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摘要 2009年之前,11月11日还只是年轻人口中调侃的“光棍节”,而如今巳经 成为一年一度的全民电商节日——“双十一”网购狂欢节。“双十一”的销量成 绩年年递增,越来越多的电商陆续加入到每年的“双十一”促销战中。京东作为 一线电商品牌,需要在“双十一”促销的大环境中有力发声,建立并巩固自身的 品牌形象和行业地位。 2013年京东“双十一”整合营销传播策划案的主要目标在于,为京东“双 十一”促销活动进行整合营销传播,彰显京东的特色和优势,为消费者和消费者 愿景创造独特利益点,将“京东‘双十一’”打造成具有知名度和影响力的品牌 活动。为实现该目标,本次策划首先对行业竞争情况、消费者特征和企业SWOT 进行详细分析,继而明确京东的差异化定位,提炼核心价值,确立“不光低价, 快才痛快”的传播理念。同时,将“SEET”作为策划的传播原则,贯穿于传播方 案设计的各个环节。传播方案设计主要分为全媒体广告投放、网络营销和线下活 动三大部分,在全媒体覆盖和线上线下互动中实现整合传播。最后,对本次整合 营销传播活动的效果进行评估,试图在创新价值分析和不足反思中为同类策划提 供借鉴意义。 关键词:整合营销传播,双十一,京东,电商营销 n 浙江大学硕士专业学位 Abstract Abstract Before 2009,November 11th is the Singles’ Day among young people, and now it has become the annual E-commerce festival — 11 11” Online Shopping Festival. The sales performance of “11 11 Online Shopping Festival is increasing year by year, so more and more E-commerce enterprises take part in this sales promotion activity. As one of the most famous E-commerce brands, Jingdong needs to make a difference in 11 11Online Shopping Festival, establishing and consolidating its brand image and market position. The main target of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy For 2013 Jingdong '11 11’’’ is setting up a system of integrated marketing communication to promote Jingdong 11 11” sales activities. At the same time, the plan aims to create unique consumer benefits and develop Jingdong ‘11 11,” into a famous and influential brand activity. First of all, the competitive situation of industry, consumer behaviors and SWOT of Jingdong are analyzed in detail. Then, based on the market analysis,tiie plan determines the differentiation positioning, refines the core value and establishes the communication concept. The principle of SEET runs through the whole design of communication strategy which is consisted of Omnimedia advertising, online marketing and offline activities. By these three parts, the integrated communication can be realized through the Omnimedia coverage and the interaction between online and offline. In the last part, the effect of this integrated marketing communication strategy is carefully evaluated and analyzed in order to offer suggestions to similar plans. Key Words: Integrated Marketing Communication, 11 11,Jingdong, E-commerce Marketing m 浙江大学硕士专业学位 目次 目次 * I ^ II Abstract Ill 1策划背景 1 1.1 “双十一”网购狂欢节的兴起与发展 1 1.2京东的行业地位和促销表现 2 2策划目标与任务 4 2. 1主要目标 4 2. 2协同目标 4 2.3任务体系 4 3市场分析 6 3.1行业竞争分析 6 3.2消费者分析 9 3.3企业SWOT分析 11 4传播理念与原则 14 4. 1传播理念 14 4.2传播原则 15 5传播方案设计 18 5.1全媒体广告投放 18 5.2网络营销 21 5.3线下活动 29 6传播效果分析 31 6. 1广告投放效果 31 6.2网络营销效果 33 7策划总结 36 7.1创新价值 36 7.2不足与反思 37