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近年来,随着不断成熟的经济形势的变化,我国居民个人可支配收入不断增 加,银行业务电子化、智能化水平也在不断提高。这其中低风险、低成本消耗且 具有稳定的客户收益和广阔创新型为特征的银行零售业务逐渐进入了现代商业 银行的核心市场经营领域,并一举成为了其中最具发展潜力的市场经营领域之 一。尽管工商银行的零售业务因其传统网点网络分布数量巨大、客户存量较多和 产品系列全面等优势占据了零售银行市场的重要组成部分。但在“大数据”的环 境之中,快速变化的市场环境和不断提升的客户体验都要求其继续做出机制上的 创新及改变。零售银行市场业务领域中工商银行整体在个人存款、个人贷款、中 间业务收入方面都位居同业第一,但在甘肃省范围内,零售业务虽然一直在发展, 却也一直受到其他商业银行的不断蚕食。甘肃省工行过去存在的问题,诸如思想 观念落后、顶层规划乏力、运行机制落后、执行力不强等问题现今依旧存在,不 足以支撑银行零售市场的长期开拓,故而,甘肃省工行的“大零售”业务市场营 销策略的制定对于未来发展尤为重要。 本文的目的在于尝试通过介绍阐述相关市场营销理论,结合 4P 理论、4C 理 论,从消费者、成本、便利和沟通四个方面结合产品、价格、渠道和促销四个方 面,分析甘肃省工行“大零售”市场营销现状,指出“大零售”业务市场营销存 在的外在问题和内在原因,通过 PEST 分析法进行银行零售市场宏观、微观环境 分析。在此基础上利用 STP 分析,通过市场细分、目标市场选择和业务市场产品 定位等分析方法,制定出具体的甘肃省工行“大零售”业务市场营销的相关产品、 服务、渠道、促销策略,用于持续深化零售市场开拓能力,并提升其自身的影响 力和价值收益。 本论文研究的意义在于通过应用市场营销管理理论对甘肃省工行现有零售 业务市场营销管理工作进行分析研究,为战略化的开拓甘肃省内零售业务市场营 销领域提供符合市场环境要求和先进营销理念的营销策略,形成切实可行的“大 零售”营销策略体系。同时,本论文的意义还在于尝试从提升银行零售产品营销 人员专业素质、完善大数据营销客户服务体系、构建适合的风险控制制度等不同 角度建立一系列保障措施,以确保甘肃省工行的“大零售”业务营销发展策略能兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 II 够有效实施。 关键字:工商银行;大零售;营销策略兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 III RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF BIG RETAIL BUSINESS OF ICBC OF GANSU PROVINCE Abstract The resident personal wealth of incomes in our country is increasingly enhanced constantly according to the increasing maturity of the situations of the new economy in recent years. The banking service systems have got a rapid improvement on the bank automation and electronic level. The banking retail business is increasingly being as the core marketing management area used by modern commercial banks with the characteristics of scattered operation risks, low capital consumption, stable customer incomes and broad innovation spaces, eat. That makes it to be one of the most dynamic and development potential marketing areas. Although the retailing of ICBC is very important part of the banking retail market on account of the advantages of a large traditional network of outlets, a strong customer base and comprehensive product capabilities that ICBC has had, it has to increase its mechanisms of innovation and change constantly. That is required by the rapidly changing market and the ever-increasing customer experience which is under the new economic environment of the digital tide. In the banking retail business area. ICBC as a whole ranks at the first position of the banking industry in terms of personal deposits, personal loans and intermediary business incomes. However, in Gansu province, the banking retail business of Gansu ICBC has been developing constantly, but it also has been eroding constantly by other commercial banks. The problems were existed in Gansu ICBC, such as backward concepts, weak top-level planning, backward operating mechanisms are existing still now and that cannot be used to support the long-term development of the banking retail market. Therefore, the formulation of the banking “big retail” business marketing strategy of Gansu ICBC is particularly兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 IV important for the development of the bank as a company in the future. The target of this paper is trying to formulate a relevant aspects, such as products, services, channels and promotion strategies that could be used to deepen Gansu ICBC banking retail market development capabilities and enhance their influence, value and benefits. All these trying in this paper are performed by used a set of researching methods, such as to expound the relevant marketing theories, to analyze the situations of the “big retail” marketing business used in Gansu ICBC with the major four aspects of product customer,cost,convenience and communications that are associated with the same four aspects of product,price,channel and promotion, to point out the external problems and internal problems of the “big retail” business marketing that are existing in the retailing business of Gansu ICBC, to analyze the micro and macro-environment of the banking retail business marketing through the use of the PEST analysis method, and on the ground of this basis. By the use of STP analysis method, to analyze and conform the market segmentation, selection of target markets and product positioning of marketing and so on. The significance of this thesis is to analyze and research the marketing management of the existing retail business in Gansu ICBC by use the marketing management theories, and to provide the synthesized marketing strategies according to the market environment requirements and advanced marketing concepts for the strategic development of the retail marketing market and to construct a practical marketing strategy system, The significance of this thesis is also trying to adopt a series of safeguard measures to ensure the retail business marketing development strategies implement effectively, improving the professional quality of the banking product marketing retailers, improving the “big data” marketing customer service system and establishing a suitable risk control system, etc. Key words: ICBC; big retail; the marketing strategy兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 V 目 录 中文摘要................................................. I Abstract ............................................... III 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ....................................................1 1.2 研究内容 ....................................................2 1.3 研究意义 ....................................................3 1.4 研究思路.....................................................4 1.5 研究工具 ....................................................5 1.5.1 PEST 分析 ................................................5 1.5.2 SWOT 分析 ................................................6 1.5.3 波特五力模型 ............................................6 1.6 研究方法 ....................................................7 1.6.1 访谈法 ..................................................7 1.6.2 问卷调查法 ..............................................7 1.7 文献综述 ....................................................7 1.7.1 国外文献综述 ............................................7 1.7.2 国内文献综述 ............................................8 1.7.3 文献评述 ................................................8 第二章 理论基础综述 ..................................... 10 2.1 “大零售”业务概念界定 .....................................10 2.2 市场营销策略经典理论 .......................................11 2.2.1 4P 理论 .................................................11 2.2.2 4C 理论 .................................................12 2.2.3 关系营销理论 ...........................................13 第三章“大零售”营销环境及市场发展现状分析 .............. 14 3.1 营销环境评价及分析 .........................................14 3.1.1 “大零售”营销宏观环境分析 .............................14兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 VI 3.1.2 大零售营销微观环境分析 .................................15 3.2 甘肃省工商银行“大零售”业务营销现状分析 ...................18 3.2.1 工商银行介绍 ...........................................18 3.2.2 甘肃省工商银行“大零售”业务介绍 .......................18 3.2.3 甘肃省工行“大零售”业务营销现状 .......................19 3.2.4 甘肃省内“大零售”业务同业总体比较 .....................21 3.2.5 甘肃省工行“大零售”业务营销情况调查与访谈 .............22 3.3 “大零售”业务现状分析及总结 ...............................24 第四章甘肃省工商银行“大零售”业务 STP 分析 .............. 25 4.1 甘肃省“大零售”业务市场细分 ...............................25 4.1.1 按消费者习惯细分 .......................................25 4.1.2 按消费者结构细分 .......................................25 4.1.3 按消费者零售业务贡献细分 ...............................26 4.2 甘肃省工商银行“大零售”业务目标市场特征 ...................26 4.3 甘肃省工商银行“大零售”业务市场定位 .......................27 4.3.1 业务市场产品定位 .......................................27 4.3.2 业务市场渠道定位 .......................................28 4.3.3 业务市场服务定位 .......................................29 第五章甘肃省工行“大零售”业务营销组合策略制定 .......... 30 5.1 消费者需求为导向的“大零售”业务产品策略 ...................30 5.2 提高价值报偿的“大零售”业务成本策略制定 ...................33 5.3 提升消费者便利的“大零售”业务渠道策略制定 .................36 5.3.1 建设“以融引商业、以商促融”的电商平台 .................37 5.3.2 打造互联网时代销售直销银行平台 .........................37 5.3.3 依托移动互联网提供即时通信服务 .........................37 5.3.4 依托第三方平台促进甘肃省工行与地方政府合作 ..............37 5.4 增强沟通的“大零售”业务促销策略制定 .......................38 第六章甘肃省工商银行“大零售”营销策略保障措施 .......... 40 6.1 组织保障 ...................................................40 6.1.1 外呼团队的组建 .........................................40 6.1.2 外拓团队的组建 .........................................40兰州大学硕士学位论文 甘肃省工商银行大零售业务市场营销策略研究 VII 6.1.3 大零售业务专业分析团队的组建 ...........................40 6.2 团队建设 ...................................................40 6.2.1 加强团队建设的重要意义 .................................40 6.2.2 队伍建设的措施 .........................................41 6.3 风险管理保障 ...............................................41 6.3.1 风险管理保障的意义 ......................................41 6.3.2 风险保障架构的建立 .....................................41 第七章结论 .............................................. 43 7.1 主要结论 ...................................................43 7.2 主要创新点 .................................................43 7.2.1 从销售单一金融产品到销售金融组合产品 ...................43 7.2.2 提供整体解决方案 .......................................44 7.3 研究不足与展望 .............................................44