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随着社会的进步和经济的发展,加之健康生活意识的觉醒,人们对医疗服务 提出了更多样、更严苛的需求,对医务人员的医疗水平和医疗设备的要求进一步 提高,另外,在医疗体系大刀阔斧的改革之下,民营医院面临着更为激烈的竞争, 亟待寻求新的发展突破。这种社会大背景给民营医院内外双重的压力,医疗市场 的竞争进一步加剧,民营医院的发展机遇和挑战并存。科学合理、行之有效的发 展战略有利于帮助医院指明发展方向,确定业务重点,合理配置资源,同时也有 利于提高医院发展运营管理效率,增强民营医院核心竞争力。总而言之,对于民 营医院而言,发展战略的制定对其生存与发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文立足于医院发展战略,通过对相关文献综述的分析和案例研究法,以吉 林国文医院作为研究对象,通过调查分析,客观、全面地阐述了医院目前的发展 现状。在竞争环境下,吉林国文医院在发展过程中暴露出许多隐藏在日常运行工 作中的弊端,诸多问题已经浮出水面,这些问题严重制约着医院未来的发展。基 于其发展现状,以专业化发展、特色化发展、集中化发展为导向,为该医院制定 了一套可行、科学的发展战略,以归纳的研究资料为基础,运用了波特五力模型 和 SWOT 分析法进行分析,剖析了该医院所处的宏观环境和内部管理能力,直观、 清晰地呈现出吉林国文医院当前的竞争状况,客观判断了其资源配置现状以及发 展能力,指出其需要制定一套差异化聚集战略。同时为了保障该战略的有效落实, 还从组织结构、人才队伍等方面提出了建设性意见,对其他民营医院的可持续发 展有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:民营医院;发展战略;SWOT 分析II Abstract With the advancement of society and the awakening of healthy living awareness, people have put forward more and more stringent demands on medical services. In addition, under the drastic reform of the medical system, private hospitals are facing more intense competition. Urgently seeking new development breakthroughs. Undoubtedly, in the face of increasing and diversified medical service demand, faced with increasing competition pressure, in the face of in-depth medical reform, private hospitals need to explore new development models and develop scientific and effective development. Strategy to seek development in such a complex market environment and to embark on a sustainable development path. All in all, for private hospitals, the formulation of development strategies has important practical significance for their survival and development. Based on the development strategy of the hospital, this paper combs and summarizes the research results related to it, and at the same time, in order to carry out the research of this subject more intuitively and smoothly, it also clarifies the research ideas and determines the main research contents. In addition, this paper also uses the case. The research method, with Jilin Guowen Hospital as the research object, through a large number of investigation and analysis, objectively and comprehensively expounded the current development status of the hospital, and also based on the research data summarized, using the five-force model and other research methods to analyze the hospital. At the same time, this paper also uses the SWOT analysis method to visually and clearly present the current competition situation of Jilin Guowen Hospital, objectively judges its resource allocation status and development ability, and points out that it needs to be formulated. A set of differentiated aggregation strategies. In general, this paper is mainly based on Jilin Guowen Hospital. Based on its development status, it is oriented towards professional development, characteristic development and centralized development, and has developed a feasible and scientific development strategy for the hospital. In order to ensure the effective implementation of this strategy, constructive opinions were also put forward from the aspects of organizational structure and talent team. Keywords: Private Hospital;Development Strategy;SWOTAnalysisIII 目 录 摘要............................................................. I ABSTRACT....................................................... II 第 1 章 绪 论......................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........................................... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................... 3 1.3 研究内容和研究方法 ........................................... 4 1.3.1 研究内容 ............................................... 4 1.3.2 研究方法 ............................................... 4 1.4 创新之处 ..................................................... 5 第 2 章 相关理论概述................................................6 2.1 战略管理内涵 ............................................. 6 2.2 医院战略管理概述 ......................................... 6 2.2.1 医院战略 ............................................... 6 2.2.2 医院战略管理及特点 ..................................... 7 2.3 战略管理常用分析工具 ..................................... 8 2.3.1 PEST 分析法 ............................................ 8 2.3.2 波特五力分析模型 ....................................... 9 2.3.3 SWOT 分析 ............................................. 10 第 3 章 吉林国文医院的发展战略环境分析............................. 11 3.1 医院简介 ................................................ 11 3.2 医院外部环境分析 ........................................ 11 3.2.1 医院宏观环境分析 ...................................... 11 3.2.2 医院行业环境分析 ...................................... 19 3.3 医院内部环境分析 ........................................ 22 3.3.1 人力资源 .............................................. 22 3.3.2 医疗水平 .............................................. 22 3.3.3 医疗环境 .............................................. 24 3.3.4 营销能力 .............................................. 24 3.3.5 信息化建设 ............................................ 24 3.3.6 医院文化 .............................................. 25 第 4 章 吉林国文医院发展战略制定................................... 27 4.1 SWOT 分析矩阵 .......................................... 27IV 4.2 发展战略目标 ............................................ 29 4.3 发展战略重点 ............................................ 30 4.4 发展战略措施 ............................................ 30 第 5 章 吉林国文医院发展战略的实施保障.............................33 5.1 人才队伍保障 ............................................ 33 5.2 市场营销保障 ............................................ 33 5.3 医疗质量管理保障 ........................................ 34 5.4 信息化管理保障 .......................................... 35 5.5 文化保障 ................................................ 35 第 6 章 结 论..................................................... 37 附录.............................................................. 38