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一般商品类的B2C企业在我国经历了近十年的发展后,网上购物的消费模 式己为广大消费者所认可,尤其是广大的知识分子、公务员、高级白领等。而 这批人也正是目前的医药类的B2C企业的主要消费群体。 作为B2C行业的一个不可或缺的重要分支,医药类B2C企业却发展得一直 不太引人瞩目,截止2012年2月1日,国内已领有《互联网药品交易资格证书》 只有100家企业。目前有所影响的医药B2C企业是第一家开办的B2C网上药房, 由京卫大药房开办的医药网。目前发展最迅速的B2C网上药店,由南昌开心人 大药房开办的开心人网上大药房。国内最大的电商淘宝网开办的另类医药B2C 网站,天猫网,只提供具备网上销售资格的网店链接。和一般商品类的电子商 务发展规模相比国内医药电子商务发展潜力巨大。 目前国外的医药类B2C发展十分迅速,美国的医药B2C更是由于有发达的 电子商务土壤、发达的物流体系及政府的大力支持发展得更为迅速,截止2009 年,美国共有网上药店1000家。2009年美国的网上销售额达到1700亿美金, 占全美医药类产品销售额的40%。而国内的医药网上销售额只占到总销售额的 0.046%。数据表明国内医药电子商务的发展空间巨大。 随着国家医药卫生体制改革的进一步深化,医药分家、縮短医药流通环节、 降低药价的呼声愈演愈烈。作为明显可以降低医药流通及购销成本的电子商务 企业显然是符合国家、消费者、行业发展的利益的。、国家在十二五规划里明确 提出支持发展医药类电子商务。 由此可见,研究与创办一家医药类B2C商业网站具有着重要的经济意义和 社会意义。 关键词:医药,B2C,商业计划书 I MBA学位报告作者:陈继蒋 Z网药中心商业计划书 Business Plan of Z Network Medicine ABSTRACT General commodity type of the B2C enterprise in our country has development for 10 years ago, on-line shopping already recognition by consumers, especially intellectuals and civil servants, senior white-collar workers, etc. They're all the pharmaceutical B2C businesses consumer groups. Pharmaceutical B2C business development has been less impressive; As an integral and important branch of the B2C companies, end 1, February 2012, domestic already has the "Internet drug trade qualification" are only 100 enterprises. At present the influence of the medicine B2C enterprise is the first one of the B2C on-line pharmacies run by Beijing health pharmacy. The fastest growing B2C, Kaixinren pharmacy on-line build by Nanchang Kaixinren pharmacy. The nation's largest electric provider Taobao offer medicine B2C website network, Tianmao, only links to the shop who with the online sales pass. Compared with the general merchandise e-commerce development scale, the huge potential of the domestic pharmaceutical e-commerce development. Outside pharmaceutical class B2C developed very rapidly in the U.S. Pharmaceutical B2C have developed e-commerce soil, developed logistics system and strong government support the development of more rapid, the end of 2009, 1000 Total U.S. on-line pharmacies. U.S. online sales in 2009 reached 170 billion U.S. dollars, 40% of the total U.S. pharmaceutical product sales. Domestic pharmaceutical on-line sales account for only 0.046% of total sales. The data show that the huge space for development of domestic pharmaceutical e-commerce. With the further deepening of the national medical and health system, the separation of prescribing and dispensing, shorten the medicine circulation, cut down prices for drugs, the voice intensified. As e-commerce businesses can significantly reduce the pharmaceutical distribution and buying and selling costs is clearly in line with the interests of the country, consumers, industry development. Countries in the 12th Five-Year plan clearly support the development of pharmaceutical e-commerce. Thus, the founder of a pharmaceutical B2C website has important economic and social significance. Keywords: medicine, B2C, business plan MBA学位报告作者:陈继蒋 Z网药中心商业计划书 目录 中文摘要 I Abstract II 第一章网药中心项目概况 1 1.1 Z网药中心的项目简介 1 1.2 Z网药中心的经营目标 3 1.3公司发起人 4 1-4项目管理团队 5 第二章Z网药中心的功能介绍 7 2.1 Z网药中心的常规功能描述 7 2. 2 Z网药中心网上药店特殊功能描述 10 2.3新服务项目的开发 13 第三章市场和竞争分析 15 3.1医药B2C行业发展现状分析 15 3.2国内医药B2C的市场前景分析 16 3. 3行业竞争对手分析及本项目的竞争优劣势分析 17 3. 4行业政策分析 23 第四章Z网药中心的营销策略 25 4.1目标市场定位 25 4. 2 Z网药中心B2C网络销售平台市场推广策略 25 4. 3 Z网药中心B2C网络销售平台产品营销策略 26 4. 4营销策略实施及保障 27 第五章财务规划和融资 29 5.1网药中心运营五年期的现金流分析 29 in MBA学位报告作者:陈继蒋 Z网药中心商业计划书 5.2资金需求预算及说明 34 5. 3财务数据分析 35 第六章风险控制与退出机制 41 6.1国家政策风险与退出机制 41 6.2资金风险与退出机制 42 第七章项目实施日程计划 43 7. 1资金到位情况 44 7.2公司注册情况 44 7.3网络开发及测试 45 7.4注册用户开发情况 45