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摘要 当前世界各国都面临垃圾泛滥成灾的现实,各国的视线已经不再停留在如何控制 和销毁垃圾的问题上,而是采取积极的态度和有力的措施进行科学的处理,利用垃圾, 将垃圾列为“第二资源”。垃圾焚烧是目前固体废弃物处理的有效途径之一,焚烧处理 的优点是减量效果好,焚烧后的残渣体积减少90%以上,重量减少80%以上,处理彻 底,污染小,而垃圾中的二次能源如有机可燃物等,所含的热值高,根据科学家测算 焚烧2吨垃圾产生的热量大约相当于1吨煤。我国城市垃圾产量巨大,但垃圾焚烧发 电我国在起步较晚,发展缓慢,虽然已经在部分经济发达城市进行了尝试,但推广效 果不佳。鉴于垃圾焚烧发电对于节约资源,改善环境,实现国家的可持续发展具有重 要意义,对垃圾焚烧发电项目进行客观、全面、深入的可行性研究非常必要。 基于以上背景,本文通过对BM区的自然条件、社会经济概况及发展规划的分析 认为在BM区建设垃圾焚烧发电厂势在必行。因此对BM区垃圾焚烧发电进行可行性 研究,釆用文献理论研究、实证分析、经济分析等方法从技术、投资、风险等角度进 行全面综合分析,对垃圾焚烧发电项目的建设、推广提供了有力证明。 本文一共七章。第一章绪论:主要介绍报告的研宄背景、研究意义、研宄内容和 研究方法。第二章文献综述:分别对目前国内外可行性方法的研宄现状进行梳理,辨 析了相关概念,包括可行性研宄、财务评价等。第三章项目情况。介绍BM区的概况 及进行垃圾焚烧发电项目的有利条件。第四章从技术角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行 可行性分析。包括垃圾焚烧工艺的选择、焚烧流程的确定以及焚烧系统的配置。第五 章从投资估算的角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行可行性分析。从项目投资估算、资金 筹措等进行具体分析。第六章从风险及应对措施角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行可行 性分析。包括存在的风险因素及相应的应对策略等。第七章结论。说明生活垃圾焚烧 发电项目在BM区实施的可行性分析结论和建议。 关键词:焚烧发电、可行性研宄、BM区 广东工血大学硕士学位报告 Abstract All countries in the world is currently faced with garbage overrun with reality, the line of sight of countries no longer stay on the question of how to control and destroy the garbage, but rather take a positive attitude and effective measures for scientific treatment, use of garbage, trash as the second resource. Waste incineration is one of the effective ways of solid waste disposal, incineration is reduction effect is good,the advantages of incineration residue after volume reduced by more than 90%,reduce weight more than 80%, with complete, low pollution, and waste of secondary energy, such as organic fuel contains high calorific value, according to the scientists calculate burn 2 tons of waste heat equivalent to about 1 tons of coal. Large urban waste output in our country, but the waste incineration power generation in starts late in our country, development is slow,although have tried in some economically developed city, but to promote the effect not beautiful. In view of the waste incineration power generation to save resources, improve the environment, realize the sustainable development of the country is of great significance, for the waste incineration power generation project objective, comprehensive and in-depth feasibility study is very necessary. Based on the above background, this article through to the BM area natural condition and social economic situation and the analysis of the development plan in the BM area construction garbage incineration power plant is imperative. So the feasibility study on the BM area waste incineration power generation,using literature theoretical research and empirical analysis, economic analysis method from the aspects of technology, economy and risk comprehensive analysis, the waste incineration power generation project construction, the promotion provides strong evidence. In this paper, a total of seven chapters. Chapter one introduction: introduce the research background, research significance,research contents and research methods. Second literature review: respectively for feasibility method and current research situation at home and abroad of the relevant concepts, including feasibility study, financial evaluation, etc. n Abstract Chapter iii project. Introduce the BM area survey and the advantage of garbage incineration power generation project. The fourth chapter,from the Angle of technology, BM area incineration power generation project feasibility analysis. Including the selection of waste incineration technology, the determination of burning process and burning system configuration. The fifth chapter from the perspective of economy, the BM area incineration power generation project feasibility analysis. From the project investment estimation and financing for specific analysis. Chapter 6 from the perspective of risk and countermeasures, BM area incineration power generation project feasibility analysis. Including the risk factors and the corresponding coping strategies, etc. Chapter vii conclusion. Living garbage incineration power generation project in BM area implementation feasibility analysis conclusions and recommendations. Keywords: incineration power generation, feasibility study, BM area m 广东工业大学硕士学位报告 目录 I Abstract II 0 $ IV CONTENTS VU 第一章绪论 1 1.1研宄背景 1 1.2研究意义和目的 2 1.2.1理论就 2 1.2.2实践意义 2 1.3研宄内容与方法 3 1.3.1研究内容 3 1.3.2研宄方法 4 1.4本文创新之处 4 第二章文献综述 5 2.1可行性研宄相关概念 5 2.1.1可行性研宄 5 2.1.2财务评价 6 2.2国外可行性研宄现状 7 2.3国内可行性研究现状 8 第三章项目自然条件和必要性分析 9 3.1 BM区概况 9 3.1.1 BM区自然条件 9 3.1.2 BM区社会经济概况 9 3.2 BM区生活垃圾处理现状分析 11 3.2.1垃圾处理现状 11 3.2.2垃圾处理目前存在的问题 12 3.2.3焚烧发电必要性 12 目录 3.3 BM区垃圾焚烧的有利条件 13 3.3.1国家政策支持和鼓励 13 3.1.2环保法规与技术政策完善 14 3.1.3项目融资难度减小 15 3.1.4项目企业化投资前景看好 15 3.4项目效益分析 16 3.4.1经济效益 16 3.4.2环境效益 16 3.4.3社会效益 17 第四章项目技术可行性研宄 18 4.1垃圾处理工艺流程 18 4.2垃圾焚烧工艺选择 尹 19 4.2.1焚烧炉炉型选择 19 4.2.2焚烧生产线的配置 20 4.2.3汽轮发电机组的配置 22 4.3技术设备选型 23 4.3.1垃圾焚烧系统 23 4.3.2余热锅炉系统 28 4.3.3汽轮发电系统 32 4.3.4电气系统 35 4.3.5辅助生产系统 39 4.4 ^ 40 第五章项目投资估算及效益分析 41 5.1编制说明 41 5.2编制依据 41 5.3工程投资估算 41 5.3.1工程投资估算表 41 5.3.2 43 5.3.3技术经济分析 43 V 广东工业大学硕士学位报告 5.4社会效益分析 45 5.5不确定性分析 46 5.6 4^ 47 第六章风险分析及防范措施 48 6.1风险性分析 48 6.1.1不可抗力 48 6.1.2项目管理风险 48 6.1.3市场运营风险 48 6.1.4技术风险 49 6.2风险防范措施 49 6.2.1按期进行系统检修 49 6.2.2优化垃圾处理工艺 49 6.2.3强化系统运行管理 50 6.2.4提高作业人员素质 50 6.2.5完善收费征收价格 50 6.3 離 50 第七章结论及建议 51 7.1 驗 51 7.2建议 51