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随着经济全球化的深入的推进,企业所面临的市场竞争愈演愈烈。企业需要 不断创新管理制度,而企业绩效考核体系的正确与否成为了其实现发展目标的关 键因素之一。绩效考核在保持企业竞争优势方面发挥着极其重要的作用。高效的 绩效考核体系有助于员工在工作中自我行为的不断改进,使得员工的主观能动性 充分发挥,提升企业和个人的整体工作绩效。因此,绩效考核是现代企业管理中 至关总要的管理手段。 本文以甘肃九州药业公司绩效考核体系提升为主要目标。希望通过本研究改 善公司的绩效考核现状,进一步提高员工对绩效考核及薪资满意程度。员工的满 意度提高了,队伍的稳定性也将相应的提高,这有助于激发员工生产和工作的积 极性,促进甘肃九州药业公司整体战略的实施和管理水平的提升。甘肃九州药业 公司自成立以来,企业管理者一直比较重视绩效考核,先后制定出台了组织单位 管理与确保效率的绩效考核体系,绩效考核也是人力资源管理部门日常工作的主 要内容,在激励员工方面起到了助推作用。然而,随着企业内外部环境的变化, 目前的绩效考核体系也出现了一些问题。如何对现有的绩效考核体系进行优化设 计,成了目前亟需解决的问题。 针对甘肃九州药业公司目前绩效考核问题展开深入探索,应用绩效考核相关 理论,分析并找出企业在绩效考核体系和执行过程中存在的问题,包括绩效考核 结果应用不够充分、考察的目标过于单一、考察的周期过短、参照因素的权重设 置不公平、绩效指标设置缺乏科学依据等问题。结合甘肃九州药业公司发展战略, 结合平衡计分卡和 KPI 分析工具,在先前的绩效考核体系的基础上进一步改良, 对公司层面、部门层面和员工层面的平衡计分卡进行优化设计,重新规划适用于 企业长期战略发展的绩效考核体系。通过新的考核体系实施希望有效解决企业在 绩效考核中存在的负面影响。提升企业员工对绩效考核的满意度,促进甘肃九州 药业公司战略的实现和管理水平的提升。 关键词:九州药业,绩效考核,平衡计分卡II RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION OF APPRAISAL SYSTEM OF JIUZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY IN GANSU PROVINCE Abstract With the deepening of economic globalization, enterprises are facing increasingly fierce market competition. Enterprises need to constantly innovate management system, and the correctness of enterprise performance appraisal system has become one of the key factors to achieve their development goals. Performance appraisal plays an extremely important role in maintaining the competitive advantage of enterprises. Efficient performance appraisal system is helpful for the continuous improvement of employee's self-behavior in their work, making full use of employees' subjective initiative, and improving the overall performance of enterprises and individuals.Therefore, performance appraisal is the most important management means in modern enterprise management. In this paper, the main objective is to improve the performance appraisal system of Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company in Gansu Province. It is hoped that this study will improve the company's performance appraisal status, and further improve staff's satisfaction with performance appraisal and salary. Employee satisfaction has been improved, and the stability of the team will be improved accordingly. This will help motivate the enthusiasm of employees in production and work, and promote the implementation of the overall strategy and management level of Gansu Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company. Since the establishment of Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company in Gansu Province, business managers have been paying more attention to performance appraisal. They have formulated and promulgated a performance appraisal system for organizational unit management and efficiency assurance. Performance appraisal is also the main content of human resources management department's daily work, and has played a role in stimulating employees. However, with the changes of the internal and external environment of enterprises, there are also some problems in the current performance appraisal system. How to optimize theIII existing performance appraisal system has become an urgent problem to be solved. In view of the current performance appraisal problems of Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company in Gansu Province, this paper makes an in-depth exploration, applies the relevant theories of performance appraisal, analyses and finds out the problems existing in the performance appraisal system and implementation process of enterprises, including insufficient application of performance appraisal results, too single objective, too short inspection cycle, unfair weight setting of reference factors, and lack of performance indicators. Scientific basis and other issues. Combining with the development strategy of Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company in Gansu Province, combined with the Balanced Scorecard and KPI analysis tools, further improvements were made on the basis of the previous performance appraisal system. The balanced scorecard at the company level, department level and staff level was optimized, and the performance appraisal system suitable for the long-term strategic development of enterprises was redesigned. Through the implementation of the new appraisal system, we hope to effectively solve the negative impact of performance appraisal in enterprises. Improve the satisfaction of employees to performance appraisal, and promote the realization of strategy and management level of Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Company in Gansu Province. Keywords:Jiuzhou pharmaceutical company, Performance appraisal, Balanced scorecardIV 目 录 中文摘要................................................ Ⅰ Abstract ............................................... Ⅱ 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 选题背景与意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 选题背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 选题意义 ................................................2 1.2 研究内容与方法 ..............................................3 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................3 1.2.2 研究方法和工具 ..........................................3 1.3 研究思路与框架 ..............................................3 第二章 相关理论概述 .....................................6 2.1 绩效考核理论概述 ............................................6 2.1.1 绩效考核方法及研究方向 ..................................6 2.1.2 绩效管理循环 ............................................7 2.1.3 绩效考核提升 ............................................8 2.2 过程激励理论 ................................................9 2.3 KPI 基本理论.................................................9 2.4 平衡计分卡相关理论 .........................................10 2.4.1 平衡计分卡开展绩效考核特点 .............................10 2.4.2 平衡计分卡在企业绩效考核体系设计中的优势 ...............11 2.4.3 基于平衡计分卡的绩效考核体系指标 .......................12 第三章 甘肃九州药业绩效考核体系现状分析 ................14 3.1 甘肃九州药业基本情况 .......................................14V 3.2 甘肃九州药业绩效考核存在问题及原因分析 .....................17 3.2.1 调查问卷发放与结果分析 .................................17 3.2.2 甘肃九州药业绩效考核存在的问题 .........................23 3.2.3 甘肃九州药业绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 .................24 第四章 甘肃九州药业绩效考核体系优化设计 ................27 4.1 优化甘肃九州药业绩效考核体系必要性 .........................27 4.2 战略目标的确定和分解 .......................................28 4.2.1 确认企业的使命、价值观和愿景 ...........................28 4.2.2 确定战略重点和 KPI ......................................28 4.2.3 梳理企业战略规划 .......................................29 4.3 平衡计分卡构建绩效考核指标体系的步骤 .......................30 4.3.1 前期准备工作 ...........................................31 4.3.2 维度及指标确定 .........................................31 4.3.3 公司层面平衡计分卡的建立 ...............................35 4.3.4 部门平衡计分卡的建立 ...................................38 4.3.5 个人层面平衡计分卡的建立 ...............................41 4.4 甘肃九州药业绩效考核体系的实施 .............................43 4.4.1 梳理公司的战略指标 .....................................43 4.4.2 构建绩效考核信息系统 ...................................44 4.4.3 建立有效绩效沟通流程 ...................................46 4.4.4 绩效考核结果的使用 .....................................46 第五章 甘肃九州药业绩效考核体系实施保障 ................49 第六章 总结与展望 ......................................51 6.1 主要结论 ...................................................51 6.2 研究展望 ...................................................51