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随着社会和经济的发展以及体育课课程改革的要求,体育课在教学中所扮演的角色 越来越重要。然而当今仅仅从技能掌握角度出发的体育课已经较难满足高中生的需要。 良好的心理素质、意志品质、敢于直面困难的精神以及良好的团队合作意识对于中学生 来说越来越重要,所以高中体育教育课也要及时改变思想,转变观念,做到“与时俱进”。 当今流行旳拓展训练是一种以身体活动为引导,通过专门设计的活动场景,以“陶 冶情操、完善人格、磨练意志、熔炼团队”为目的的一种学习方式。拓展训练以一 种全新的教学方式融入到中学体育教学中为中学生实现素质教育提供了新的途 径,它把学习变成游戏,吸引学生由被动到主动,积极参与活动,从而获得心灵上的启 发。通过各种体验式训练,使学生达到最佳的心智状态,做到信心十足,以积极的心态 面对生活和学习。本报告针对拓展训练的教学特点,根据体育课教学目标和教育课程改 革提出的要求,采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,对拓 展训练的起源、特点、教学模式、教学目标和计划、拓展训练教学评价、拓展训练教学 模式及拓展训练的必要性和可行性等方面进行了全面的研究,为衡量拓展训练是否适应 体育课提出和分析了 一些理论和做法。 本报告的结论是:1、拓展训练是一种重要的教学方法,它顺应了体育课程改革的 要求,不仅可以培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的潜能,并且能够培养学生的团队意识, 拓展训练进入我国后,对企事业单位开展逐步成熟后进入高校,随后进入中小学。2、 拓展训练项目内容较多,应根据各个年级学生的不同情况、心理特点和发展要求,选择 不同的项目,针对性的提出问题,分析问题,从而解决问题。正确而高效的将拓展训练 引入到高中体育课中将对体育教学质量的提高起到很大的促进作用。3、拓展训练在心 理健康和社会适应方面对学生起到积极的作用,但以技能教学为主的传统教学方式对 “终身体育”的促进作用不可忽视,两者各取所长,相成相辅才能充分提高学生的综合 素质。4、高中开设拓展训练课程的师资、场地器材、学生接受能力等都能满足基本需 要,在高中阶段具有可行性。 关键词:拓展训练;高中体育;教学方法 Abstract Along with the social and economic development and the requirements of the physical education curriculum reform, the physical education in the teaching of the role of more and more important. Today, however, only from the Angle of physical education skills master has been difficult to meet the need of high school students. Good psychological quality, will quality,dare to face the difficult spiritual and good team cooperation consciousness for high school students is more and more important, so high school sports educational curricula in the ideological change, change the idea, and achieve advance with The Times. Today's popular development training is one kind of physical activity for guidance, through the special design of activities scene, with edify sentiment, perfect personality, will tempering, melting team for the purpose of a way of learning. Training with a kind of brand-new teaching way into the middle school sports teaching quality education for high school students realize offers a new way, it put learning into the game,and to attract students from passive to active,actively participate in activities, thus acquire soul of inspiration. Through the various experience type training, so that the students to achieve the best state of mind, with do confidence, with positive attitude face life and study. This thesis aims to expand training teaching according to the characteristics of physical education teaching goal and education curriculum reform of the request,by using the method of literature, expert interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics method, so as to develop the origin of the training, the characteristic, the teaching mode, teaching goal and plan, expanding training teaching evaluation, training teaching mode and expand the necessity and feasibility of training the comprehensive research, in order to measure whether expanding training to adapt to the physical education proposed and analyzed, and some theory and practice. The conclusion of this paper is: 1,expanding training is an important teaching method, it complied with the requirements of the physical education curriculum reform, not only can cultivate students' interest in learning, to stimulate the students' potential, and able to train students' team consciousness, expanding training after entering into China, the enterprises and units in gradually after the mature enter the universities, then entered into middle schools and n primary schools. 2,expanding training project content more, should according to each grade students of different circumstances, psychological characteristics and development requirements, the choice of project, specific question, analyze, so as to solve the problem. The correct and efficient expansion training into the physical education of high school will improve the teaching quality of the sports has played a significant role in promoting. 3, expanding training in mental health and social adaptation of students have a positive effect, but with skill teaching primarily by the traditional teaching mode of lifetime sports role in promoting can not be ignored, both from each director, complementary to each other are indispensable to enhance students' comprehensive quality. 4,open development training course of high school teachers, the location equipment, students accept ability can meet basic needs, in the high school stage feasible. Key words: Outward Bound; Senior high school; Teaching method in 目录 1 Itr i 1.1选题依据 1 1.2研究目的与意义 2 1.3文献综述 3 1.3.1户外拓展起源 3 1.3.2拓展训练课程分类及特点 4 1.3.3拓展训练的意义 5 1.3.4国内外研究现状 6 1.3.5已有研究的不足之处 8 2研究对象与研究方法 9 2.1研%龍 9 2.2研%方:法 9 2.2.1文献资料法 9 2.2.2访谈法 9 2.2.3 _调查法 9 2.2.4数理统计法 9 3结果与分析 10 3.1拓展训练的开展现状 10 3.2拓展训练场地项目分类及作用 11 3.3拓展训练教学目标 13 3.4拓展训练教学模式 15 3.5拓展训练教学内容 16 3.6拓展训练课程的组织形式 19 3.7拓展训练课程评价 20 3.8拓展训练开展的必要性与可行性 22 3.8.1拓展训练引入高中体育课堂的必要性 22 3.8.2高中幵设拓展训练课的可行性分析 24 4结论与建议 26 IV 4.1 26 4.2 舰 26