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近年来,随着旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游者的旅游需求日益呈现出多元化趋势, 各种主题旅游、专项旅游应运而生。在工业遗产保护和利用的大背景下,工业遗 产旅游也随之产生和发展,而对于旅游者而言,工业遗产最主要的吸引力就在于 它的原真性。“原真性”问题是人们对现代旅游“好恶交织”的心理反映,揭示 了现代旅游现象中的社会现实及存在的问题。一方面,“原真性”表达了人们对 旅游的美好期望,人们希望通过这一“神圣旅程”回归原真;而另一方面,“原 真性”又反映了人们在现代条件下对旅游的失望与不满,工业遗产旅游给人们带 来的只是“虚像”。原真性既是衡量工业遗产价值的标尺,也是保护和利用工业 遗产的关键所在。 “原真性”出自希腊语,最初用来描述博物馆的展品,后被引入旅游领域, 是为了回答现代性背景下旅游组织方式问题,之后转向解释旅游在现代性背景下 的必要价值。从目前有关旅游“原真性”的研究看,研究者已在物质文化遗产类、 非物质文化类旅游吸引物、历史建筑类旅游配套设施、文化主题类餐厅等方面的 旅游者旅游体验中,发现了原真性体验的存在,但鲜有对工业遗产地旅游者原真 性体验的深入探讨。本文基于旅游体验和原真性理论,借助文献研究法、案例分 析法和内容分析法,以“798 艺术区”为例,通过浏览国内大型旅游网站上近三 年的旅游者点评,最终筛选出 132 条优质点评(30208 字)作为本研究的文本数 据来源,借助 ROST CM6 软件进行了词频分析、网络语义建构分析和旅游者情 感分析;借助 QSR Nvivo.11 软件对旅游者旅游原真性体验进行了主题分类分析。 通过以上分析文章得出以下结论,原真性是工业遗产旅游的核心价值所在, 工业遗产景区通过建构更具吸引力;工业遗产景区建构与旅游者原真性体验相互 促进;旅游者原真性旅游体验存在差异化;798 艺术区在景区建构、纪念品文化 内涵、旅游者体验活动和解说系统等方面存在原真性建构不足的问题。在此基础 上,提出工业遗产旅游原真性的建构路径,通过保留工业遗存、丰富景区文化内 涵合理再现景区原真性;旅游纪念品要加强遗产内涵,避免商业气息掩盖本底价 值;合理规划景区,积极建构相关旅游体验活动;建构景区解说系统,提升旅游 者原真性综合体验。 本研究拓展了工业遗产旅游研究视角,创新了工业遗产旅游的研究方法,丰 富了旅游原真性问题的研究领域,对增强工业遗产旅游景区的价值及吸引力、促 进其可持续发展具有较强的现实意义。 关键词,工业遗产旅游;原真性;旅游体验;798 艺术区iii ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism, tourists' demand for tourism is becoming more and more diversified, and various theme tourism and special tourism have emerged. Under the background of the protection and utilization of industrial heritage, the industrial heritage tourism comes into being and develops accordingly, and for tourists, the most important value of industrial heritage is its authenticity. "Authenticity" is the psychological reflection of people's "interweaving of likes and dislikes" in modern tourism, which reveals the social reality and existing problems in modern tourism phenomenon. On the one hand, "authenticity" expresses people's good expectations for tourism, and people hope to return to authenticity through this "sacred journey". On the other hand, "authenticity" also reflects people's disappointment and dissatisfaction with tourism under modern conditions, and industrial heritage tourism only brings "virtual image" to people. Authenticity is not only the yardstick to measure the value of heritage, but also the key to protecting and utilizing heritage. "Authenticity" came from the Greek and was originally used to describe the museum exhibits. Then it was introduced into the field of tourism, answering the question of the organization of tourism in the context of modernity. Later, it was turned to explain the necessary value of tourism in the context of modernity. From the current research on tourism "authenticity", researchers have found the existence of authenticity experience in tourist experience of material cultural heritage and intangible cultural tourism attractions, historical building tourism supporting facilities, cultural theme restaurants, however, there are few in-depth discussions on the authenticity experience of tourists in industrial heritage sites. Based on the theory of tourism experience and authenticity, this paper takes "798 Art Zone"as an example. Through browsing the visitors' comments on the high-quality websites for nearly three years, we eventually selected 132 high-quality comments (30208 words) as the text data source of this study, and with the help of ROST CM6 software, word frequency analysis, network semantic construction analysis and tourists'emotional analysis are carried out. With the help of QSR Nvivo.11 software, this paper classifies and analyses the theme of tourists' authentic experience. Through the above analysis, the following conclusions are drawn. Authenticity is the core value of industrial heritage tourism, and industrial heritage scenic spots are able to become more attractive through construction. The construction of industrial heritage scenic spots and tourists' authentic experience promote each other. There are differences in tourists' authentic tourism experience. There are some problems in the construction of 798 Art Zone, such as the construction of scenic spots, the cultural connotation of souvenirs, tourists' experience activities and interpretation system. On this basis, the paper puts forward the construction path of the authenticity of industrialiv heritage tourism. The authenticity nature of scenic spots can be reappeared reasonably by retaining industrial relics and enriching cultural connotation of scenic spot. Tourist souvenirs should be strengthened the connotation of heritage, avoiding the value of background being covered by commercial atmosphere. Planning the scenic spots and relevant tourism activities actively and reasonably. Constructing an interpretation system in order to enhance the authenticity experience of tourists. This study expands the research perspective of industrial heritage tourism, innovates the research method of industrial heritage tourism, and enriches the research field of tourism authenticity. It is of great practical significance to enhance the value and attraction of industrial heritage tourist attractions and promote its sustainable development. Key Words,Industrial Heritage Tourism,Authenticity,Tourism Experience,798Art Zonev 目 录 独创性声明....i 关于论文使用授权的说明.i 中 文 摘要..ii ABSTRACT..iii 1 绪论........1 1.1 研究背景及意义...1 1.1.1 研究背景.....1 1.1.2 研究意义.....2 1.2 国内外文献综述...3 1.2.1 原真性国外文献综述....3 1.2.2 原真性国内文献综述....4 1.2.3 简要总结与评价........7 1.3 研究内容与研究思路........7 1.3.1 研究内容.....7 1.3.2 研究思路.....8 1.4 研究方法与创新点.9 1.4.1 研究方法.....9 1.4.2 创新点.......9 2 相关理论...11 2.1 体验经济和旅游体验理论...11 2.1.1 体验经济理论11 2.1.2 旅游体验理论11 2.2 原真性理论......12 2.2.1 客观主义原真性理论...12 2.2.2 建构主义原真性理论...13 2.2.3 后现代主义原真性理论.14 2.2.4 存在主义原真性理论...14 2.3 工业遗产界定与价值.......15 2.3.1 工业遗产概念15 2.3.2 工业遗产价值16 3 研究设计...17 3.1 研究问题的提出..17 3.2 文化创意产业园现状.......17 3.3 案例地选择......18 3.3.1 北京 798 艺术区历史沿革........18 3.3.2 北京 798 艺术区现状...18 3.4 文本数据来源与处理.......20 4 文本分析...22 4.1 基于 ROST Content Mining 6 的网络文本分析...22 4.1.1 词频统计....22 4.1.2 网络语意建构23vi 4.1.3 情感分析....24 4.1.4 小结........24 4.2 基于 QSR NVivo11 的网络文本分析....25 4.2.1 客观主义原真性.......26 4.2.2 建构主义原真性.......32 4.2.3 存在主义原真性.......34 4.3 结论与讨论......35 4.3.1 原真性是工业遗产旅游的核心价值35 4.3.2 工业遗产景区通过建构更具吸引力35 4.3.3 工业遗产景区建构与旅游者原真性体验相互促进......36 4.3.4 旅游者原真性旅游体验存在差异化37 4.3.5 工业遗产景区建构过程中存在问题38 5 工业遗产旅游原真性体验建构路径........40 5.1 合理再现工业遗产景区原真性........40 5.1.1 保留工业遗产原真性...40 5.1.2 丰富景区历史文化内涵.40 5.2 提升旅游纪念品原真性价值.40 5.2.1 注重旅游纪念品原真性内涵......40 5.2.2 把控旅游纪念品定价...41 5.3 合理规划景区,积极建构旅游原真性体验活动...41 5.3.1 合理规划景区41 5.3.2 积极建构旅游原真性体验活动....41 5.4 建构景区旅游解说系统.....42 5.4.1 注重导游词原真性体现.42 5.4.2 培养专业旅游解说人才队伍......42 6 结论与不足.43 6.1 结论...43 6.2 不足与展望......43