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项目的可行性研究是确定建设项目前具有决定性意义的工作,是在投资决 策之前,对拟建项目进行全面技术经济分析的科学论证,在投资管理中,可行性 研究是指对拟建项目有关的自然、社会、经济、技术等进行调研、分析比较以及 预测建成后的社会经济效益。在此基础上,综合论证项目建设的必要性,财务的 盈利性,经济上的合理性,技术上的先进性和适应性以及建设条件的可能性和可 行性,从而为投资决策提供科学依据。 静海县团泊示范镇建设项目主要是对团泊镇农村居民点的整理规划和项目 建新区的规划。本人由于工作原因有幸参与该项目前期可行性论证工作,在项目 所在区域进行了较长时间的调查并获得了一定的相关资料,在该项目规划设计、 方案评审及项目投资估算等方面做了一定工作,并总结过程资料,撰写了可行性 研究报告。文章首先对该项目建设背景、国内外项目可行性研究的基本情况及项 目前期进展情况进行了简要的介绍;然后结合可行性研究的方法和程序,运用现 代工程学、工程经济学、财务管理学等多种学科的理论和方法对项目技术方案, 经济,社会和风险五个方面的可行性进行了分析评价,最后对文章进行总结,得 出项目建设可行性的结论。 关键词:可行性研究;建设项目;分析评价Abstract The feasibility study of a project is to determine the construction project. Before the investment decision, it is the scientific demonstration of a comprehensive technical and economic analysis to the project. The feasibility study is related to the proposed project natural, social, economic and technical research, analysis and comparison of predicted after the completion of the social and economic benefits. On this basis, the need comprehensive demonstration projects, financial profitability, economic rationality, and adaptability as well as advanced technical possibilities and feasibility of building conditions, thus providing a scientific basis for investment decisions. Jinghai County Tuanbo Model Town construction project is mainly for people who live in Tuanbo town to reconstuction the old district and constuction the new district plan. Because of the work, I have the honor to involvement in the project pre-feasibility study work in the Tuanbo. I have investigated for a long time and get some relevant information in the project planning and design, program evaluation and other aspects of the project investment is estimated to do a certain work, and summarizes the process data, writing the feasibility study. Firstly, the article describes the construction of project background, the project feasibility study abroad and the basic situation of the early progress of the project; then it combines the methods of feasibility study with the procedures and uses variety theories and methods such as the modern engineering, the engineering economics,and the financial management,etc,. These variety theories and methods analyse and evaluate the feasibility of the project technical solutions, economic, social and risk in five areas. Finally, I summarise the article and the feasibility of project comes to conclusion. Key words: Feasibility study; Construction projects; Analysis and evaluation目 录 第一章 绪论 ...1 1.1 选题的背景和意义 .......1 1.2 国内外可行性研究发展概况综述 .4 1.3 可行性研究的概述 .......6 1.4 研究内容 .....7 第二章 项目技术方案可行性研究...9 2.1 静海县团泊示范镇建设项目的概况 ......9 2.2 还迁居民住宅楼建设 .13 2.3 基础设施建设 ....15 2.4 土地复垦 ...29 2.5 项目建设实施计划 .....29 2.6 环境影响评价 ....30 2.7 组织结构与人力资源配置 ..33 第三章 项目经济分析 ...35 3.1 项目地区社会经济现状及发展 ...35 3.2 投资估算 ...39 3.3 财务评价 ...42 3.4 国民经济评价 ....47 第四章 社会评价分析 ...52 4.1 社会评价的概述 52 4.2 项目实施对社会影响分析 ..52 4.3 项目与所在地区互适应分析 .......54 4.4 项目与区域社会环境的适应性 ...54 4.5 社会风险分析 ....54 4.6 社会评价结论 ....54 第五章 项目风险评价 ...55 5.1 风险因素识别 ....55 5.2 主要风险 ...56 5.3 风险防范措施 ....57 第六章 结论及建议 .......58