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女性消费群体一直以来是中国电商平台的主流消费群体,而据阿里巴巴近 年的数据显示,8 成的家庭消费支出是由太太军团掌控的,所以说太太军团的 决策正最大程度的影响着家庭消费的数量与质量。随着电子商务的快速发展, 网上购物已成为大多数人生活的一部分,而电子商务在移动终端的普及下进入 又一个高潮,2016 年的双 11,阿里巴巴平台交易额突破 1200 亿便是最好的佐 证。但是随着电商数量的不断增多,电商平台在市场上也面临着前所未有的竞 争压力,所以一个电商平台的良好的发展,必从品牌定位、战略决策、渠道建 设、平台架构、用户发展、资本运营及推广宣传等方面全方位考虑,从而使平 台能在同类市场或细分市场中脱颖而出,提升消费者对品牌的认可度和忠诚度, 全职太太是一个垂直社群类电商创业项目,撰写商业计划书将有助于该项目理 清发展运营思路,同时也将为未来战略经营决策提供参考。 本文以深圳市通对网络科技有限公司的“全职太太”电商平台项目为背景, 以撰写切实可行的商业计划书为基本方式,将 MBA 学习所学的相关理论融会贯 通,并运用科学的方法,以保证商业计划书的科学性和可行性。同时,本文会 对“全职太太”电商平台项目的现状、发展规划及平台的商业运营模式做全方 位的详细介绍。在报告的撰写过程,为确保计划的切实可行,本人参考了大量 的国内外的基础文献,也引用了互联网的行业大数据作为分析依据。 在项目的环境分析中,充分运用了 PEST 分析法对“全职太太”电商平台项 目的宏观环境进行了全方位综合分析;针对行业的竞争环境分析,则充分运用 波特五力模型的相关理论作为依据。在影响企业发展的内外部环境分析方面, 则运用了 SWOT 分析模型,以帮助企业充分认清自己优势与劣势,为选择适合自 己战略决策提供理论依据。在资金方面,项目整体规划筹资 3000 万,分三个阶 段进行分步式实施,预计 5 年内累积发展用户达 100 万以上,第 5 年末年交易 额达到 2 个亿以上。 本文旨在综合运用战略管理、市场营销管理、企业运营管理、人力资源等 相关学科的理论知识,并结合财务管理的分析方法对该项目运营及投资情况进 行结综合分析,对项目的收益合理预测,并对可能出现的风险进行预测与评估, 以科学的方式论证“全职太太”电商项目的可行性和风险的可控性,为项目的 投资决策和运营发展提供重要的战略依据。 关键词:商业计划书;全职太太;电子商务;营销组合 2MBA 学位报告 作者:杨海涛 “全职太太”电商项目商业计划书 Abstract Female consumer groups have been Chinese business platform of the mainstream consumer groups, according to the Alibaba in recent years, data show that 8 of the household consumption expenditure is made by the lady legion, so that the effect of decision is wags maximum amount and quality of family consumption. With the rapid development of business, online shopping has become a part of most people's lives, and electronic commerce will electricity consumption to a climax in the popularization and development of mobile terminal is, 2016 double 11, Alibaba platform transactions exceeded 120 billion is the best evidence. But with the growing number of business, electronic business platform is also facing the hitherto unknown pressure of competition in the market, so a good business platform for development, will be from the brand positioning, strategic decision, channel construction, platform architecture, user development, capital operation and promotion and other aspects of comprehensive consideration, so that the platform can similar talent shows itself market or market segment, enhance consumer brand recognition and loyalty, thus writing ideas of the development and operation of the business plan in order to find a full-time wife platform, help enterprise to make strategic decision to provide reference. This paper takes Shenzhen city of network science and technology limited company full-time wife business platform project as the background, to compose a viable business plan as the basic method, mastery of MBA learning theory study, and the use of scientific methods, in order to ensure the scientificity and feasibility of the business plan. At the same time, this article will be full-time wife, the current situation of the electronic business platform project, the development plan and the business model of the platform to do a detailed introduction. In the writing process, in order to ensure the feasibility of the program, I refer to a large number of domestic and international literature, but also cited the Internet industry as the basis for the analysis of large data. In the analysis of the project environment, make full use of the PEST analysis of the macro environment for the full-time wife business platform project conducted a comprehensive analysis of the full range; according to the analysis of industry competition environment, will make full use of the theory of Potter's five forces analysis model as the basis. In the analysis of the internal and external environment that affects the development of enterprises, the SWOT analysis model is used to help the enterprises to fully understand their own advantages and 3MBA 学位报告 作者:杨海涛 “全职太太”电商项目商业计划书 disadvantages, and to provide theoretical basis for the selection of their own strategic decisions. The overall project financing 30 million, divided into three stages of implementation, is expected to accumulate more than 1 million users within the development of more than 5 years, in the past year, the platform has not reached more than fifth transactions. This paper aims at the theoretical knowledge of comprehensive use of strategic management, marketing management, enterprise management, human resources and other related disciplines, combined with the analysis methods of financial management of operating and investment the project carried a comprehensive analysis, the forecast of project income is reasonable, and the prediction and assessment of the possible risks, controllable the scientific method demonstrated the feasibility and risk of full-time wife project electricity supplier, provide strategic basis for project investment decision-making and operational development. Key words: business plan; full-time wife; e-commerce; marketing mix 4MBA 学位报告 作者:杨海涛 “全职太太”电商项目商业计划书 目 录 一、 引 言 ..............................................7 (一)本文研究的背景与意义 ..................................... 7 (二)报告研究思路 ............................................. 8 (三)相关理论概述 ............................................. 9 (四)研究方法与内容 .......................................... 11 二、公司及“全职太太”项目情况介绍 ......................14 (一)公司简介 ................................................ 14 (二)“全职太太”项目介绍 ..................................... 14 (三)“全职太太”项目模式规划与设计 ........................... 18 三、“全职太太”项目环境分析与定位 .......................21 (一)外部宏观环境分析 ........................................ 21 (二)行业竞争环境分析 ........................................ 26 (三)项目的 SWOT 分析 ......................................... 30 (四)战略选择与市场定位 ...................................... 37 四、“全职太太”项目市场分析及营销策略 ...................39 (一) 网购消费者构成及行为分析 ............................... 39 (二) STP 目标市场营销........................................ 40 (三)营销组合策略 ............................................ 43 五、“全职太太”平台项目运营规划 .........................48 (一)人力资源规划 ............................................ 48 (二)价值链整体设计与管理 .................................... 51 (三)运营管理规划 ............................................ 54 (四)项目建设进度及控制 ...................................... 58 六、“全职太太”项目财务规划 .............................59 5MBA 学位报告 作者:杨海涛 “全职太太”电商项目商业计划书 (一)经营预测 ................................................ 59 (二)财务数据分析 ............................................ 61 (三)资金需求及融资计划 ...................................... 62 (四)风险与控制 .............................................. 62 (五)本章小结 ................................................ 64 七、结束语 ..............................................65