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商业计划书是企业为开展某个业务或几个业务组合而制定的经营 计划 它除了对业务相关的经营管理活动 如营销 管理 财务等 起计划指导作用外 也是企业在市场活动中寻求战略联盟和合作 进 行融资的重要工具 因此商业计划书的编写应该是 MBA 学生的重要 技能之一 但是 由于商业计划书的编写涉及了工商管理多个学科的基本原 理和知识 国内多数学校又没有开设相关课程 造成多数 MBA 学生 缺乏商业计划书编写的技能 编制的计划书存在种种问题 不能起到 其应有的效果 此外 通过浏览国内一些商业计划书编制指南 发现 国内相关参考资料大都较为简单 只介绍了计划书的格式 但对各部 分内容的编写缺乏指导 特别是理论指导 造成很多部分的内容不 符合国外规范商业计划书的要求 不能起到其应有的作用 为此 本人在总结去年编写媒体行业商业计划书的经验和收集国 内外商业计划书编写指南和样本的基础上 针对媒体行业规范化商业 计划书编制的理论和实践课题进行了研究 试图通过理论与实践相结 合 全面介绍商业计划书的编写过程 为这类商业计划书的编制提供 一份有深度的指南 本报告内容主要分为四部分 1 研究目的及意义 2 商业计划 书的意义 作用及主要问题 3 各部分编写指南 4 其它编写注意 事项等 其中 主要内容集中在第三部分 媒体行业商业计划书的编写思路 首先应进行市场调研 在此基 础上进行市场分析和竞争分析 然后分析行业的机会和威胁 制订公 司竞争战略 之后在战略指导下制定营销计划 管理计划和财务计划 如果有融资需求 还要提出融资方案 这些工作内容 主要体现在以 下商业计划书各部分内容中 一 计划书摘要 二 公司概述 三 产品和服务 四 市场分析 五 竞争分析 六 风险因素 七3 营销计划 八 管理计划 九 财务计划 十 融资方式 十一 附录等 编写商业计划书需要运用现代企业的综合管理知识 特别是市场 分析理论 营销原理 竞争分析 战略管理 财务管理理论等 因此 在介绍商业计划书各部分的编写方法时 首先介绍各部分内容的相关 理论依据 然后介绍这些理论在媒体行业中的应用 最后还提供了笔 者编写的商业计划书相关内容的文本 本报告的特点 在于理论联系实际 对媒体行业商业计划书编写 中涉及的理论问题进行了剖析 并将总结的分析思路应用于一个报纸 改版项目的实践 编写出了满足国外规范要求的商业计划书 可为今 后类似行业乃至其它行业商业计划书的编写提供理论和实践参考 关键词 商业计划书 管理理论 市场分析 竞争分析 战略管 理 营销计划 财务计划 融资 报业 出版业4 ABSTRACT Commercial plan or business plan is an operational plan for business of enterprises. In addition to function as a director for the management of business operations, it can also be used as a tool to facilitate strategic cooperation and finance operations. For these reasons, the business plan composition is a working skill for MBA graduates. The writing of business plan utilizes many management theories and knowledge, but in most of the Chinese management schools, there are no courses dedicated to this subject, so many Chinese MBAs did not know how to compose a business plan conform to the standard codes. On the other hand, by exploring many of the domestic literatures on guide to business plan, the author finds that they were basically rather simple, with some introductions to the formats of business plan, but did not elaborate on the theoretical backgrounds and the methodology of each sections. So these guides did not help much to write a good business plan. For above reasons, the author, drawing from the experience of writing a media industry business plan last year and the various theories learned from his MBA studies, has made an attempt to write a theoretical guide for writing business plan of media industry. This guide, which describes the process of business plan composition, will put the theory to practice, and provide a thorough out guide to business plan. The text of this paper is divided into four section: Section 1, Preface; Section 2, The meanings, functions and major considerations of business plan; Section 3, The guide to composition of the major sections; Section 4, Other issues need attentions.5 In writing the media industry business plan, it is advisable to start with a thorough out market research, based on this research, the composer can go on to perform the market analysis and competition analysis, and then to make a threat and opportunities assessment, and strategy definition. The strategy is used to guide the formation of marketing plan, management plan and financial plan. And if there are finance needs, a finance proposition has to be stipulated. All these woks are summarized in the following sections of business plan: (1) Executive summary, (2) Company description, (3) Products and services, (4) Market, (5) Competition, (6) Risk factors, (7) Marketing program, (8) Management plan, (9) Financial plan, (10) Financial needs, (11) Appendixes, etc. The major management theories involved in writing business plan are: market analysis, marketing management, competition analysis, strategic management, finance, managerial accounting, etc.. In describing the composition of major sections of business plan, the author begins with an introduction of theoretical background, follows with the application to practice, and exemplifies with a sample business plan wrote by the author last year. This paper is characterized by putting theories into practice. It provides an elaborated theoretical guide to the composition of media industry business plan, and exemplifies by a sample newspaper plan, makes it a good reference for writing business plan. Key words: business plan, commercial plan, management theory, market analysis, competition analysis, strategic management, marketing plan, financial plan, finance, newspaper industry, publishing industry6 目 录 一 前 言 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 二 商业计划书的意义 作用及主要要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 一 什么是商业计划书..............................................................1 二 商业计划书的作用..............................................................1 三 编写商业计划书的基本要求...............................................2 四 投资者或贷款者的关注重点...............................................4 三 商业计划书各部分编写要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 一 商业计划书的摘要部分......................................................5 二 公司概述.............................................................................9 三 产品和服务.......................................................................14 四 市场分析...........................................................................17 五 竞争分析...........................................................................36 六 风险因素分析...................................................................49 七 营销计划...........................................................................51 八 管理计划...........................................................................59 九 财务计划...........................................................................62 十 融资方式...........................................................................71 十一 附录..............................................................................73 四 其它编写注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 1 计划书内容剪辑.....................................................................75 2 商业计划书的包装 .................................................................75 3 经常更新商业计划书..............................................................76