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随着国内航空业的不断发展,M 航泉州分公司的运力和旅客吞吐量呈现出 日益增长的趋势,与此同时也推动着公司的壮大和成长,但与此同时,公司内部 人员的管理也出现了不足和缺陷,尤其是涉及到员工满意度的问题。现代信息技 术的发展推动了全球化、数字化、网络化的进程,使得员工满意度在公司的发展 中占据至关重要的地位,影响着企业的长期、稳定发展。目前,市场中的国有企 业里,以往不被管理者重视的员工满意度管理,也已被提升到企业战略层面。企 业只有做好将员工满意度管理并落实到实践当中,激发员工工作的主动性和积 极性,提升整体的服务水平和服务质量,才能提高自身的核心竞争力并在激烈的 航空市场竞争中立于不败之地。而在员工满意度普遍不高的情况下,极有可能导 致企业管理水平下降、员工工作积极性差、服务水平参差不齐、骨干员工离职率 增加等问题,而这些问题最后导致的结果,就是旅客流失和旅客满意度下降等一 系列连锁反应。 本文主要以 M 航泉州分公司为实例,采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈 法对公司的员工满意度进行调查,结合实际情况进行员工满意度提升策略方面 的研究。根据员工满意度调查的结果,发现目前公司的员工满意度总体偏低,主 要问题体现在公司管理水平、薪酬、绩效考核以及培训晋升机制等方面。因此, 需要从完善用人机制与职业晋升通道,提高公司的管理水平,改善员工的工作回 报,建立有效而细化的绩效考核机制这几个方面来提升该公司的员工满意度。 通过本文的研究,一方面对 M 航泉州分公司的管理层提高员工满意度具有 一定的实际指导意义,提出针对性的方法促进员工满意度及管理水平提升,推动 公司安全稳定、良好向上发展;另一方面,让员工与公司更加紧密地联系在一起, 使双方都从员工满意度的提升中获益,朝着员工与公司双赢的目标迈进。 关键词,员工满意度 航空公司 提升 对策2 Abstract With the continuous development of the domestic aviation industry, the capacity and passenger throughput of M Airlines Quanzhou Branch continued to expand. With the continuous growth and growth of the company, employee management issues began to emerge, especially the management of employee satisfaction became a priority weight. With the advent of the new economic era characterized by globalization, networking and digitalization, employee satisfaction is increasingly related to the success or failure of enterprises, which plays an increasingly important role in the healthy operation and long- term development of enterprises. In the current state-owned enterprises, employee satisfaction management that has not been valued by managers in the past has also been promoted to the strategic level of the enterprise. Only by doing a good job in employee satisfaction management practice, fully mobilizing employees' work enthusiasm and work enthusiasm, and improving the overall service level and service quality, can they improve their core competitiveness and remain undefeated in the fierce aviation market competition. Ground. However, in the case of generally low employee satisfaction, it is highly likely that the management level of the enterprise will decline, the enthusiasm of employees will be poor, the service level will be uneven, and the turnover rate of key employees will increase. The result of these problems is the passengers. A series of chain reactions such as loss and decline in passenger satisfaction. This paper takes M Airlines Quanzhou Branch as an example, investigates the employee satisfaction of the company by using the methods of literature research, questionnaire investigation and interview, and studies the strategy of improving employee satisfaction combined with the actual situation. According to the results of the employee satisfaction survey, it is found that the employee satisfaction of the company is generally low, and the main problems are the3 management level of the company, the compensation, the performance appraisal and the training promotion mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the employee satisfaction of the company from the aspects of perfecting the employment mechanism and career promotion channel, improving the management level of the company, improving the employee's work return, and establishing an effective and detailed performance appraisal mechanism. Through the research of this paper, on the one hand, it has certain practical guiding significance for the management of M Airlines Quanzhou Branch to improve employee satisfaction, and proposes a targeted method to promote employee satisfaction and management level, and promote the company's security, stability and good development; On the other hand, let employees and the company become more closely linked, so that both parties benefit from the improvement of employee satisfaction, and move toward the goal of mutual benefit between employees and the company. Keywords: Employee Satisfaction Airlines Enhancement Countermeasures5 目录 第 1 章 绪论 .......................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ..............................................2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............................................2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............................................3 1.3 研究内容及方法 ..............................................4 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................4 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................5 1.4 研究技术路线 ................................................5 1.5 研究特色 ....................................................6 第 2 章 理论基础与概念 .............................................8 2.1 基础理论 ....................................................8 2.1.1 需要层次理论 ............................................8 2.1.2 期望激励理论 ............................................9 2.2 员工满意度理论 .............................................12 2.2.1 员工满意度的概念和影响因素 .............................12 2.2.2 员工满意度的内容和测量 .................................13 2.2.3 员工满意度的研究方法和分析工具 .........................13 第 3 章 M 航泉州分公司概况及员工满意度分析.........................17 3.1 公司简介及问卷编制 .........................................17 3.1.1 公司概况 ...............................................17 3.1.2 问卷编制 ...............................................18 3.1.3 描述性分析 .............................................19 3.1.4 问卷分析 ...............................................20 3.2 不同类别员工满意度差异分析 .................................216 3.2.1 学历程度差异的满意度分析 ...............................21 3.2.2 员工年龄差异的满意度分析 ...............................22 3.2.3 工龄差异的满意度分析 ...................................22 3.2.4 岗位差异的满意度分析 ...................................23 3.3 员工满意度水平低的原因分析 .................................24 3.3.1 绩效考核方面 ...........................................24 3.3.2 培训晋升方面 ...........................................24 3.3.3 公司管理方面 ...........................................26 第 4 章 泉州分公司员工满意度提升思路 ..............................28 4.1 提高员工满意度的基本原则 ...................................28 4.1.1 以人为本的原则 .........................................29 4.1.2 注重承诺执行原则 .......................................31 4.1.3 关注职业发展原则 .......................................31 4.2 提高员工满意度的管理途径 ...................................35 4.2.1 完善绩效考核,促进员工效率提升 .........................35 4.2.2 共议员工职业生涯规划,助其全面发展 .....................37 4.2.3 提高公司管理水平,改进工作内容 .........................38 4.2.4 加强企业内部培训,实现员工个人水平提升 .................38 第 5 章 结论与展望 ................................................40 5.1 研究总结 ...................................................40 5.2 研究展望 ...................................................40