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房地产开发项目投资数额巨大,是一种具有高风险、高收益的产业,由于房地产项 目建设周期较长,有很多不确定因素,因此一个项目成功的关键在于投资决策是否正确, 而项目投资决策的依据是房地产项目可行性研究。它是保证房地产建设项目以最小的成 本换取最佳收益的科学方法,可行性研宄工作对房地产开发有着重要现实意义。 本文对新星东港中心房地产开发项目进行了可行性研宄,通过对投资环境分析、 市场分析、建设方案、投资估算、资金筹措、财务评价、社会分析等方面进行了详细的 分析和论证,对本项目实施的可能性等进行了多方面的比较和论证,得出该项目的建设 符合大连市发展规划,建设规模和建设方案科学合理,技术可行,而且投资回收期较短, 方案盈利能力较强。 关键词:房地产开发;投资决策;可行性研究 新星东港中心房地产开发项目可行性研宄 Feasibility Study of Real Estate Development Project XinXing Eastern Harbour Centre Abstract Real estate development project involves huge amount of investment, high risk but high return. As the period of real estate project construction is long and there are many uncertain factors, therefore, the key to success lies in whether the investment decision is right or not, and the project investment decision is based on the feasibility study of the real estate projects. As a scientific method to ensure that real estate construction projects obtain the optimal gains with a minimum cost, feasibility study has important practical significance for real estate development. This dissertation conducts a feasibility study on the XinXing Eastern Harbour Centre real estate development project,carries detailed analysis and argumentation in investment environment analysis, market analysis, construction scheme,investment estimation,fund raising, financial evaluation, social analysis and many other aspects, and in many ways compares and demonstrates the possibility of implementation of the project,reaching a conclusion that the project construction is in conformity with the development planning of Dalian, the construction scale and development scheme are scientific and reasonable and the technology is feasible with the payback period being short and a profitability rather strong. Key Words: Real estate development; Investment decision; Feasibility study II 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位报告 目 录 m ^ I Abstract II 弓 I 5 1 1 4 1.1项目基本情况 4 1.1.1 项@概况 4 1.1.2项目开发企业基本情况 5 1.1.3项目建设背景 5 1.1.4项目建设的必要性 8 1.2规划建设方案 9 1.2.1总体规划 9 1.2.2项目建设方案 13 2项目投资环境及市场分析 15 2.1投资环境分析 15 2.1.1政策环境分析 15 2.1.2经济环境分析 18 2.1.3项目用地情况 19 2.1.4 项目周边环境分析 19 2.1.5基础设施分析 20 2.2市场分析 21 2.2.1 综合体市场分析 21 2.2.2项g定位 36 2.2.3周边竞争力项目 39 2.2.4项目客户群分析 42 2.2.5 项目SWOT分析 44 3项目投资估算与资金筹措 47 3.1投资估算依据 47 3.2项目开发建设投资估算 47 3.3经营资金 49 3.4项目总投资 49 3.5税金估算 49 _ III - 新星东港中心房地产开发项目可行性研宄 3.6资金筹措 51 4财务评价与风险分析 53 4.1 财务评价 53 4.1.1 基础数据 53 4.1.2财务盈利能力分析 55 4.1.3项目不确定性分析 56 4.2项目风险分析及对策 57 4.2.1项目风险分析 57 4.2.2项目风险控制对策 58 5结论与展望 62 5.1 报告研究的主要结论 62 5.2报告研宄展望与不足 63