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i 摘要 A 电子高级技工学校是 A 市唯一一所电子信息类职业技术学 校,办学 20 多年来,为 A 市电子信息产业培养了大批信息技术专业 人才。为了适应外部环境和市场的不断变化,该校发展战略经历了 “校企合并以厂养校”到“学校工厂齐头并进”再到“以工厂为实 训基地,全力发展和经营学校”的变化,其经营方式和经营策略也 随着战略的变化而不断的调整。市场呼唤高技能人才,对于该校来 说既是机遇也是挑战。本着“以市场为导向,服务于社会”的办学 宗旨,该校希望通过提高办学层次,为该市电子行业培养更多专业 型、复合型、实用型的高技能人才,满足地方经济发展的需要。同 时作为自收自支的事业单位,该校也希望通过最大限度的满足顾客 的需求,为学校的发展获取更多的经济效益。 本文首先从该校升格的宏观环境和微观环境入手,从政治和法 律环境、社会和文化环境、经济环境、技术环境、自然环境以及生 源、用人单位、竞争对手、主管部门等方面,分析了该校升格的必 要性;其次,根据山东省劳动和社会保障厅关于申办技术学院的相 关规定和国家教委相关要求进行自评,从中找出自身存在的差距和 亟待解决的问题;第三,通过 SWOT 分析,将该校内部的优势和劣势 同外部的机会和威胁结合起来,论证了该校升格的决策可行性;最 后,通过对改进措施和相关资金投入分析,进一步论证了该校升格 的可行性。 关键词,A 电子技校;升格;可行性;英文摘要 ii Abstract A Electronic Senior Technical School is the only electronic information vocational technical school in city A. Information and technical specialized talents have graduated in droves in recent 20 years since it was founded. In order to adapt to the change of market and outer environment , its development strategy has undergone three periods, (1) “combining with factories and supported by factories”, (2) “cooperating with factories and advancing side by side”, (3) “using the factory as the practice field, all-round developing and managing and business strategies according to the change of society. Now markets are in great need of high technical ability talents, there are both opportunity and challenge to our school. In line with the aim of running a school of “guiding by the market and giving service to society”, this school tries his best to train more professional, multi-technical and practical high skilled talents by improving the education equality, so that it can satisfy the development of local economy. It is an institution assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses, on one hand, school spares no efforts to meet the customers’demands, on the other hand, making more economic profits for the school’s development. Firstly, this article analyses the comprehensive and specific environment of the school, implying the necessity of upgrading the school by political and legal environment, society and culture英文摘要 iii environment, economic environment, technical environment, natural environment, and the students resources, enrolling enterprises, rivals, departments responsible for the work and so on. Secondly, assessing itself according to the stipulation about the application for establishment of advanced technical college issued by Labor and Society Security Office in Shandong Province, and relative requirements issued by National Education Commission, try to find out the gap and key problems which must be solved at present. Thirdly, analysing itself by SWOT, combining the inner strengths and weaknesses with outer opportunities and threats to demonstrate the feasibility of policy decisions of the school promotion. Lastly, after analysing the improving measures and relative invested capital, all these analysis has demonstrated the feasibility of upgrading the school. Key Words: A Electronic Technical School,Upgrade,Feasibility目录 iv 目 录 1.A 电子高级技工学校情况概述...1 1.1 发展历程.....1 1.2 经营现状.....3 2.研究的意义6 3.A 电子高级技工学校升格的环境分析..8 3.1 宏观环境分析...8 3.1.1 政治和法律环境.....8 3.1.2 社会和文化环境...11 3.1.3 经济环境...13 3.1.4 技术环境...16 3.1.5 自然环境...19 3.2 微观环境分析.20 3.2.1 生源....20 3.2.2 用人单位...21 3.2.3 竞争对手...22 3.2.4 主管部门...23 4.申办技术学院的自评和分析....24 4.1 根据山东省劳动和社会保障厅要求自评.....24目录 v 4.2 根据国家教委《高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估方 (试行)》自评26 5.升格的条件机会分析.....32 5.1 优势.....32 5.2 劣势.....34 5.3 机会.....34 5.4 威胁.....36 6.改进措施与资金投入分析..38 6.1 增加教学基础设施投资...38 6.2 创建“双师型”师资队伍.....38 6.3 提高教师工资待遇吸引高级人才.....39 7.结论.....41 致谢.....42