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对比成熟的欧美二手车交易市场,中国的二手车交易市场从1985年才幵始 发展。其发展相对滞后,但市场潜力巨大,发展空间引人关注。上海位于中国 东部,是二手车交易市场中最为活跃的市场之一。然而,无序、分散的市场格 局限制了现有的二手车经营主体的发展。在竞争日益激烈的环境下,现有二手 车经营主体的市场细分不明确,从小排量的乘用车到大型载货车,从私车用户 到企业用户,都只以盈利为导向进行收购、销售和经纪行为。我国政府连续颁 布相关的政策法规和规范标准,消费者也期待着二手车市场更为健康、规范的 发展。在这样的市场中,是否存在着足够吸引人的商业机会如果有,如何来 将商业机会转化为盈利收入呢本文将通过“上海区域旧机动车交易二手车项目”的商业计划书形式,在 对项目的经营理念、运作模式及产品与服务介绍的基础上,通过对该项目外部 环境、内部环境的详细分析,以确认二手车行业的风险和机会,并提出相应的 营销战略。进而以项目的营销管理为切入口,进行营销策略、财务规划、风险 分析与融资需求分析,最后对该项目从战略推进、实施过程控制等角度对其实 施进行了的一系列分析和研究。以期为该项目的顺利推进提供支持,也为二手 车行业的其他参与者提供一个全新的企业发展思路。 关键词:上海;二手车;营销;融资;商业计划书 MBA学位报告作者:许力峰 上海区域in机动车交易二手车项目商业计划书 ABSTRACT Compared with advanced second-hand car industry of developed country, China has just 30 years history of second-hand car market. Chinese second-hand cars' market is very potential and attractive. Shanghai, which locates in Eastern China, involves active marketing trades in second-hand car industry. However, the market in Shanghai lack of orders and it is very fragmented. The segments strategy of existing company is uncertain. They tried to service each market segments, like small passenger vehicle to large truck,private user to commercial user. What worse was they preferred profits-oriented than customer-oriented. So far, the China government issued several political rules to make second-hand car industry standard- The consumers expect a healthy market as well. Accordingly, does it exist impressive business opportunities in the Chinese second-hand car marketIf there exists,how to change opportunity to revenueThis thesis tried to explain these answers. Firstly, this thesis used Shanghai second-hand car project as analysis object. Then this thesis introduced the idea, the transaction model, and product & service. Secondly this thesis used PEST and Porter five forces analysis to discover the business opportunities. Meanwhile, this thesis developed the project's market strategy according to SWOT matrix, STP analysis,and 4Ps analysis. Consequently, this thesis provided financial analysis,risk analysis and strategic controlling. Above all,this thesis could finally provide a new development model for second-hand car companies as conclusions. Key words: Second-hand cars; Marketing; Financing; Business plan ii MBA学位报告 作者:许力峰 上海区域旧机动车交易二手车项目商业计划书 目录 一、绪论 (一)研究背景与意义 (二)相关理论综述 (三)研究内容与思路 二、二手车交易项目介绍 (一)UC项目的理念 (二)UC项目的产品和服务 (三)UC项目组织职能结构 (一)上海二手车市场规模与现状 (二)行业PEST分析 (三)行业竞争状况分析 四、二手车交易项目的SWOT分析和营销战略选择 (一)UC项目的SWOT分析及营销战略选择 (二)UC项目的STP分析 (三)UC项目的4P分析 五、二手车交易项目财务规划和融资 (一‘)财务规划和盈利预测 (二)融资需求 (一)风险和规避 (二)退出机制 七、二手车交易项目实施与控制 (一)UC项目的战略与控制 (二)UC项目的实施表 八、结论