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随着人工智能、机器自动化、数据分析、智能人脸语音识别等信息技术的发展, 智能技术与传统金融服务结合创新,科技让传统金融向智能化、智慧化转型升级的速 度越来越快。智能外呼营销则具有营销成本低、营销成功率高、操作实践性强等特点, 同时在营销精确度和客户覆盖面上有着传统渠道无法相比的优势。近年来,越来越多 的金融机构选择智能外呼渠道作为联系客户的有效方式,智能外呼营销模式也逐步成 为客户关系维护、在线产品营销和客户价值挖掘的重要渠道之一。但是智能外呼营销 效果究竟如何?未来有哪些优化改进的地方,仍缺乏相关的数据分析和深入研究。 本文通过对 A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销的案例分析,紧扣 4C 营销理论,结合 收集的智能外呼营销数据,从“消费者”“成本”“便利”“沟通”四个维度,分析智 能外呼营销的执行效果。研究发现中年和中端消费者对智能外呼营销的青睐度最高; 智能外呼营销系统唤醒睡眠客户再营销的成本远低于新客户的拓展,线上交易的增加 也降低了物理网点的成本;智能外呼营销改变了传统金融机构的购买场景,打破了产 品购买的时间和地域限制,使购买更加便利;智能外呼营销系统增加了与客户沟通的 频率,提高了产品的反馈效率,使产品推荐更加人性化,也提高了客户的服务满意度。 同时文章分析发现在 A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销案例中,在消费者数据库管理, 吸引高端客户提高线上产品的购买率,进一步降低物理网点的服务成本,专属管家式 便捷服务,及客户反馈产品研发效率等方面仍然存在不足。针对这些问题,提出了数 据库精准营销不仅需要更专业的团队还需要各部门数据的共享;提高线上产品的收益 和种类吸引高端客户购买;采用顾问式一对一专属客户服务模式,预约在线服务时段 等为消费者提供更便利的服务;亲情化关怀和客户意见的及时反馈,设计更加符合消 费者需求的产品等建议。 受数据信息所限,案例研究仍然存在不足,案例仅从 A 银行江苏分行的营销数 据出发,具有一定的局限性,但是本文将智能外呼营销反馈的数据加以分析,对现阶 段的智能外呼营销不足提出了改善建议。后续可以利用本文的研究思路和方法,继续 对智能外呼营销进行研究优化,使智能外呼营销方式在我国银行业智慧转型和发展的 过程中发挥更大的作用。 未来,随着智能外呼营销对消费者的“理解”、“感知”不断增强,能够有效提升 与消费者的互动,提升顾客产品的服务体验和增强顾客的忠诚度,提升客户的购买欲 望。 关键词:智能外呼营销;消费者;A 银行;4C;I ABSTRACT With the integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, intelligent identification and other information technologies and traditional financial services, traditional financial transformation and upgrading into intelligent and intelligent ways. Intelligent outbound marketing has the characteristics of low marketing cost, high success rate, low risk and strong effectiveness. At the same time, there are advantages that traditional channels can't match in terms of accuracy and coverage. In recent years, domestic and foreign banks' intelligent outbound marketing methods have been accepted by more and more banks, and become one of the important channels for customer relationship maintenance, product marketing and value creation. But what is the effect of smart outbound marketingWhere there are optimizations and improvements in the future, there is still a lack of relevant data analysis and in-depth research. This paper analyzes the case of smart outbound marketing of Bank A branch in Jiangsu, closely follows the 4C marketing theory, and combines the collected intelligent outbound marketing data to analyze intelligence from the four dimensions of “consumer”, “cost”, “convenience” and “communication”. The execution effect of outbound marketing. The study found that middle-aged and mid-end consumers have the highest degree of preference for smart outbound marketing; smart outbound marketing system wakes up sleep customers. The cost of remarketing is much lower than that of new customers. The increase in online transactions also reduces the physical outlets. Cost; intelligent outbound marketing has changed the purchasing scenario of traditional financial institutions, breaking the time and geographical restrictions of product purchase, making purchase more convenient; intelligent outbound marketing system has increased the frequency of communication with customers and improved the feedback efficiency of products. Make product recommendations more user-friendly, and improve customer service satisfaction At the same time, the article analysis found that in the intelligent outbound marketing case of Bank A of Jiangsu Branch, in the consumer database management, attracting high-end customers to improve the purchase rate of online products, further reduce the service cost of physical outlets, exclusive butler-style convenient service, and customer feedback. There are still deficiencies in product development efficiency and other aspects. In response to these problems, it is proposed that database precision marketing requires not only a more professional team but also the sharing of data among various departments;II improving the revenue and types of online products to attract high-end customers to purchase; consultative service mode, and booking online services to provide consumers with more Convenient service; timely feedback on caring and customer feedback, designing products that are more in line with consumer needs. Limited by the data information, the case study still has some shortcomings. The case only starts from the marketing data of Bank A Branch of Jiangsu Branch, which has certain limitations. However, this paper starts from the analysis of intelligent outbound marketing data and the current intelligent outbound marketing. Suggestions for improvement are put forward, and the research ideas and research methods of this paper can be used in the future to make the intelligent marketing mode play a greater role in the transformation and development of China's banking industry. In the future, with the increasing “understanding” and “perception” of smart outbound marketing to consumers, it can effectively enhance interaction with consumers, improve customer product satisfaction and customer loyalty, and enhance purchase desire. In the future, we will also meet the actual business needs of different business scenarios, cooperate with third-party data companies such as insurance and logistics, and open and integrate the call ecosystem to provide customers with comprehensive solutions for system technology and business services. Private smart outbound marketing with process, system, high intelligence and excellent experience will become the new normal. KEYWORDS: Smart outbound marketing; consumer; Bank A; 4C1 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究意义 2 第二节 文献综述 3 一、关于大数据模式下智慧金融研究文献综述 3 二、关于智能外呼营销模式文献综述 4 第三节 研究思路与研究方法 5 一、研究思路 5 二、研究方法 6 第四节 研究的不足与展望6 一、主要贡献与研究不足 6 二、未来研究展望 6 第二章 理论基础 8 第一节 4C 理论 8 第二节 营销的相关理论 9 一、关系营销 9 二、服务营销 10 三、智能营销 10 四、外呼营销 10 五、智能外呼营销 11 第三章 A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销案例介绍?13 第一节 A 银行江苏分行的基本情况13 第二节 A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销的发展情况13 一、A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销的初始阶段?13 二、A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销的发展阶段?14 三、A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销的完善阶段?142 第三节 A 银行智能外呼营销的特征15 一、智能外呼营销的服务需求 ?15 二、智能外呼营销的运行过程 ?15 三、智能外呼营销和传统人工营销的区别 15 第四章 运用 4C 理论分析 A 银行江苏分行智能外呼营销案例?17 第一节 “消费者“需求是智能外呼营销的基础17 一、中端客户对智能外呼营销的接受度最高 ?17 二、中年客户更青睐于智能外呼营销 17 三、智能外呼营销成功率不断上涨 ?18 第二节 “成本”降低是智能外呼营销的目的?19 一、睡眠客户的营销成本更低 ?19 二、智能外呼营销提高了客户的线上使用率 ?19 三、活跃客户带动了资产的增加 20 四、线上业务增多节约线下网点的成本 ?21 第三节 “便利”带来更好的个性化体验?21 一、改变传统金融的购买场景 ?21 二、减少客户的等待时间 ?22 三、交易不受时间限制 22 第四节 “沟通”建立良好的信任纽带22 一、增加与客户的沟通频率 22 二、专属产品营销提高购买成功率 ?22 三、提高客户满意度和忠诚度 ?23 四、市场反馈促进新产品的研发 23 第五节 A 银行智能外呼营销存在的问题22 一、消费者数据库管理还不够完善 ?24 二、高端客户线下维护成本较高 25 三、客户信息存在泄漏风险 25 四、客户需求反馈不及时 ?25 第五章 案例的改善建议?27 第一节 消费者数据库的完善建议273 一、数据库维护需要更专业的团队 ?27 二、精准营销需要各部门的数据共享 28 第二节 提高线上平台使用率降低管户成本27 一、提高智能外呼营销场景内产品收益 ?28 二、采取顾问式营销模式协同管护 ?28 第三节 规范智能外呼操作流程?27 一、使用统一的客服热线 ?29 二、预约客户进行智能外呼营销 29 第四节 温情关怀缩短新产品的研发时间?27 一、增加节日,纪念日的客户关怀 ?30 二、提高客户的反馈效率 ?30 第五节 案例总结?27