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一直以来,股份制商业的发展势头迅猛,对整个经济的发展有着举足轻重 的作用,但是随着近年来金融脱媒现象日益严峻,市场竞争日渐激烈,尤其是 互联网金融模式的出现使原有市场被进一步侵蚀,整个兴业银行业务的拓展受 到了严重的影响,如何更好的开拓新一级区域市场成为当前兴业银行探究的重 要课题。 互联网企业在金融方面的竞争非常强劲,诸如各个方面的优势非常明显, 这也导致了金融脱媒化日益明显,我们不难发现当前银行物理网点的依靠性越 来越小,许多金融机构开始撤并营业网点,因此对于商业银行来说,如何布局、 确保盈利、在互联网金融的大环境下保持生存空间,值得思考。当前的金融行 业才能够发展,如果单单依靠当前这种传统模式必然会在不知不觉中让金融行 业陷入僵局,最终只能被市场所淘汰。因此科学有效的发展商业银行物理网点, 已经成为科学界和实业界共同关注的一个问题。 兴业银行对于国家的经济发展非常重要,但是当前股份制商业银行正面临 巨大的困境,这种困境是时代发展、市场变革和自身因素所共同影响的,为此 股份制商业银行想要更好的发展就必须要将整个营销战略进行转变,让其更符 合当前市场的需求,同时提升自身的竞争力。兴业银行是一家具备自身特点的 商业银行,近些年来的业务发展获得了较为快速的发展。目前,兴业银行完成 国内省会城市设立分行的网点布局,在一二线城市的发展已经达到了饱和稳定 的状态。与此同时,在国有四大行和民生、浦发、华夏等股份制银行的激烈竞 争下,兴业银行想要进一步发展非常困难,因此对于二线市场的拓展非常必要。 本文就希望分析兴业银行在 X 市建立分行的可行性,以便企业能够更好的深耕 二线市场。 科学设立二级分行对于商业银行来说,是一个涉及方方面面的大课题,同 时又是发展中必须经历和面对的。那么如何正确合理的设立二级分行,对于兴 业银行来说,是一个值得思考的问题。既要全面考虑当地经济环境、当地准入 政策、自身经营水平、未来业务发展情况等,也要选择合适的地理位置和盈利 模式,这些都是一个值得探讨的问题。 关键词,商业银行;兴业银行;可行性分析;风险管理II Abstract All along, the joint-stock commercial the momentum of rapid development, has played an important role on the development of the whole economy, but with the recent financial disintermediation becomes more and more serious, the market competition is increasingly fierce, more serious problem is the emergence of the Internet financial model makes the original market was further eroded, expand the industrial bank the business has been seriously affected, how to develop a new regional market level has become an important topic of current industrial bank. Internet companies in the financial aspects of the competition is very strong, and all aspects such as very obvious advantages, it also led to the financial disintermediation is increasingly obvious, and it is easy to find the current bank the dependence of the physical network is more and more small, many financial institutions began to streamline business outlets, thus for commercial Banks, how to layout, to ensure profitability, under the environment of Internet financial keep living space, worth thinking about. The current financial industry can only grow, if relying solely on the current traditional model will inevitably lead to a stalemate in the financial industry, which will eventually be eliminated by the market. Industrial Bank is very important for the economic development of the country, but the current joint-stock commercial is facing a huge dilemma, this dilemma is the development of the times, the change of the market and their own factors influence, the environment has changed cannot be reversed, so the development of joint-stock commercial banks want better it is necessary to change the marketing strategy. Really make the whole marketing strategy more in line with the current market demand, and enhance the competitiveness of their own. One of the commercial bank Industrial Bank as the current commercial banks in the market is very characteristic, its development speed is relatively fast, the Industrial Bank in first-tier cities have their own Branch Overall, the development speed to achieve a stable development of the state, the workers and peasants in the establishment of state-owned banks and merchants, Shanghai Pudong Development and strong joint-stock banks strongIII competition, the industrial bank to further development is very difficult, so it is very necessary to expand the Industrial Bank of second tier market. This paper wants to analyze industrial bank to set up branches in the feasibility of a certain city, so that enterprises can better roots in the second tier market. How to set up bank branches correctly and reasonably, for the Industrial Bank, is a problem worth thinking. The need to consider the local policy, its management level, the development of local economy and finance, as well as local staff quality and credit environment. How to choose the location, profit as soon as possible after the establishment, and select the suitable profit model, is worthy of discussion. Key Words: Commercial Bank; Industrial bank; Feasibility analysis; Risk managementIV 目 录 第一章 导言.............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .......................................... 1 一 研究背景 .........................................................1 二 研究意义 .........................................................2 第二节 本文相关文献综述 ........................................ 3 一 国外文献综述 .....................................................3 二 国内文献综述 .....................................................4 第三节 研究内容和方法 .......................................... 5 一 研究内容 .........................................................5 二 研究方法 .........................................................6 第四节 特色与创新之处 .......................................... 6 第二章 X 市背景情况及选址要素的可行性分析.......................7 第一节 X 市的经济环境和发展状况分析 ............................ 7 第二节 X 市的金融行业竞争环境分析 .............................. 9 第三节 X 市的监管政策和准入要求分析 ........................... 11 第四节 相关选址要素分析....................................... 11 一 零售饱和要素分析 ............................................... 12 二 中心地带要素分析 ............................................... 12 三 商圈要素分析 ................................................... 13 第三章 X 分行的战略规划、经营策略和盈利的可行性分析 ....... 15 第一节 X 分行的战略规划分析 ........................................ 16 一 明确市场定位 ................................................... 16 二 通过专业的金融业务人员落实市场定位.............................. 17 三 建立全领域的金融服务中心........................................ 17V 四 注重品牌营销 ................................................... 17 五 加强与当地商业银行的合作........................................ 18 第二节 X 分行的经营策略分析 ........................................ 18 一 合理使用客户资源 ............................................... 18 二 拓展营销渠道 ................................................... 19 三 主抓区域营销 ................................................... 20 四 提升服务质量 ................................................... 20 五 健全风险管理制度 ............................................... 20 六 完善内控制度 ................................................... 21 七 加强融资工作管理 ............................................... 22 第三节 X 分行的盈利性分析........................................... 22 一 存贷款业务分析 ................................................. 22 二 中间业务分析 ................................................... 24 三 利润分析 ....................................................... 25 第四章 X 分行的其他筹建措施和建议 ....................... 27 第一节 合理组建 X 分行的组织架构 ................................... 27 一 X 分行领导班子选任 .............................................. 27 二 X 分行部门设置及职责分工 ........................................ 27 三 拟聘从业人员计划 ............................................... 29 第二节 建立完整的风险内控体系 ..................................... 29 第三节 X 分行筹建的相关建议 ........................................ 30 一 保证人才专业性 ................................................. 30 二 拓展农村金融市场 ............................................... 31 三 大力发展私人银行 ............................................... 31 四 完善综合柜员制 ................................................. 32 五 加强征信管理 ................................................... 33VI 六 灵活设计产品类型 ............................................... 35 第五章 结论与展望....................................... 36