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I 摘要 根据国家环保局统计,中国水污染源中生活污水比重不断加大。目前中国绝 大部分地区面临缺水问题,南方城市主要表现在水污染上,北方城市除了水污染 问题之外,还有量上的严重短缺,中国城市污水仅有约 10%得到处理,根据案例 研究,即使这 10%的处理率所处理的深度也落后于西方国家。中国城市正面临着 非常严峻的水资源枯竭和污染的形势。治污和节水成为当务之急。国家认识到了 环保产业对于整个国民经济和社会全面发展的重要性,开始在宏观政策上对环保 产业倾斜,这既为整个国家的生存和发展带来了机遇,同时也为环保企业(包括 环保设备企业)带来了无限商机。 我公司是一家以研发和经营环保设备为主要业务的公司,在新的历史机遇下, 如何认清公司所处的内外部条件,以及自身产品的优劣势是我们获得长远发展的 关键所在。在这样的背景之下,我们推出了环保新产品——负压厕所节水生态系 统。该产品具有独特而优越的技术,该产品的推广必将成为我国城市化进程中城 市生态建设的重要组成部分,也是我公司的一个巨大商机。因此,对该新产品的 市场推广方案进行研究成为必要。 节水生态系统(其中负压厕所系统是其核心产品)是我公司独立研发的专利 产品,既拥有良好的产品推广外部条件,又拥有不可比拟的产 品内在优势。就外部条件而言,有国家宏观政策对环保产业的因势利导,成熟的 同业竞争对手尚不多等等条件表明中国环保产业方兴未艾,也为节水生态系统的 推广提供了外在契机;就内部条件而言,该产品所具有的环保、节水等等优势也 为其在市场上的脱颖而出提供了巨大潜力。 本文旨在就该产品市场推广的可行性进行深入分析,分别考察其内在的优势 和劣势以及外在的机遇和挑战,最终提出一套切合实际而又行之有效的负压厕所 节水生态系统的市场推广方案。本文的研究思路重在理论与实践的结合,首先在 现有环保市场上的各种公开数据的基础上,对整个环保产业发展现状和未来趋势 进行分析,再运用波特的竞争优势理论将该产品与竞争产品以及潜在竞争产品在 技术上和成本上进行比较分析,还会通过与传统厕所系统的比较,然后在运用科 特勒的市场营销理论确定出该产品的市场定位,最后对市场进行细分,制订出营摘要 II 销方案。 关键词, 负压排水系统,市场推广,营销方案,比较分析,环保市场ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT According to the national environmental protection agency, the proportion of daily life sewage has been sharply increased. At present, most areas in China are short of water. Southern areas are faced with water pollution while northern areas not only water pollution but also short of water. Only 10% of the polluted water has been processed which lag behind western countries very much. Chinese urban areas are suffering from short of water and water pollution. Therefore, measures have to be taken to protect water resources. Fortunately, government has realized the serious situation and made policies to develop environmental protection industry. Environmental protection corporations will definitely benefit from those polices. It is important for our company, which focuses in the environmental protection appliances to realize the internal and external situations so that we can develop consistently. The system of vacuum toilet that is our new product surely has considerable business potential. Therefore, it is necessary to make a scheme to popularize this new product. The system of water economization including the system of vacuum toilet is the patent of our company. It not only has good external business situations but also unique internal superiority. As far as the external situations are concerned, this new product will benefit from the environmental protection policies. Meanwhile there are not powerful competitors in the market. As far as the internal situations are concerned, this new product has unique technical superiority that brings it considerable business potential. This thesis analyzes both external and internal situations of the system of vacuum toilet including the internal strengths and weakness as well as the external opportunities and challenges. Finally, makes a scheme to popularize the new product. This thesis is based on theories and practices, utilizing the open datum and analyzing the current situations as well as the trend of environmental protection industry. Then, comparatively analyzes the current and latent competitors through Porter’s theories and contrast the vacuum toilet with the traditional one. Afterward, position the new product in theABSTRACT IV market and segment the market. Finally, makes a marketing scheme of popularizing the new product. Keywords , vaccum sewer system, popularize new product, marketing scheme, comparatively analyze, environmental protection marketV 目 录 第一章 引 言 1 1.1 本文选题背景及意义… 1 1.2 报告研究的目的… 2 1.3 报告研究的思路和主要内容 3 1.4 报告的主要创新点 4 第二章 负压厕所节水生态系统简介… 5 2.1 背景与问题… 5 2.2 负压厕所节水生态系统 5 2.3 国内外关于高效节水、污水资源化技术的研究现状 6 第三章 负压厕所节水生态系统的市场推广外部条件 8 3.1 宏观环境 8 3.2 国家对节水和水循环生态的关注日益加大 9 3.2.1 城市生活用水节水市场 10 3.2.2 生活杂排水处理市场… 14 3.2.3 生态居住与办公水环境市场 16 3.3 企业面临的竞争… 18 3.4 负压厕所生态节水系统的市场潜力分析… 19 第四章 负压厕所节水生态系统新产品市场推广的内部条件… 20 4.1 企业的产品和服务 20 4.2 企业的竞争优势… 21 4.2.1 民用市场的战略选择… 21目录 VI 4.2.2 目标市场的可成长性… 22 4.2.3 产品的自主知识产权建设成果… 22 4.2.4 良好的智囊和销售团队 22 4.3 企业的核心能力和优势资源评价 23 4.4 新产品的优劣势… 23 4.4.1 产品优势 23 4.4.2 产品劣势 29 第五章 负压厕所节水系统 SWOT 分析及其矩阵匹配 30 5.1 SWOT 分析理论… 30 5.1.1 SWOT 分析的定义 30 5.1.2 SWOT 的内涵 30 5.1.3 SWOT 分析的步骤 30 5.1.4 SWOT 矩阵… 30 5.2 新产品的 SWOT 效应分析… 33 5.3 SWOT 矩阵匹配… 34 第六章 负压厕所节水生态系统的推广方案 36 6.1 STP 市场分析… 36 6.2 新产品的市场营销策略… 37 6.2.1 产品策略 37 6.2.2 分销及促销策略… 38 6.2.3 定价策略 42 第七章 结 论… 43 致谢 44