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本文是针对 CQ 佛山地产项目所做的商业计划书,通过市场情况的熟练掌握和其它 有效社会资源在本项目中的积极参与配合,结合公司的实力、经营理念以及目前房地产 市场的现状及未来市场的预测,并通过以下三个方面的调查、分析,详尽地论证了该项 目的开发可行性及风险防范, 首先,本报告在前期市场调研工作的基础上对该项目地理位置、土地权属、性质及 规划条件、土地面积及预估价格、地形地势地貌、拆迁及三通一平现状、周边配套分析、 地块交通道路状况做了说细的实地勘察; 其次,对目前全国房地产宏观形式分析及广东省及佛山市房地产市场发展趋势分析 进行了分析,从国家宏观经济发展的层面来看,房地产不会出现大起大落的情况,因为, 房地产已涉及到 60 多个产业的兴衰,对国家经济增涨、内需拉动以及城市化进程都发 挥着极其重要的作用;从广东及佛山的情况看,房地产市场要好于全国 80%的省市, 2012 年广东 GDP 达 5.7 万亿元,连续 24 年经济总量位居全国首位,2008 年佛山人均 GDP 首次突破 1 万美元,已迈进发达国家或地区的新门槛,2012 年佛山人均 GDP 达 14761.17 美元,因此,佛山的消费能力足以承载房地产开发投资,市民具有强大的消费 能力。 其三,充分运用了项目 SWOT 分析方法,分别从该项目的优势分析、劣势分析、 面临的机遇及挑战以及应对措施,从目前来看具有的机会主要表现在,市场需求十分旺 盛,广佛同城接近了广州及佛山的距离,佛山的房价相广州而言还是比较低的,因此有 很大一部分买家会到佛山置业;面临的威胁主要是进入佛山市场的大型房地产开发企业 太多,市场竞争十分激烈等,应对措施主要是产品差别化及快速抢占市场至高点。 在对本次商业计划的各个相关影响参数做出详尽分析后,结论认为,CQ 集团开发 CQ 佛山项目具有投资收益高、运作周期短、风险可控的优点,该项投资是可行的。 关键词,计划书、房地产、开发、CQ 佛山II Abstract This article is made to the business plan for the CQ Estate Project of Foshan, with the active participation of skillfully mastered by market conditions and other effective social resources in the project, combined with the strength of the company's business philosophy, as well as the status of the current real estate market and the future market forecast, and by the following three aspects of the investigation, analysis, and demonstrated in detail the development of the project feasibility and risk prevention, First, this report on the basis of the pre-market research work for the project location, land ownership, nature and planning conditions, land area, and the estimated price, topography, geomorphology, demolition and leveling the status quo, the surrounding supporting analysis, and block traffic and road conditions do field survey said fine; Secondly, the national real estate macroscopic form of analysis and Guangdong Province, Foshan City real estate market trends analysis, from the perspective of the country's macroeconomic development: real estate does not appear the ups and downs of the situation, because real estate has been involved in more than 60 the rise and fall of the industry, the country's economic growth rose, stimulating domestic demand as well as the process of urbanization has played an extremely important role in the real estate market is better than 80% of the country's provinces; from Guangdong Foshan see, Guangdong's GDP in 2012 amounted to 5.7 trillion, 24 consecutive years of economic aggregate ranked first in the country, Foshan, per capita GDP in 2008 topped $ 10,000, has now entered a new threshold of developed countries or regions, Foshan, a per capita GDP of $ 14,761.17 in 2012, due to some Foshan spending power enough to carry the investment in real estate development, the public has a strong spending power; Third, make full use of the project SWOT analysis method, respectively, from the advantages of the project analysis, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, as well as responses opportunity Judging from the current situation is mainly manifested in: the market demand is very strong, Guangzhou and Foshan close distance of Guangzhou and Foshan, Foshan prices relative the Guangzhou terms or relatively low, so a large part of the buyer to Foshan home buyers; surface monitoring of the threat is a the Foshan market large real estate development enterprise too. market is extremely competitive response is the highest point of product differentiation and quickly seize the market; Make a detailed analysis of the impact parameter of the business plan, the conclusion that the The CQ Group development CQ Foshan project has a high return on investment, shortIII cycle operation, the advantages of controllable risk of the investment is feasible Keywords,plan; real estate develop Foshan; CQIV 目 录 摘要.I ABSTRACT .II 图表清单....VI 第一章 绪 论....1 1.1 研究背景及意义 . 1 1.2 文献综述 . 1 1.2.1 商业计划书的定义与内容.. 1 1.2.2 中国房地产行业发展周期.. 3 1.2.3 战略管理与战略的类型 5 1.3 研究目标和研究内容 ..... 7 1.4 研究方法及思路框架 7 第二章 项目概况....9 2.1 项目的地理位置 . 9 2.2 土地权属、性质及其规划条件 ..... 10 2.3 土地价格及具备的条件 ..... 11 2.4 本章小结 12 第三章 房地产市场分析..13 3.1 国内宏观经济观察 . 13 3.2 2012 年全国房地产开发和销售情况 ... 14 3.3 2011 年—2013 年佛山房地产销售情况 .... 17 3.4 本章小结 ..... 18 第四章 项目 SWOT 分析 19 4.1 优势分析 ..... 19 4.2 劣势分析 ..... 19 4.3 机遇分析 ..... 20 4.4 面临的挑战 . 21 4.5 本章小结 ..... 21 第五章 项目开发定位22 5.1 项目的竞争对手分析 ... 22V 5.2 项目的目标市场分析 ... 22 5.3 项目的市场定位 ..... 23 5.4 项目开发构想 ... 23 5.5 初步规划设想 ... 23 5.6 本章小结 ..... 24 第六章 营销策略分析及推广策略....25 6.1 选择合理的进入时机 ... 25 6.2 项目推广策略规划 . 25 6.3 营销推广策略的制定 ... 26 6.3.1 CQ 项目的营销推广阶段 .. 26 6.3.2 CQ 项目的促销策略 .... 28 6.3.3 CQ 项目的广告推广 .... 29 6.4 本章小结 ..... 30 第七章 项目投资财务分析....31 7.1 项目土地出让规划指标 ..... 31 7.2 项目分析依据 ... 31 7.3 项目投资资金筹措方案 ..... 31 7.4 项目投资估算及成本分析 . 31 7.5 盈亏平衡点 . 35 7.6 本章小结 35 第八章 风险及对策....36 8.1 敏感性分析 . 36 8.2 政策风险与对策 ..... 37 8.3 市场风险及对策 ..... 39 8.4 管理风险及对策 ..... 40 8.5 本章小结 ..... 40 结 论....41