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摘要 粮食是人类生存之本,粮食运输是粮食流通至关重要的一环。随着我国粮食 消费量的不断增加,粮食物流市场也随之急剧扩张,这就对粮食运输提出了更高 的要求。国内粮食产销地的不平衡,导致了粮食运输运量大,运距长。如何降低 粮食运输中的物流成本以及粮食撒漏等问题,在粮食运输的发展中显得尤为重要。 目前,国内的粮食运输主要采取的是包装运输和散装运输两种方式,这两种 方式各有各的缺点。粮食包装运输需要耗费大量的包装材料及包装成本,并且机 械化程度低,在粮食装卸等环节中人工劳动强度大,效率低;而粮食散装运输中 粮食多次装卸,粮食质量难以保证,并且国内现有的散粮运输设备偏少。因此, 粮食集装箱运输的出现是对粮食运输的一种很好的补充。 国内现有的关于粮食集装箱运输的研究大部分都只是浅层次的分析了粮食集 装箱运输的优势,并没有全面综合的研究其可行性。因此,关于粮食集装箱运输 的可行性的研究,对粮食集装箱运输的发展从理论到现实上都有着重要意义。 本文分别对粮食集装箱运输的流程和优势做了细致地分析研究,并通过定量 分析比较了传统散粮运输和粮食集装箱运输的成本,在粮食集装箱运输的经济可 行性评价研究中采取了模糊综合评价以及层次分析法,通过对比粮食包装运输、 散装运输和的经济性评价结果,说明粮食集装箱运输在经济上是可行的,是值得 发展的。 关键词:粮食包装运输;散装运输;集装箱运输;运输绩效;模糊综合评价 英文摘要 ABSTRACT Grain is essential for human existence and grain transportation is one of the vital part of the grain circulation. With the continuously increase of China's grain consumption, grain logistics market gets rapid expansion, which generates a higher demand for grain transportation. The imbalance of the domestic grain production and marketing, results in a larger volume of grain transportation and a longer distance. During the development of grain transportation, it is particularly important to know how to reduce logistics costs in the grain transportation, as well as food spilling problems and other issues. At present, packaging transportation and bulk transportation are two ways for domestic grain transportation, but each method has its own shortcomings. Grain packaging and transportation need to spend a lot of packaging materials and packaging costs. Low level of mechanization also brings in intensive labor and low efficiency. With repeatedly loading and unloading in the grain bulk transportation, it's difficult to guarantee grain quality. Also, the number of bulk grain transportation equipment is too few. Therefore, the containerized grain transportation is a good supplement for grain transportation. Most of the existing researches on the containerized grain transportation are only shallow analysis of the advantages of the containerized grain transportation, and there is no comprehensive and integrated study of its feasibility. Therefore, a study on the feasibility of the containerized grain transportation are of great significance for its development both from theory and reality. This paper gives a detailed analysis of research on the process and advantages of the containerized grain transportation, and has a quantitative analysis to compare the cost of traditional bulk grain transportation and containerized grain transportation. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process are taken in the economic feasibility evaluation of the containerized grain transportation. Containerized 英文摘要 grain transportation is proved to be feasible by comparing the performance of grain packaging transportation and bulk grain transportation. So containerized grain transportation is worthwhile to develop. Key Words: Packaging Transportation; Bulk Transportation; Containerized Grain Transportation; the Performance Evaluation of Transportation; Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation 目 录 目 录 第1章绪论 1 1.1选题的背景与意义 1 1.2国内外相关研究综述 3 1.2.1国外研究现状综述 3 1.2.2国内研究现状综述 4 1.3报告的研究思路与方法 5 第2章国内粮食运输现状与存在问题 6 2.1国内产粮概况 6 2.2国内粮食运输发展现状 8 2.2.1国内粮食运输的分类 8 2.2.2国内粮食运输现状与存在问题 9 第3章粮食集装箱运输流程与经济定量分析 12 3.1粮食集装箱运输国内外发展现状 12 3.1.1国外粮食集装箱运输发展现状 12 3.1.2国内粮食集装箱运输发展现状 13 3.2粮食集装箱运输流程分析 13 3.2.1集装箱箱型的选择 13 3.2.2粮食装卸箱工艺 14 3.2.3粮食集装箱运输的流程分析 17 3.3粮食集装箱运输的优势分析 19 3.4粮食集装箱运输经济定性分析 22 3.4.1传统散粮运输模式 23 3.4.2粮食集装箱运输模式 25 第4章粮食集装箱运输经济可行性评价 27 4.1粮食运输经济可行性评价的内涵 27 4.2粮食运输经济可行性评价方法 28 4.2.1模糊综合评价法 28 4.2.2层次分析法 30 4.2.3投入产出法 32 4.2.4因子分析法 32 4.3粮食运输经济可行性评价指标体系设计 33 4.3.1粮食运输经济可行性评价指标特征 33 4.3.2粮食运输经济可行性评价指标选取原则 34 目 录 4.3.3粮食运输经济可行性评价指标体系设计 35 4.4.4确定各指标权重 37 4.4粮食集装箱运输经济可行性的模糊综合评价 40 4.4.1构造隶属度函数 40 4.4.2单层次模糊综合评价 41 4.4.3粮食运输经济可行性多层次模糊综合评价 42 4.4.4粮食集装箱运输经济可行性模糊综合评价结果分析 42. 第5章粮食集装箱运输发展建议 44 5.1粮食集装箱运输存在问题 44. 5.2粮食集装箱运输发展的建议 44 第6章总结 46 6.1报告主要结论 46 6.2存在问题及展望 46