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辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是高校学生日常思想政治 教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者。辅导员是高等学校教师队伍和管 理队伍的重要组成部分,具有教师和干部的双重身份。2006年9月1日教育部 第24号令的颁布实施,明确了辅导员的工作要求与职责、选聘、培养发展以及 管理考核等方面的内容,为各高校加强辅导员队伍建设提供了良好的运营机制。 随着我国高等教育事业的蓬勃发展,民办教育也越来越得到人们的关注。作为 高校基层管理人员的辅导员,担负着学生的思想政治教育、日常管理、心理健 康教育、就业指导等与学生健康成长密切相关的工作,成为高校学生管理工作 的骨干力量。 绩效考核是现代人力资源管理系统的基础,它是检查员工履职情况、兑现 津贴和绩效工资、建立激励机制的重要手段,在深化高等院校人事制度改革中 起到了非常重要的作用。但在目前,全国高等院校的辅导员绩效考核还没有得到 足够的重视,很多院校的辅导员考核体系不够科学,存在考核指标凌乱、指标权 重不当、定量定性不合理等问题。这样的现状使得辅导员绩效考核不但无法达 到预期效果,而且会挫伤辅导员工作的积极性,影响高校辅导员队伍的建设。 本文首先简要介绍了 SD学院的概况以及辅导员队伍建设的情况。然后,具 体介绍了 SD学院现有的辅导员考核办法并分析了存在的问题,将绩效考核的相 关理论和辅导员工作特点与作者多年的辅导员工作经验相结合,针对SD学院目 前的辅导员绩效考核体系进行了分析和研究,通过对辅导员的岗位分析,制定 出岗位说明书,用KPI法重新确定了考核指标,用德尔菲法确定了指标权重, 用360度考核法重新设计了 SD学院的辅导员绩效考核方案。最后对绩效考核的 反馈和应用提出了意见和建议。 关键词:辅导员;绩效考核;岗位分析 I Abstract The college counselors are the backbone of the ideological and political education for college students. As the organizers, implementers and instructors of this education, the counselors play an important part in college teaching and management, with a dual identity of teachers and cadres. The promulgation and implement of Decree 24 of the Ministry of Education on September. 1. 2006 clarified the items such as work requirements, responsibilities,hiring, development and management assessment of college counsdors,providing a good mechanism for the management of college counselor team. With the development of the cause of higher education,private college is attracting more attention. With the vigorous development of Chinafs higher education, private education has been more attention. As a counselor grassroots management staff colleges, students will take on the ideological and political education, daily management, mental health, education, employment guidance and healthy growth of closely related work,become the backbone of college students management. The performance appraisal is the basis of modern human resource management system. It is an important means to establish incentives through checking employees' performances, cash allowances and to pay for performance. The role of performance appraisal is prominent in the reform of personnel system of higher education institutions. Many universities and colleges have carried out the reform of the performance appraisal system for academic staff and achieved initial results. However, there are few practical explorations for the reform of the performance appraisal system for college counselors. Some universities and colleges have even neglected the importance of the counselor performance appraisal. Although they carried out some counselor performance appraisal work, they did not conduct a comprehensive, scientific and effective performance evaluation, and the results of the assessment were not well used. It badly hurt the counselors' enthusiasm for work, which is an impediment to the improvement of the counselor management. In this paper, the performance evaluation of the relevant theory and counselors II work characteristics and counselor of many years of work experience combined with current college counselor for SD performance appraisal system for the analysis and research, tiirough the counselors job analysis, develop a job manual, using KPI law redefined assessment indicators,using the Delphi method to determine the index weight, with a 360-degree assessment method to re-establish a performance appraisal system SD College counselor, and finally to the performance appraisal feedback and application put forward opinions and suggestions. Key words: college counselors, performance appraisal, job analysis III 目录 第一章绪论 1 第一节选题的背景 1 第二节研究的目的与意义 2 第三节文献综述 3 -西方发达国家的高校辅导员考核情况 3 二国内关于高校辅导员绩效考核的研究 5 第四节主要研究内容及方法 6 一研究内容 6 二 ■方法 7 第二章SD学院辅导员考核现状及存在的问题 9 第一节辅导员绩效考核 9 -我国辅导员制度概述 9 二高校辅导员工作的特征 9 三高校辅导员绩效考核的实施意义 10 第二节SD学院辅导员队伍简介 11 第三节SD学院辅导员队伍建设存在的问题 12 第四节SD学院辅导员绩效考核现状 14 -SD学院现有辅导员绩效考核体系 14 二 SD学院辅导员考核工作存在的不足 14 第三章SD学院辅导员绩效考核体系的优化 16 第一节绩效考核指标设计思路 16 第二节SD学院辅导员绩效考核机制应遵循的准则 16 第三节绩效考核主体的确定 18 一考核方法的选取 18 IV 二考核主体的选择应该遵循的原则 19 三运用360度绩效考核法确定考核主体 19 第四节绩效考核的循环周期及其考核结果划分 20 第五节绩效考核指标的构成 20 一绩效考核内容的确定 20 二绩效考核指标的确定 21 三辅导员考核的关键绩效指标的设计 23 四辅导员绩效考核指标的构成 25 五辅导员绩效考核加减分项目 26 第六节辅导员绩效考核指标体和考核主体权重的确定 26 一指标体系权重的方法 26 二采用德尔菲法确立考核指标权重 27 第七节考核结果和考核等级的确定 29 第四章SD学院辅导员绩效考核结果的反馈及运用 31 第一节绩效面谈与考核结果反馈 31 一绩效反馈目标 31 二绩效反馈面谈的实施 31 第二节绩效考核结果的应用 32 第三节绩效考核方案的实施保障 33 第五章结语 35