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随着改革开放以来,中国经济飞速发展,人民的生活水平日益提高,汽车作为 代步工具,近几年的发展也逐年攀升,随之而来的是整个汽车供应链行业的发展。 汽车供应链以汽车制造厂商为链上核心,连接上游零部件供应商,承接下游网络经 销商,来带动汽车供应链的整体发展。与此同时,以汽车供应链为载体的汽车供应 链金融业务也应运而生,并且逐步发展成熟。 汽车供应链金融业务通过以核心厂商信用为基础,对上游零部件供应商以及下 游网络经销商开展不同模式的授信业务,解决链上除核心厂商以外的中小企业融资 问题。但随着汽车供应链金融业务的不断发展,银行作为汽车供应链金融业务的融 资提供方,在该项业务实际操作中,存在着很多风险隐患。本文通过对 ZC 银行汽车 供应链金融业务模式的研究,提出了对汽车供应链金融业务风险管理的相关策略。 首先,本文介绍了汽车供应链金融的相关基础理论;其次,对 ZC 银行汽车供应链金 融业务的发展与现状进行了介绍并提出了存在的问题;再次,结合 ZC 银行 2 个具体 的汽车供应链金融案例,通过由 ZC 银行客户的具体需求,建立与之相匹配的汽车供 应链金融模式,并对其中可能出行的风险点进行分析揭示,最终进行总结;最后, 在上述研究基础上,对 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融业务的风险管理从风险预警、风险处 置以及风险防范 3 个方面提出了相应策略,对汽车供应链金融业务的健康发展、银 企共赢具有重要参考意义。 关键词:汽车供应链 供应链金融 商业银行 风险管理II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract The With the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards since the reform and opening up, the development of automobile as a means of transportation has been increasing year by year in recent years, followed by the development of the whole automobile supply chain industry. The automobile supply chain takes the automobile manufacturer as the core of the chain, links up the upstream parts suppliers and undertakes the downstream network distributors to drive the overall development of the automobile supply chain. At the same time, the automobile supply chain finance business, which takes the automobile supply chain as the carrier, also emerges as the times require, and gradually develops and matures. The automobile supply chain finance business solves the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) besides core manufacturers by developing different modes of credit business for upstream parts suppliers and downstream network distributors on the basis of core manufacturers'credit. However, with the continuous development of automotive supply chain finance business, banks as financing providers of automotive supply chain finance business, in the actual operation of this business, there are many potential risks. Based on the study of ZC Bank's automotive supply chain financial business model, this paper puts forward relevant strategies for risk management of automotive supply chain financial business. Firstly, this paper elaborates the definition of automobile supply chain finance, and introduces the development and status quo of automobile supply chain finance business of ZC Bank. Secondly, based on the current model of automobile supply chain finance business of ZC Bank, it analyses and introduces the risk status quo of automobile supply chain finance business of ZC Bank. Thirdly, it combines two specific automobile supply chain finance cases of ZC Bank, and passes through ZC Bank. Finally, on the basis of the above research, the paper puts forward corresponding strategies for risk management of ZC Bank's automobile supply chain financial business from three aspects: risk early warning, risk disposal and riskIII 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 prevention, and puts forward corresponding strategies for automobile supply chain financial business. The healthy development of chain financial business and win-win situation between banks and enterprises have important reference significance. Key words: Automobile Supply Chain Supply Chain Finance Commercial Bank Risk ManagementIV 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录 摘要 ..............................................................................................................I Abstract ..........................................................................................................II 图目录............................................................................................................IV 表目录............................................................................................................IV 1 绪论 ............................................................................................................4 1.1 研究背景及意义 ..................................................................................4 1.2 文献综述 ..............................................................................................4 1.3 研究内容及论文结构 ..........................................................................4 2 汽车供应链金融相关基础理论概述........................................................7 2.1 汽车供应链金融的定义及特点 ..........................................................7 2.2 汽车供应链金融的主要模式 ..............................................................8 2.3 汽车供应链金融的风险分类 ..............................................................9 3 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融现状及存在的风险问题 ...............................13 3.1 ZC 银行简介 ......................................................................................13 3.2 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融的发展 ......................................................13 3.3 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融的现状 ......................................................14 3.4 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融的应用及存在的风险问题 ......................17 4 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融风险管理案例分析 .......................................27 4.1 LB 汽车有限公司商票及质押融资案例 ..........................................27 4.2 YA 汽车经销商集团汽车金融综合融资案例 .................................32V 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 5 ZC 银行汽车供应链金融风险管理策略 ...............................................36 5.1 汽车供应链金融风险预警 ................................................................36 5.2 汽车供应链金融风险处置 ................................................................40 5.3 汽车供应链金融风险防范 ................................................................42 结束语............................................................................................................45 致 谢............................................................................................................46