, work and travel. in order to protect people's health fundamentally, Ministry of Environmental Protection made the latest environmental air quality standards, had the strict standard limit on the atmospheric sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, ozone and fine particulate matter all. As one of the 113 key environmental protection cities, Jinchang has to strictly carry out the above six standard limit. But as a result of Jinchang is located in the northwest edge of the desert, the particulate matter in air and fine particulate matter in the very great degree by natural factors interference, which it’s hard to be not strictly controlled by men, carbon monoxide and ozone concentration are under control according to monitoring, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions mainly come from industrial enterprises production, only control the pollutant emissions by industrial enterprises can reduce the influence of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air. Nitrogen oxide is one of the major pollutants in the atmosphere. After the denitration of thermal power industry running smoothly, the government devote greater effort to the NOx emission control in cement industry-oriented other industries. The government will publish new standard that requires the NOx emission concentration in cement kiln discharge strictly by 50%.Based on the above reasons, the revolution about the denitration technology of 1000t/d cement kilns in Jinni group is imperative. Now ,no catalyzers, the high reaction temperature and low fixed investment in SNCR denitration technology are considered as the best technology that can be used in rotary kiln of cement industry. Through comparing with low NOx burner, SCR and fractional combustion denitration technologies, and overall consideration, this cement kiln will choose the common SNCR De-NOx technology to carry on the denitration transformation. On the basis of using the mature denitration and reconstruction technology of cement industry at home and abroad, the article makes a feasibility study on reduction of the pollution to the environment by controlling NOx, company's financial and economic condition and the existing mature denitration technology, combining with the current production, available site, equipment in use and personnel assignment, etc of 1000t/d cement kiln production line of金泥集团1000t/d 水泥生产线烟气脱硝技改工程可行性研究 IV Jinni group, aiming to lay the foundation for the denitration project goes into operation smoothly and meets the technical requirements. After testing and putting into use of Denitration technological upgrading projects ,the denitration effect is obvious in terms of stable running, high automation level, the average preheater nox emissions concentration is controlled from the before modification below 320 mg/Nm 3 to 600mg/Nm 3 Under the condition of normal production of various pollutants discharge can reach the national standard limit, not only can solve the problem of corporate excess emissions of nitrous oxide and improve the local environment, but also make greater contribution to the virtuous cycle economic development of the enterprise,which conform to the expected design goal. key words,nitrogen oxide;cement kiln;denitration;feasibility research The type of paper: Engineering research兰州交通大学工程硕士学位报告 V 目 录 摘要 .................................................................I Abstract ...............................................................III 第一章 绪论 ............................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义 .................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 .................................................... 1 1.3 本文研究内容 ...................................................... 2 第二章 项目建设条件及产业分析 ..........................................3 2.1 项目建设简介 ...................................................... 3 2.2 水泥行业排放现状 .................................................. 4 2.3 氮氧化物水泥行业排放政策 .......................................... 5 第三章 脱硝技术方案设计可行性研究 ......................................6 3.1 生产工艺 .......................................................... 6 3.2 总图运输 ......................................................... 12 3.3 电气及自动化 ..................................................... 15 3.4 给排水 ........................................................... 18 3.5 建筑结构 ......................................................... 18 3.6 通风 ............................................................. 20 第四章 脱硝技术改造节能、安全 .........................................22 4.1 节能 ............................................................. 22 4.2 劳动安全卫生 ..................................................... 23 第五章 投资估算及财务评价 .............................................28 5.1 投资估算 ......................................................... 28 5.2 财务评价 ......................................................... 31 第六章 环保分析 .......................................................35 6.1 环境现状 ......................................................... 35 6.2 环境保护标准 ..................................................... 35 6.3 施工期环境影响 ................................................... 36 6.4 运营期主要污染物和控制污染方案 ................................... 37 6.5 环境保护管理机构 ................................................. 37 6.6 环境保护投资估算 ................................................. 37 6.7 环境影响分析 ..................................................... 37 第七章 SNCR 脱硝运行数据分析...........................................39 7.1 喷氨量与氮氧化物的去除........................................... 39 7.2 SNCR 法脱硝效果的稳定性.......................................... 48 第八章 结论........................................................... 50金泥集团1000t/d 水泥生产线烟气脱硝技改工程可行性研究 VI