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随着我国社会经济高速发展,生活水平及医疗水平不断提高,老龄化现象 也日趋严重,而生育政策也应随之与时俱进、适应当前国情。为解决当前社会 人口结构分布不均衡、缓解社会人口老龄化加速的压力以及独生子女家庭所面 临的一系列现实问题,在党的十八届五中全会上,我国提出了“坚持计划生育 的基本国策,完善人口发展战略,全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策”。 全面放开二胎政策,将对中国经济产生不可忽视的拉动作用。由于新生婴儿的 数量增加,进而会对营养食品、安全玩具、母婴医疗等相关产业产生直接影响。 如果按照 16 岁成年前城市农村平均抚养成本 20 万粗略估算,全面放开二胎政 策预计将带来每年 1200-1600 亿元的消费红利。孩子是一个家庭的未来,承载 着父母的希望,现如今中国父母对婴儿的成长较为重视,高质量的母婴护理服 务需求不断扩大,具有广阔的市场前景。 本商业计划书“妈妈帮”旨在利用时下热门的微信小程序搭建一个母婴平 台,为妈妈们提供专业育婴知识,基于 LBS 给妈妈们一个相互交流经验、释放 情绪的港湾,同时提供线上商城业务,便于母婴产品的选购。本文在研究的过 程中,首先对研究背景与意义,以及目前母婴市场相关情况、国家的相关政策 进行了描述。然后对项目进行了介绍,主要内容包括产品的技术特性和商业价 值、(创业)团队的组成和组织结构设置、项目运作方式等内容,并且在论述 过程中通过对项目的行业发展情况及对项目进行宏观环境 PEST 分析确定项目 的战略定位及目标市场。与此同时,确定项目在整个投入产出过程中计划采取 的产品策略、营销策略等方面的内容。同时,对项目资金的筹措计划,投资现 金流进行预测,进而进行敏感性分析,情景分析。最后根据项目的整体情况, 对项目可能遇到的风险进行分析并提出相应应对措施,从而保证整个项目在未 来有条不紊地运行。 通过环境分析、市场营销分析、财务分析与风险分析,本文得出,“妈妈 帮”项目切实可行,具有实际的投资价值。本项目研究对于“妈妈帮”项目的 顺利实施提供了依据,也为类似项目实施提供有益的参考与借鉴。 关键词,妈妈帮;母婴育儿;微信小程序;同城交流;增值服务II Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, the improvement of social living standards and medical standards, the aging phenomenon is becoming more and more serious, and the fertility policy should keep pace with the times and adapt to the current national conditions.In order to solve the current uneven distribution of the social population structure, alleviate the pressure of the accelerated aging of the social population and a series of practical problems faced by the only-child family, at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the CPC, China put forward the policy of adhering to the basic national policy of family planning, improving the population development strategy, and implementing the policy of one couple having two children in an all-round way.The comprehensive liberalization of the second child policy will have an important pulling effect on China's economy. As the number of newborn babies increases, it will have a direct impact on nutritional food, safety toys, maternal and child health care and other related industries. If we roughly estimate the average maintenance cost of urban and rural areas before the age of 16 by 200,000 yuan, it is expected that the comprehensive liberalization of the second child policy will bring about a consumption dividend of 120-160 billion yuan per year. Children are the future of a family, carrying the hope of parents. Nowadays, Chinese parents pay more attention to the growth of infants, and the demand for high-quality maternal and infant care services is constantly expanding, with broad market prospects. This business plan Mom-Help aims to build a platform for mothers and babies by using the popular micro-communication programs, providing mothers with professional knowledge of infant care, providing mothers with a port to exchange experiences and release emotions based on LBS, and providing online mall business to facilitate the purchase of maternal and infant products. In the process of research, this paper first describes the background and significance of the research, as well as the current situation of the mother-child market and the relevantIII policies of the country. Then the project is introduced, including the technical characteristics and business value of the product, the composition and organization structure of the team, and the operation mode of the project. In the process of discussion, the strategic positioning and target market of the project are determined by PEST analysis of the industry development and macro environment of the project. At the same time, the content of product strategy, marketing strategy and price strategy that the project plans to adopt in the whole input-output process is determined. At the same time, the project financing plan and investment cash flow are forecasted, and then sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis are carried out. Finally, according to the overall situation of the project, the risk that the project may encounter is analyzed and corresponding countermeasures are put forward to ensure the orderly operation of the whole project in the future. Through environmental analysis, marketing analysis, financial analysis and risk analysis, this thesis comes to the conclusion that Mom-Help project is feasible and has practical investment value. The research of this project provides a basis for the smooth implementation of Mom-Help project, and also provides a beneficial reference for the implementation of similar projects. Key words:Mom-Help;Maternal and child rearing;WeChat applet;City exchange;Value-added servicesIV 目录 摘要..................................................I Abstract ............................................. II 目录.................................................IV 第一章 引言..........................................1 第一节 研究背景与意义......................................1 一 研究背景 ................................................... 1 二 研究意义 ................................................... 1 第二节 报告思路和框架......................................2 一 报告思路 ................................................... 2 二 报告框架 ................................................... 3 第二章 项目简介......................................4 第一节 项目概况............................................4 一 单独模块介绍 ............................................... 4 二 模块联动介绍 ............................................... 5 第二节 组织结构设置和团队的组成............................6 一 组织结构 ................................................... 6 二 部门职能 ................................................... 6 三 核心团队 ................................................... 7 第三节 项目运作方式........................................9 一 增值服务策略 ............................................... 9 二 网上商城 .................................................. 10V 第四节 项目商业价值.......................................11 第三章 项目环境分析 .................................14 第一节 宏观环境 PEST 分析..................................14 一 政策分析 .................................................. 14 二 经济分析 .................................................. 18 三 社会分析 .................................................. 19 四 技术分析 .................................................. 20 第二节 行业环境分析.......................................21 一 潜在进入者的威胁 .......................................... 21 二 替代品或服务的威胁 ........................................ 22 三 现有竞争者分析 ............................................ 23 四 供应商讨价还价的能力分析 .................................. 24 五 顾客讨价还价的能力分析 .................................... 24 第四章 营销战略与营销计划 ...........................26 第一节 营销战略...........................................26 第二节 营销计划...........................................27 第三节 营销控制与管理.....................................30 第五章 项目财务分析 .................................34 第一节 项目资金需求估计...................................34 一 投资估算内容 .............................................. 34 二 本项目投资估算的编制依据 .................................. 34 三 初始投资估计 .............................................. 35 第二节 投资现金流量预测...................................36 第三节 敏感性分析.........................................38 第四节 情景分析...........................................41 第五节 风险分析...........................................43VI 一 市场风险 .................................................. 43 二 技术风险 .................................................. 44 三 管理风险 .................................................. 45 四 财务风险 .................................................. 45 第六章 研究结论.....................................46 第一节 结论...............................................46 第二节 展望...............................................47