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在经济全球化和自由化的浪潮下,资本的跨国流动和技术的跨国转移日益频 繁和呈现规模,越来越多的企业走出国门,利用国际间的资本、劳动、组织和土 地等生产要素的优化配置取得了生产规模和经营效益。中国企业在制定国际化发 展战略的过程中,用国际化的视角,动态的评估辨析国际环境中的威胁与机会, 同时审视企业内部的优势和劣势,从而发挥核心竞争优势,弥补劣势,抓住机会, 规避威胁,进而实现经营管理的有效延伸和持续发展。 创维数字公司作为中国数字电视设备制造民营企业,其进入国际市场的时间 短,但国际化经营成果显著。在此背景下,本文首先对研究的背景及意义,研究 思路和方法,本文的架构及国际化战略理论和工具分别予以说明。然后根据相关 数据,利用内部因素评价矩阵(IFE),外部因素评价矩阵(EFE)以及波特的五 力模型分别对创维数字公司的自身资源和能力,所处的外部环境及产业竞争态势 和发展趋势进行了全面的战略分析,并采用 SWOT 分析法总结出创维数字公司 的核心竞争优势,存在的劣势以及面临的机会和威胁,并汇总出创维数字公司的 国际化备选战略:多国本土化战略和跨国战略。之后通过定量战略规划矩阵 (QSPM)客观地解析了创维数字公司多国本土化战略和跨国战略。本文分析了 创维数字公司国际化战略的选择,制定和实施,并以此为基础深入探讨了该公司 在国际化决策过程中的成功经验和不足之处。创维数字公司的国际化发展之路是 先通过内外部环境分析,并结合公司的优势和行业机会,确立多国本土化战略, 深入经营运营商市场,并在国际化的扩张过程中不断学习总结进步的迭代式演变。 创维数字公司在实施多国本土化战略的国际化经营决策中主动放弃了零售业务, 聚焦服务运营商市场,并对目标市场予以持续性的投入和有力的实施保障。在明 确目标市场后,通过与目标客户的战略对接实现了“先入为主”,又通过持续的 产品优化、扬长避短、灵活的合作模式、逐级渗透的方式渐进式地开拓国际市场。 创维数字公司在国际化的发展过程中,有成功也有不足,机遇与挑战并存, 其发展模式对同类企业的国际化有一定的借鉴之处。 关键词: 创维数字;国际化战略;多国本土化战略;跨国战略兰州大学硕士论文 深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略研究 II RESEARCH ON INTERNATIONALIZATION STRATEGY OF SHENZHEN SKYWORTH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY Abstract Under the wave of economic globalization and liberalization, the transnational flow of capital and technology of transnational transfer are becoming more frequent and scale, more and more enterprises go abroad, they have achieved production scale and operational benefit by optimizing allocation of production factors such as international capital, labor, organization and land. At the same time, in the process of formulating development strategies in China, Chinese enterprises need to use an international perspective to dynamically evaluate the international environmental threats and opportunities, and at the same time examine the strengths and weaknesses within the enterprise, thereby exerting core competitive advantages, compensating for disadvantages, seizing the opportunity to avoid threats, thus achieving the effective extension and sustainable development of business management. Skyworth digital co., LTD., as a private enterprise of digital TV equipment manufacturing in China, has entered the international market for a short time, but has achieved remarkable results in international operation.In this context, this paper first describes the research background and significance, research ideas and methods, the structure of this paper and the internationalization strategy theory and tools. Then according to relevant data, the use of external factor evaluation matrix (EFE), internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE) and porter's five model respectively to Skyworth digital company's own resources and capabilities, the external environment and industry competition situation and development trend has carried on the comprehensive analysis of the strategy, and use the SWOT analysis summarizes the Skyworth digital company's core competitive advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then the quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) is used to objectively analyze Skyworth Digital's international subsidiaries strategy and transnational strategy.This paper analyzes the choice, formulation and implementation of Skyworth digital company's internationalization strategy, and base on the discusses the company's兰州大学硕士论文 深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略研究 III successful experience and shortcomings in the internationalization decision-making process. Skyworth digital company's international development path is first through the internal and external environment analysis, combined with the company's advantages and industry opportunities, establish international subsidiaries strategy, and in the process of internationalization of the expansion of learning summary of iterative evolution. Skyworth Digital Company voluntarily gave up its retail business in the implementation of international subsidiaries strategy, focus on service operators, and continuous investment on the target market, as well as strong implementation guarantee.After defining the target market, the company realizes preconceived idea through strategic docking with the target customers, and gradually develops the international market by means of continuous cost optimization, developing strengths while avoiding weaknesses, flexible cooperation mode and gradual penetration. In the process of internationalization development, Skyworth digital company have successes and shortcomings, opportunities and challenges, its development model can be used for reference to the internationalization of other similar enterprises. Key words: Skyworth digital; internationalization strategy; international subsidiaries strategy; transnational strategy兰州大学硕士论文 深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................I Abstract ...............................................II 一、 绪论 ...............................................1 (一)研究背景及意义 .......................................... 1 (二)研究思路和方法 .......................................... 2 (三)论文内容和结构框架 ...................................... 2 二、相关理论综述 ........................................5 (一)竞争战略理论 ............................................ 5 (二)渐进式企业国际化理论和跳跃式国际化理论................... 6 (三)国际化战略模式理论 ...................................... 7 (四)企业国际化动因理论 ...................................... 9 (五)国际化战略类型 ......................................... 10 三、深圳创维数字技术有限公司外部环境分析 ................11 (一)宏观环境分析 ........................................... 11 (二)行业环境分析 ........................................... 14 (三)竞争对手分析 ........................................... 17 (四)外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵 ................................ 21 四、深圳创维数字技术有限公司内部环境分析 ................24 (一)公司介绍 ............................................... 24 (二)内部资源现状 ........................................... 25 (三)经营状况 ............................................... 29 (四)研发能力 ............................................... 32 (五)国际化现状 ............................................. 33兰州大学硕士论文 深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略研究 V (六)内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵 ................................ 35 五、深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略制定 ..............39 (一)国际化战略备选方案分析 ................................. 39 (二)国际化战略选择 ......................................... 47 (三)国际化战略主要内容 ..................................... 50 六、深圳创维数字技术有限公司国际化战略实施 ..............54 (一)实施保障与措施 ......................................... 54 (二)实施评价与控制 ......................................... 56 七、结论 ...............................................58