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制造业多年以来都是我国国民经济重点关注的产业,《中国制造 2025》提出了 实现制造强国的目标与计划。世界经济一步一步由工业经济向服务经济深化转型, 围绕产品产生的服务正在成为企业新的利润增长点,工业产品制造企业正在以制造 和产品为主向以服务为主进行转型升级。企业间竞争并不再是简单产品及供应链层 面,而是围绕产品的整个服务供应链的竞争。这要求企业的服务供应链要拓展与提 升对整个供应链的综合服务能力,以满足并适应制造业转型升级的需求。 本文以制造加工企业 TS 公司为研究对象,结合服务供应链基本理论、国内外相 关的理论研究和企业战略管理基本理论,通过对 TS 公司面临的市场环境、TS 公司 自身存在的问题、发展策略、供应链上协同客户和协同厂商现状及存在的问题分析, 对供应链合作伙伴整个系统进行重新梳理,力图设计并建立起以 TS 公司为主导企业 整合下游供应商为节点企业的服务流程一体式,物流服务传递式,满足客户综合需 求管理的服务供应链。此外还要建立集采购、库存、销售、基础数据管理模块为一 体的信息共享平台,进而发展成为覆盖整条供应链范围的信息系统,处理好以 TS 公 司为主导企业,下游供应商为节点企业的利益协同问题,最终优化 TS 公司现有的服 务供应链并增强整条服务供应链的敏捷性。最后,希望通过对 TS 公司服务供应链策 略研究能够给其他制造加工企业一些经验借鉴,竞争战略由以产品为中心转向以客 户为中心,在制造业微利时代寻找新的利润突破点,适应残酷的行业竞争和变化多 端的经济状态。 关键词:服务供应链 供应链协同 信息共享平台 敏捷供应链II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract Manufacturing industry has been the key industry concerned by China's national economy for many years. made in China 2025 puts forward the goal and plan to achieve manufacturing power. Step by step, the world economy is deepening its transformation from an industrial economy to a service economy. Services generated around products are becoming new profit growth points for enterprises, and manufacturing enterprises of industrial products are transforming and upgrading from manufacturing and product-oriented to service-oriented. The competition between enterprises is no longer just the competition between products or supply chains, but the competition around the whole service supply chain of products. This requires the service supply chain of enterprises to expand and improve the comprehensive service capacity of the entire supply chain to meet and adapt to the needs of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Based on TS company manufacturing enterprises as the research object, combined with the basic theory of service supply chain, the domestic and foreign related theory research and the basic theory of strategic management, through to the TS company facing the market environment, TS itself on the existing problems, development strategy, supply chain collaborative customer and vendor together, analyzing the present situation and existing problems of the supply chain partner for the whole system to comb, trying to design and build dominated by TS company enterprise integration service process of nodal enterprises of the downstream suppliers for one-piece, logistics service type, comprehensive meet customer demand of service supply chain management. Also establish procurement, inventory, sales, basic data management module for the integration of information sharing platform, and then developed into covering the scope of supply chain information system, deal with to TS company as the leading enterprise, downstream suppliers to interests of nodal enterprises of the coordination problems, eventually optimize TS company's existing service agility of supply chain and improve the whole supply chain services. Finally, it is hoped that the research on TS company's service supply chain strategy can provide some experience for other manufacturing and processing enterprises. The competitive strategy will shift from product-centered toIII 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 customer-centered to find new profit breakthrough points in the era of low-profit manufacturing industry and adapt to the cruel industry competition and the changing economic state. Key words: Service supply chain Supply chain collaboration Information sharing platform Agile supply chainIV 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录 摘要................................................................................................................I Abstract............................................................................................................II 图目录.............................................................................................................VI 表目录............................................................................................................VII 1 绪论..............................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景.............................................................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的与意义..................................................................................2 1.3 文献综述.............................................................................................. 3 1.4 研究方法与研究内容..........................................................................7 2 TS 公司供应链管理问题分析...................................................................9 2.1 公司简介.............................................................................................. 9 2.2 TS 公司服务供应链存在的问题......................................................12 2.3 TS 公司供应链管理问题分析..........................................................15 3 TS 公司服务供应链优化策略设计.........................................................17 3.1 提供流程一体式服务........................................................................17 3.2 建立综合需求和客户关系管理体系................................................20 3.3 物流管理优化策略............................................................................21 3.4 供应商关系管理策略........................................................................22 4 TS 公司服务供应管理策略实施保障.....................................................25 4.1 明确观念及树立目标........................................................................25 4.2 流程优化与信息系统支持................................................................26V 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 结束语..............................................................................................................34 致 谢..............................................................................................................35