首页 > 资料专栏 > HRM > 绩效管理 > 绩效设计 > 2020年GZ公司设备维护人员绩效考核方案设计DOC


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在人力资本价值日渐凸显的时代背景下,绩效管理在人力资源管理中的作用 十分明显。绩效考核是绩效管理中一个重要环节。很大程度上决定着绩效管理的 质量。但是目前很多企业在绩效考核方案的设计上还存在着诸多问题。其中最显 著的问题包括绩效考核指标选择不科学、考核标准制定不合理、考核过程中缺乏 必要的反馈和沟通以及考核结果运用不充分等等。这些问题的存在不仅仅会影响 绩效考核的有效性,也会降低员工对绩效考核的认同度和满意度,发挥不出绩效 考核应有的约束和激励效果。 本文以供应链企业 GZ 公司为例,结合其公司的设备维护部门,通过分析该 部门绩效考核的现状,并通过管理者访谈和员工调查问卷结合的方式分析了绩效 考核中存在的问题。在此基础上,本文从绩效考核方案设计的关键要素入手,从 绩效考核的目的、内容、方法、标准、组织与实施以及绩效结果的应用这几方面 对 GZ 公司设备维护部门的绩效方案进行了优化设计,针对设备维修岗位工作的 内容从业绩、能力和态度三个维度选取绩效考核指标,并通过可行性分析和效果 分析证明了新的绩效考核方案与旧方案相比的优势。在最后提出了在完善绩效管 理制度中的保障措施,以期对 GZ 公司以及类似企业绩效考核管理水平的提升提 供理论参考,优化方案通过试验实施得到了公司人事经理、设备部门经理的肯定。 并且,优化方案实施后,该公司设备部门维修人员的工作满意度和对绩效考核的 认同度有了明显的提升。 关键词,绩效管理;绩效考核;考核方案浙江理工大学硕士专业学位 III Abstract In the era of knowledge economy, the role of performance management in human resources management is very obvious. Performance appraisal is an important part of performance management. Largely determine the quality of performance management. But now many companies in the design of the performance appraisal program, there are still many problems. One of the most notable issues include performance evaluation indicator selection unscientific, irrational assessment standards, assessment process lacks the necessary feedback and communication, and the use of assessment results is not sufficient and so on. These problems not only affect the validity of performance appraisal, will reduce employee recognition and satisfaction of performance appraisal, performance appraisal should not play the constraints and incentive effects. In this paper, supply chain GZ's case, combined with his company's equipment maintenance department, the department through analyzing the status of performance appraisal, combined with interviews with managers and employees by way of questionnaires analyzed the problems of performance appraisal. On this basis, the paper design of the key elements of performance appraisal program from the start, from the purpose of performance appraisal, contents, methods, standards, organization and implementation, and application performance results on the performance aspects of this program GZ Equipment maintenance department were optimized design, equipment maintenance jobs working for the contents of the selected performance index from the performance, capabilities and attitudes in three dimensions, and proved that the new performance appraisal scheme advantages compared with the old program through feasibility analysis and effect analysis. Finally, the improvement in the performance management system of safeguards to provide a theoretical reference for GZ companies and similar enterprises to enhance the level of performance appraisal management, optimization program has been implemented by the test company personnel manager, equipment manager for sure. Furthermore, the浙江理工大学硕士专业学位 IV optimized implementation of the program, job satisfaction of the company's equipment maintenance personnel department and recognition of the performance appraisal has been significantly improved. Key Words: performance management; Performance appraisal; Assessment program浙江理工大学硕士专业学位 V 目 录 摘要I Abstract.... III 1 绪 论..1 1.1 问题的提出...1 1.1.1 研究的问题.....1 1.1.2 研究意义...1 1.2 本文研究思路.....2 1.3 本文研究方法.....2 1.4 写作框架.....3 2 绩效考核研究的相关理论 ...5 2.1 绩效概述.5 2.1.1 绩效的含义.....5 2.1.2 绩效与结果.....5 2.1.3 绩效与能力.....6 2.2 绩效考核概述.....7 2.2.1 绩效考核的概念...7 2.2.2 绩效考核的流程...7 2.3 绩效考核的内容构成.....9 2.3.1 绩效考核指标.9 2.3.2 绩效考核标准.9 2.3.3 绩效考核权重.9 2.3.4 主要绩效考核方法介绍.10 3 GZ 公司设备维护人员绩效考核现状及存在的问题分析 .....13 3.1 GZ 公司的简介 .13 3.2 GZ 公司设备维护人员绩效考核的现状 ...15 3.3 GZ 公司设备维护部门绩效考核效果调查 .....18 3.3.1 对管理者的访谈.18 3.3.2 对设备维护部门人员的问卷调查...19 3.4 GZ 公司设备维护人员绩效考核存在的问题 .23 3.4.1 考核目的和意义不明确.23 3.4.2 考核指标选择缺少针对性,部分指标没有明确的评价标准.23 3.4.3 缺少绩效反馈和面谈环节...24浙江理工大学硕士专业学位 VI 3.4.4 考核后没有针对性的培训...24 4 GZ 公司设备维护人员绩效考核方案的优化设计 .....27 4.1 绩效考核的目的.....27 4.2 绩效考核内容...27 4.2.1 考核内容.27 4.2.2 考核指标的选择.28 4.3 考核标准设计...31 4.4 绩效考核的组织与实施.....32 4.5 绩效考核的结果运用...34 5 新方案的效果分析 .37 5.1 两次调查结果的对比分析.37 5.2 实施后设备维护人员对于绩效考核认同程度.....38 5.3 实施后设备维修对于绩效考核与考核方工作满意程度.38 5.4 实施后对设备维护人员自身的影响程度.39 5.5 实施效果分析...39 6 绩效考核实施的保障措施 .41 6.1 将绩效考核与企业文化有机结合.41 6.2 强化绩效考核流程,加强环节过程控制.41 6.2.1 前期控制.42 6.2.2 加强绩效沟通.....42 6.2.3 加强绩效考核力度...42 6.2.4 加强绩效反馈与沟通.....43 6.3 充分发挥基层管理者在沟通、宣传、心理辅导的正面导向作用...44 6.4 健全培训的相关制度...45 7 总结和展望 .47