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摘要 随着改革开放的不断深入和我国加入WTO,物流在国家的经济建设与发展中起到愈来愈重要 的作用.民营物流企业,国有物流企业和中外合资物流企业如雨后春笋般地在中国大地上蓬勃 发展,各企业之间的竞争也在口益加剧。各物流企业陆续开始研究如何有效地提高自身的生产 力和改善组织内部绩效。绩效管理作为现代人力资本管理的一项必备的工具和重要的手段,在战 略实现,人才开发以及员工管理工作等方面发挥着重要的作用。【1】而在绩效管理中,绩效评 价是尤为重要的工作环节之一。 木文依据人力资源绩效管理理论为依据,东方快递责任有限公司(简称:东方快递,下同)派 送员绩效评价现状进行了分析,设计了派送员绩效评价体系,并提出绩效评价体系实施的保障措 施。木文从选题背景、研究意义及绩效评价的相关理论开始,接着分析了东方快递派送员绩效 评价的现状、存在的问题及原因。然后采用文献法和实证分析法进行研究,借鉴现代绩效评价 和绩效管理理论、结合东方快递现状的探究,提出了实用性较强的解决思路与方案设计,制定 了新的派送员绩效评价体系。并且在最后,针对派送员绩效评价体系面对的问题,提出实施绩 效评价体系的保障措施。 经过木次研究,一方面,设计出适合东方快递派件员的绩效评价方案,最大限度地调动全 体派送员的积极,提高派送员生产效率,从而促进生产力,为该企业谋取市场竞争优势,实现发 展战建立了有力的管理基础。另一方面,作为处于起步阶段的物流业来说,针对民营物流企业 员工绩效这方面的研究还很少,因此,本文选取的研究对象东方快递,作为民营物流行业中的 典型企业,具有行业代表性。该研究对类似规模的物流企业和其他处于成长阶段的物流企业有 借鉴和指导意义。 【关键词】东方快递派送员绩效评价 【研究类型】应用研究 Title: The Performance Evaluation System Design for Operator of Oriental Express Company Specialty: Business Administration Name: Zhang Xi Zhen Tutor: Bai Yong Xiu Signature: Signature:淡 Abstract Along with the deepening of China Reforming and Opening Policy and the entry of WTO, Logistics Enterprises play more and more important role in the China Economic Development. There are blooming of kinds of logistics enterprises in China like Private Enterprise, State-owned enterprise and Joint venture as well. With the increasingly severe market competition, many logistics enterprises are exploring efficient paths to enhance their productivity and improve the performance for the whole organization. Performance management is an important tool and approach of modern Human Resources management to fulfill enterprises business strategy, manage and develop their people.The performance evaluation is one of the important factor in the performance management cycle. Based on the performance management theory, this paper analyzed current performance evaluation status for Gound Service Agent (GSA) of Oriental Express Company and designed the performance evaluation system and guarantee measures for the execution on performance evaluation system. The first, there is an introduction about background, significance of the research and related theory about performance evaluation; The second, analysis was given in regarding to performance evaluation current status for Oriental Express Company, existing problems and causes; The third, in adopting literature and empirical analysis methods,drawing on modern performance appraisal, performance management theory and Oriental Express status. It gives the practical ideas,strong program design and development of a new performance evaluation system . At last, the guarantee measures on execution of performance evaluation system was given based on actual situations of GSA in Oriental Express,. Aiming to design a performance evaluation system for GSA of Oriental Express through the research in this paper, it gave two significant aspects. On one hand, performance evaluation for GSA is designed to arouse passion of GSA, enhance their efficiency and then productivity, thus build an effective management foundation to occupy winning-edge in the market as well as to support for the final achievement of enterprises strategic goal. On the other hand, there are few of studies aiming to the performance management of private logistics enterprise at the early state of China logistics industry, in this paper ,Oriental Express Company-a typical private enterprise in logistics industry, was chose as the research object, which is representative in the business line. The constituted performance evaluation system have profound instructive and referential meaning for those logistics enterprises which are at transitional and growth stage. 【Key Words 】Oriental Express Company, Ground Service Agent(GSA), Performance evaluation system 【Research Type】 Application study 目录目录 1导论 1 1.1选题背景与研究意义 1 1.2研究对象与研究方法 2 1.3基木思路与框架结构 3 1.4本文的贡献 5 2绩效评价理论概述 6 2.1绩效评价概念 6 2.2绩效评价的相关理论及主要内容 6 3东方快递派送员绩效评价现状、问题及成因 9 3.1东方快递公司概况 9 3.2东方快递公司人力资源现状 11 3.3派送员绩效评价现状 15 3.4派送员绩效评价存在问题 17 3.5派送员绩效评价问题成因分析 18 4东方快递派送员绩效评价指标设计 20 4.1绩效评价指标设计的原则 20 4.2绩效评价指标的提取及设计 20 4.3绩效评价标准设计 26 4.4绩效评价指标权重设计 31 4.5新评价指标与原评价指标的比较 33 4.6绩效评价方法选择 34 5东方快递派送员绩效评价实施保障措施 39 5.1重塑绩效评价的实施流程 40 5.2完善绩效评价结果反馈及应用 41 5.3提出绩效评价体系的保障措施 43 6结论及有待进一步研究的问题 44 附录