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我国商业银行的大客户业务经过十余年的发展,已经逐渐走向成熟,并 逐渐成为各家商业银行重要的业务增长点,蕴藏着巨大的发展空间。目前, 民生银行的私银大客户业务位于同业中的第二梯队,私银大客户数约为招行 的四分之一,大客户的资产管理规模仅为招行的六分之一,营销策略的不足 成为限制私银业务发展的重要因素。基于此,本文对民生银行广州分行私人 银行大客户营销中存在的问题进行调研分析,并提出对大客户进行精准营销 的策略和建议。 本文主要采用文献研究法、定性分析法和问卷调查法等对民生银行广州 分行的大客户精准营销策略进行分析和研究。通过充分借鉴国内外学者的研 究,对民生银行广州分行大客户的金融需求进行了调查和分析,表明当前大 客户对民生银行广州分行的金融需求与实际情况之间还存在较大的差距。通 过 SWOT 分析得出当前民生银行广州分行在大客户营销方面的优势明显,机 遇较大,但是其面临的内部劣势和威胁也不容忽视。从 STP 中的定位策略和 4Ps 营销策略中的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略等方面出发对 大客户需求进行精准定位,运用需求导向的产品策略、成本导向的定价策略、 价值导向的渠道策略以及交互导向的促销策略等为民生银行广州分行实施 大客户精准营销定出详细的策略。同时本文还从管理措施和保障机制等方面 提出针对性建议,以保证民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略能够得到充 分有效地实施,以此推动民生银行大客户业务的发展。 关键词,民生银行;大客户;精准营销兰州大学硕士学位论文 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略研究 III RESEARCH ON PRECISION MARKETING STRATGEY OF BIG CUSTOMER IN GUANGZHOU BRANCH OF MINSHNEG BANK Abstract The big customer Business of Commercial Banks in China has developed for more than ten years, which has gradually become mature and become an important growth point of commercial banks, which contains huge development space little by little. At present, the major customer business of Minsheng Bank lies in the second tier of the industry. The number of private bank major customers is about 1/4 of that of China Merchants Bank, the asset management scale of major customers is only 1/6 of that of China Mercrtant factor to hinder the development of private banking business. In line with this point, in this paper, the problems existing in the marketing of the phants Bank, and the shortage of marketing strategy has become an imporivate bank of the private bank of the Guangzhou Branch of the Minsheng Bank is made a study and analysis, and the strategy and suggestion for the accurate marketing of the large customer is put forward. The literature research method, the quantitative analysis method and the questionnaire survey method and so on are adopted in the paper to carry on the analysis and the research to the big customer precision marketing strategy of Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch. Based on the full reference to the study of scholars at home and abroad, this paper investigates and analyzes the financial needs of major clients of Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch, which shows that there is still a big gap between the financial demand and the actual situation of Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch. With regards to the SWOT analysis, the advantage of Guangzhou Branch of the present Minsheng Bank in the marketing of the big customers is obvious, the opportunity is large, while the internal disadvantages and the threats faced by them can not be ignored. Starting from the positioning strategy in STP and the product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy in 4Ps marketing strategy, this paper makes a兰州大学硕士学位论文 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略研究 IV precise positioning of the major customer's demand, applies the demand-oriented product strategy and the cost-oriented pricing strategy, and makes use of the demand-oriented product strategy, the cost-oriented pricing strategy, and value-oriented channel strategy and interactive-oriented promotion strategy to provide detailed strategies for Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch to implement accurate marketing for major customers. At the same time, some specific suggestions from the aspects of management measures and safeguard mechanism are also proposed in the paper to ensure that the precise marketing strategy of Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch can be fully and effectively implemented, so as to promote the development of Minsheng Bank's major customer business. Key words: Minsheng bank; big customer; precision marketing兰州大学硕士学位论文 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略研究 V 目 录 中文摘要 ...............................................Ⅰ Abstract ............................................... Ⅱ 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 研究背景 ......................................................1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ................................................1 1.3 研究方法 ......................................................2 1.4 研究内容及技术路线 ............................................3 第二章 相关理论综述 .....................................5 2.1 精准营销概述 ..................................................5 2.2 大客户精准营销理论 ............................................7 2.3 “STP”营销理论 ..............................................10 2.4 “4PS”营销理论 ..............................................11 2.5 研究现状分析及评价 ...........................................12 第三章 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销现状与问题 .........18 3.1 民生银行广州分行简介 .................................................18 3.2 民生银行广州分行大客户现状 ..........................................19 3.3 民生银行广州分行大客户营销存在问题.................................20 第四章 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销环境分析 ...........23 4.1 内部环境分析 ...........................................................23 4.2 外部环境分析 ...........................................................25 4.3 SWOT 矩阵分析 ..........................................................27 第五章 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略制定 ...........30 5.1 大客户金融需求调查与市场定位 ........................................30 5.2 大客户营销的产品策略 .................................................40 5.3 大客户营销的价格策略 .................................................42 5.4 大客户营销的渠道策略 .................................................43 5.5 大客户营销的促销策略 .................................................45兰州大学硕士学位论文 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销策略研究 VI 第六章 民生银行广州分行大客户精准营销管理措施与保障 .....47 6.1 管理措施建议 ...........................................................47 6.2 保障措施................................................................51 第七章 结论与展望 ......................................55 7.1 结论 ....................................................................55 7.2 展望 ....................................................................56