首页 > 资料专栏 > 经营 > 管理专题 > 项目管理 > XX移动公司省内干线工程项目可行性研究报告DOC


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山西省地处我国中部地区,是我国重要的能源和重化工基地。近 年来,山西省社会经济持续快速发展,2006年国内生产总值达到 4746. 5亿元,比上年增长11. 8%。2011年,全年全省生产总值11100. 2 亿元,比上年增长13.0%。山西省通信行业也相应的快速发展。2006 年底,全省电话用户总数达到1875万户,比上年增长3.8%;固定 电话用户总数达到885万,移动电话用户总数达到990万;固定电话 和移动电话普及率分别达到26. 2部/百人和29. 3部/百人。2011 年,全省电信业务总量278. 9亿元,增长17.4%。新增移动电话用户 221. 8万户,年末达到2446. 9万户,其中,3G移动电话用户达到292. 4 万户。移动电话普及率68. 1部./百人。全省宽带接入用户437. 3万户, 增长27.8%。XX移动是山西省具有全业务经营资质的基础电信运营 商。经过多年的建设,已经建成了 GSM移动通信网、TD-SCDMA移动 通信网、数据通信网以及构建其上的165宽带互联网、VOIP电;舌网、 VC视讯会议网等多个业务网络,可以提供话音、数据、互联网、视 讯会议等综合业务。随着本省移动用户的不断增长和网络的升级改 造,各业务网络提出了大量的干线和局间电路需求.为满足干线和局 间电路需求,有必要进行新一期的省内干线建设。 本文以XX移动公司省内干线工程项目可行性研究为选题,通过 对省内干线使用现状、需求、建设方案比选及投资估算、风险控制及 经济分析,开展项目研究,从不同角度论证项目研究可行性。研究结 果显示,本项目具有较大可行性。本文的研究框架是:首先,对省内 干线传输网现状进行分析,其次,研究了省内干线及局间电路需求, 这些需求包括省内干线和局间电路需求;再次,结合最新的形势及发 展要求,分别提出省干传输网和局间中继建设方案。最后,对该建设 项目进行投资估算、风险分析和经济效益评价。 关键词:省内干线工程可行性研究方案经济评价 I XX MOBILE COMPANY ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY STUDY WITHIN PROVINCE ABSTRACT Shanxi Province is located in Central China, is China's important energy and heavy chemical industry base. In recent years, Shanxi Province, socio-economic has received sustained and rapid development of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2006, reached 474.65 billion yuan, an increase of I 1.8% over the previous year. In 2011, the annual GDP of the province is aboutY 1.11002 billion, an increase of 13.0% over the previous year. Communications industry in Shanxi Province has rapided development. In the end of 2006, the province's total number of telephone subscribers reached 18.75 million, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year; total number of fixed telephone subscribers reached 8.85 million, the total number of mobile phone subscribers reached 9.9 million; fixed telephone and mobile phone penetration rate reached 26.2 / 100 and 29.3 / 100. In 2011, telecom business volume is 27.89Ybillion, an increase of 丨 7.4%. 2.218 million new mobile phone users, the end of the year reached 24.469 million, 3G mobile phone users reached 2,924,000. The mobile phone penetration is about rate of 68.1/100.the problem of broadband access users in the province was 4,373,000,an increase of 27.8%. XX mobile company in Shanxi Province is the only basic telecom operators with a fbll-service business qualification. After years of construction, it has built a GSM mobile communication network and TD-SCDMA mobile communication network, data communications network, as well as building on the 165 broadband Internet, VOIP telephone network, the VC video conferencing network business network to provide voice,data, internet, video conferencing and other integrated services. With the growing of mobile users and the upgrading of the network, almost every business network the needs trunk and the bureau.In order to meet the demand for circuits between the trunk and the bureau, it is necessary to carry out the construction of a new province of route. This paper takes, XX mobile company within the trunk project feasibility study topics, comparison and investment estimate used by the province of route status quo, demand-building programs, risk control and economic analysis, to carry out research projects, demonstration projects is from different anglesto to study the feasibility. The research results show that with larger feasibility of the project. The framework of this research are: First, to analyze the status of the trunk transmission network in the province, followed province trunk and Bureau circuit needs, the needs of these requirements, including the province of the circuit between the trunk and the Bureau; the combination of the latest situation and hi development requirements, respectively, asked the provincial the dry transmission network and inter-office trunking building programs. Finally, investment estimation, risk analysis and economic evaluation of the construction project. KEYWORDS : link project in the province feasibility study program economic evaluation 目录 第一章绪论 1 1.1项目研究背景 1 1.2有关研究进展 3 1.2.1可行性研究与项目管理的关系 3 1.2.2项目可行性研究的发展 4 1.2. 3项目可行性研究基本概念及方法 5 1.2.4项目可行性研究文献综述及最新发展趋势 7 1.3研究目标 10 1. 4研究方法及结构框架 10 第二章省干干线传输网现状 11 2. 1业务网络现状 11 2. 2省干干线传输网现状 13 2. 3局间中继现状 20 2.3. 1晋中局间中继现状 21 2.3.2晋中局间中继现状 21 2.3.3阳泉局间中继现状 21 2.4网管和同步系统现状 22 2.4. 1省干网络管理系统现状 22 2. 4. 2 同步系统现状 22 第三章省干和局间电路需求 23 3. 1 2007年度重要建设项目概述 23 3. 1. 1 XX移动2007年IP承载网工程 23 3. 1. 2 XX移动2007年GSM网工程 24 3.1.3 XX移动通信网五期工程 25 3.2省干和局间电路需求 25 3. 2. 1 XX移动2007年IP承载网工程 25 v 3. 2. 2 XX移动2007年GSM网工程 25 3. 2. 3 XX移动通信网五期工程 27 3.2.4其他省干电路需求 27 3. 2. 5电路需求汇总 27 第四章省干传输网及局间中继建设方案 29 4.1省干传输网建设方案研究 29 4. 1. 1省干传输网现状分析 30 4.1.2省干传输网建设原则 30 4.1.3省干传输网建设方案 30 4.1.4拟建规模和形成能力 35 4.2局间中继建设方案 35 4. 2. 1局间中继现状分析 35 4.2.2局间中继建设方案 36 4.2.3拟建规模和形成能力 37 4.3拟建规模和形成能力汇总 37 4. 3. 1拟建规模 37 4. 3. 2形成能力 37 第五章投资估算、风险评估及经济效益评价 39 5. 1投资估算与资金筹措 40 5. 1. 1估算依据 40 5. 1.2估算说明 40 5. 1. 3工程总投资 40 5. 1.4资金筹措 42 5. 2风险评估 42 5. 2. 1主要风险点 42 5.2.2风险分析 43 5. 2. 3抗风险措施 43 VI 5. 3经济评价 43 o. 3. 1统一财务评价计算 43 5. 3. 2传统财务评价指标 45 ^ 47