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广东省农村信用社联合社柜面业务流程优化研究 银行柜台是对客服务的主要窗口。作为向客户介绍和提供不同类型的金融 产品和金融服务的重要渠道和平台,银行柜台是银行树立品牌形象的有效途径。 自 2005 年以来,国内银行业逐步开展柜面业务流程优化的探索和实践。当 前,许多大中型银行正从以改善局部流程、增强系统功能、强化部门协调为主 的稳定运营阶段,迈向以优化再造流程、提高业务处理效率、降低操作风险、 控制运营成本、提升客户服务能力为目标的整合发展阶段。 本文以广东省农村信用社联合社(以下简称“广东农信”)为研究对象,对 柜面业务流程优化展开研究。首先以企业再造理论、银行再造理论为基础,分 别从广东农信的组织管理现状、业务操作现状、IT 现状三个角度深入分析广东 农信柜面业务流程现状,通过现状挖掘出柜面业务流程运行的效能不高的问题, 并对问题产生的原因进行了深层次地分析。 其次,针对广东农信柜面业务流程效能不高的问题及其原因,结合广东农 信的实际情况,提出了广东农信柜面业务流程优化方案。明确了以建设后台集 中作业中心为基石,整合银行业务营运的有效资源,全面优化柜面业务流程的 目标,并以重构柜面业务流程,实施柜面业务前后台分离为基本思路,提出了 详细的前台受理环节流程优化和后台处理环节流程优化设计方案。 最后分别从组织维度、人力资源维度、制度维度、技术维度阐述广东农信 柜面业务流程优化方案的保障措施。 与其他银行业金融机构不同,广东农信作为服务“三农”、支持中小微企业 和县域经济发展的主力军,其柜面业务流程优化的研究,不仅是改革时期的广 东农信的内在要求,也是广东农信秉承服务“三农”的宗旨、践行普惠金融、 响应乡村振兴战略的外在体现。II 关健词: 银行,柜面业务,流程优化,前后台分离III Abstract Research on Counter Business Process Optimization of GDRC The bank counter is the main window for customer service.As an important channel and platform to introduce and provide different types of financial products and services to customers, bank counter is an effective way for Banks to establish brand image. Since 2005, the domestic banking industry has gradually carried out the exploration and practice of the optimization of counter business process.At present, many large and medium-sized Banks are moving from the stable operation stage focusing on improving local processes, enhancing system functions and strengthening departmental coordination to the integration development stage aiming at optimizing reengineering processes, improving business processing efficiency, reducing operational risks, controlling operating costs and improving customer service capabilities. This paper takes Guangdong Rural Credit Cooperatives Union (hereinafter referred to as GDRC) as the research object, and studies the optimization of counter business process.First of all, based on the theory of enterprise reengineering theory, the bank reengineering, organization and management status quo of respectively from GDRC and business operation status, the situation of IT three angles in-depth analysis of current GDRC counter business process, through the status quo of the excavated counter business processes running efficiency is not high, and has carried on the deeply analysis to the causes of the problem. Secondly, aiming at the low efficiency of the counter business process of GDRCC and its causes, and combining with the actual situation of GDRC, theIV optimization scheme of the counter business process of GDRC is put forward.Made clear in the construction of the background concentration operation center as the foundation, effective resources integration of banking operations, a comprehensive optimization counter the goals of the business process, and to reconstruct the counter business processes, implementation of counter business before and after the separation of the basic train of thought, put forward the detailed front desk accepts the link process optimization and background processing link process optimization design. Finally, the guarantee measures of the business process optimization scheme of GDRC counter are expounded respectively from the dimensions of organization, human resources, system and technology. Unlike other banking financial institutions, GDRC as a service three agriculture, support small and medium-sized enterprises and the main force of county economic development, the counter business process optimization research, not only is a basic requirement of the reform period of GDRC, is also the purpose of GDRCC in adhering to the service three rural, the practice of pratt &whitney external embodiment of financial strategy of rejuvenation, the response country. Keywords: bank, counter business, process optimization, front and back office separationV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容............................................................................ 3 1.3 文献综述和理论基础.................................................................... 4 第 2 章 广东农信柜面业务流程现状和问题分析............................. 10 2.1 广东农信介绍.............................................................................. 10 2.2 广东农信柜面业务流程现状...................................................... 11 2.3 广东农信柜面业务流程存在的问题和原因分析...................... 12 第 3 章 广东农信柜面业务流程优化方案......................................... 14 3.1 柜面业务流程优化目标.............................................................. 14 3.2 柜面业务流程优化的基本思路.................................................. 17 3.3 前台受理环节流程优化设计...................................................... 25 3.4 后台处理环节流程优化设计...................................................... 29 第 4 章 广东农信柜面业务流程优化方案的保障措施..................... 34 4.1 组织保障...................................................................................... 34 4.2 人力资源保障.............................................................................. 35 3.3 制度保障...................................................................................... 37 4.4 技术保障...................................................................................... 38 结 论 ..................................................................................................... 40VI