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随着全球金融市场一体化进程的加快,综合金融对我国金融业的影响越来越 大,给我国现在金融行业的分业经营格局造成了巨大冲击。我国政府充分认识到综 合金融会给我国带来的巨大机遇和挑战,并且采取一系列行动保证综合金融在我国 的推进实施。在2005年通过《中华人民共和国证券法(修订)》中在证券法内容规 定将证券业与其他金融机构分别进行经营管理,并规定由二者各自设立金融机构。 与此同时,增加国家另有规定除外,为综合金融在我国实施留下来法律空间。在 我国十一五规划中提出金融体制改革,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第 十一个五年规划纲要》中明确提出完善金融机构规范运作的基本制度,稳步推进 金融业综合经营试点,为我国开展综合金融经营提供了法律依据。2006年我国开 始推进综合金融经营试点。随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和人民收入水平的提 高,以及我国与国际金融的接触越来越深,加之我国金融业面临的竞争压力和金融 创新压力,对综合金融的呼声越来越高,综合金融成为我国经济发展的必然选择。 我国综合金融的开展相比较西方国家有其不同的背景和内涵,首先我国作为发 展中国家,由于长期受到计划经济的影响,在我国社会主义市场经济体制建设方面 的经验还有所欠缺,加之我国金融业相关的法律法规建设不完善,以及我国金融业 面对着世界上成熟发达金融机构的强大挑战,这些都增加了我国综合金融开展的困 难。在这种情况下,更需要我们结合我国国情分析综合金融在我国的开展情况,分 析适合我国国情的综合金融模式,本文建立在这一点上进行深入的分析,希望有效 提高我国金融业的经营能力和核心竞争力。 关键词:综合金融,风险,创新,金融业,银行业 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS Abstract With the global financial market integration advancement speeding up, the comprehensive financial influence on China's financial industry is more and more big, to our country now the financial industry structure has caused great shock. Our government is fiilly aware of the consolidated financial give us enormous opportunities and challenges, and take a series of actions to ensure that promote the implementation of integrated financial services in China. In 2005' by the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised) in the Securities Act the securities industry and banking, trust business, insurance for separate operation, separate management, securities companies and institutions of banking, trust, insurance agencies shall be established separately addition except as otherwise provided in the country, for the comprehensive financial in our implementation to stay legal space. Reform of the financial system in China's Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the People's Republic of China national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Put forward clearly to perfect financial institutions to regulate the operation of the basic system of financial industry comprehensive management, steadily push forward the pilot and provide a legal basis for China to develop an integrated Financial Management. 2006 China began to promote the integrated financial management pilot. Along with our country socialist market economy development and people income level rise, as well as our country and international financial contact more and more deep, together with our country financial industry faces competition pressure and pressure on financial innovation, On the integrated financial is becoming louder and louder, comprehensive finance has become the inevitable choice of economic development in china. Compared with Western countries, China's comprehensive financial has their different background and connotation, first, as a developing country, due to the influence of planned economy, the experience in the construction of China's socialist market economic system which had been lacking, together with the relevant laws and regulations construction is not perfect, as well as China's financial sector faced a strong challenge ii 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS from the mature developed financial institutions in the world, which have increased our comprehensive financial development difficulties. In this case, we need to combine our country national condition analysis in China's financial development suited to China's national conditions, analysis of the financial model. This paper based on this point of in-depth analysis, hope to improve China's financial industry management and core competitive capacity. Keywords: Comprehensive finance, risk, innovation, financial industry, banking industry 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 目录 摘要 i Abstract ii 1 ^ 6 1.1研究背景 6 1.2研究目的、意义 6 1.3研究内容、方法 7 2文献回顾 8 2.1综合金融界定 8 2.1.1综合金融简述 8 2.1.2综合金融发展内部动因和外部动机 8 2.1.3综合金融模式 9 2.1.4综合金融典型模式 5 2.2综合金融作用及风险 6 2.2.1综合金融的作用 6 2.2.2综合金融风险 8 2.3国内外研究现状 10 3我国综合金融发展的现状及存在的问题 12 3.1综合金融发展历程 12 3.1.1低水平的混业经营阶段 12 3.1.2严格实行分业经营的阶段 12 3.1.3逐步放宽分业经营限制的阶段 13 3.1.4综合金融发展综述 13 3.2综合金融发展现状 16 3.2.1商业银行利益驱动与分散风险要求迫切 16 3.2.2分业经营弊端逐渐凸显 16 3.2.3我国综合金融模式 17 3.3综合金融存在的问题 18 3.3.1监管体制有待提高 18 3.3.2法律法规约束综合金融发展乏力 18 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 3.3.3人力资源软因素缺乏限制综合金融发展 19 4我国综合金融产生问题的成因 20 4.1政府层面 20 4.2社会层面 21 4.2.1技术不断创新发展 21 4.2.2外部环境进一步发展 21 4.3企业层面 21 5我国综合金融发展对策与建议 29 5.1加强法律法规建设及体制改革 29 5.1.1完善相关金融法律法规 29 5.1.2整合我国金融监管体制 29 5.2优化社会金融生态 29 5.2.1商业银行和投资银行合作 29 5.2.2商业银行和基金合作 25 5.2.3商业银行和保险合作 25 5.3加强公司治理 26 5.3.1充分认识综合金融利弊 26 5.3.2谨慎选择控股公司 26 6总结及展望 28