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随着金融市场的不断发展和变革,利率市场化进程逐步推进,以及在商业银 行之间日益残酷的市场竞争环境下,存贷息差收窄,利息收入逐渐降低,使得外 汇衍生品代客交易业务在提升商业银行中间业务收入方面扮演越来越重要的角 色。伴随着股份制银行外汇衍生品代客交易业务日趋成熟,城市商业银行纷纷试 图涉水此业务领域的情况下,只有建立有效的外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销策略, 提高外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销能力,才能在未来激烈的市场竞争中提升业务 优势,保持业务市场份额。 中国银行甘肃分行外汇衍生品代客交易业务作为其传统优势业务,对全行业 务及收入都起到重要的支撑作用。制定合理的外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销策略, 将有助于甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务的发展。 本文对国内外文献综述进行了简要的梳理,并对 STP 理论、4P 理论、PEST 分析法以及波特五力模型进行了重点介绍。结合甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业 务的实际发展情况,首先使用 PEST 分析法和波特五力模型对业务发展的营销环 境进行分析,后举出了目前甘肃中行的营销现状并对问题进行了分析,以此作为 营销策略制定的环境基础,然后运用 STP 理论提出了甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交 易业务市场分析、选择以及市场定位,并以 4P 理论为基础,结合甘肃中行外汇 衍生品代客交易业务经营实践,提出了在产品、价格、渠道、促销四方面的营销 策略建议。最后,提出了针对甘肃中行营销策略的保障措施以及完善建议。 本文依靠现代企业营销理论,希望能够切实有效的帮助甘肃中行外汇衍生品 代客交易业务的营销实践,助力其外汇衍生品代客交易业务的发展。 关键词:商业银行,外汇衍生品代客交易,营销II RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE DERIVATIVES VALET TRANSACTION BUSINESS FOR BANK OF CHINA GANSU BRANCH Abstract Along with the consistent development and revolution of financial market, interest marketization process gradually impels, and under ever-increasing rigorous market competitive environment over commercial banks, difference of deposit and loan interests narrows, interest earnings decrease step by step, which makes foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business plays more and more important role in improving commercial banks’ intermediate business revenue. With this business of joint-stock banks gradually mature, urban commercial banks are in the condition of trying to involve this business field one after another. Only through settling effective foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business marketing strategies and improving its marketing capacity can banks improve business advantages in future brutal market competition and maintain business market share. Bank of China, Gansu branch applies foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business as conventional advantageous business, which functions as significant support to overall businesses and revenues. Making reasonable foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business marketing strategies would facilitate its development of business. This essay briefly summarizes domestic and foreign literature reviews and introduces highly on STP theory, 4P theory, PEST analysis approach and Porter’s five forces model. Combining the actual development situation of foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business of Bank of China, Gansu branch, the essay starts to impose PEST analysis approach and Porter’s five forces model to analyse marketing environment of development of the business at first, then lists present marketing situation of the bank and analysis those issues, and uses this as environment basis of making marketing strategies. After this, the essay applies STP theory to suggest marketIII analysis, selection and positioning of the business in this branch. Based on 4P theory, it combines with management practices of the business in this branch to mention marketing strategy advice on product, price, place and promotion. Lastly, it mentions guarantee measures and improvement suggestions regarding to advice. Relying on modern enterprise marketing theories, the essay wishes to practically and effectively help marketing practices and development of foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business in Bank of China, Gansu branch. Key words: commercial bank, foreign exchange derivatives valet transaction business, marketingIV 目 录 中文摘要....I Abstract ....II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究的背景与意义........1 1.1.1 研究的背景.1 1.1.2 研究的意义.2 1.2 研究的对象与方法........2 1.2.1 文献资料法.2 1.2.2 数据分析法.2 1.2.3 实地调查法.3 1.3 研究的思路与框架 ........3 1.3.1 研究的思路.3 1.3.2 研究框架...3 第二章 营销理论概述与文献综述 5 2.1 商业银行外汇衍生品代客交易业务概述........5 2.2 文献综述.......6 2.3 STP 理论 .......7 2.4 4P 营销组合理论 8 2.4.1 产品策略...8 2.4.2 价格策略 ...8 2.4.3 渠道策略 ...8 2.4.4 促销策略 ...8 2.5 PEST 分析法 ....9 2.5.1 政治环境...9 2.5.2 经济环境...9V 2.5.3 社会环境...9 2.5.4 技术环境...9 2.6 波特五力模型..10 第三章 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销环境分析 ......11 3.1 中国银行甘肃分行发展概述........11 3.1.1 中国银行简介.......11 3.1.2 甘肃中行简介.......11 3.2 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务发展概况...13 3.2.1 机构及产品设置简介.13 3.2.2 业务发展情况介绍...14 3.3 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务外部环境分析........15 3.3.1 政治环境..15 3.3.2 经济环境..16 3.3.3 社会环境..18 3.3.4 技术环境..19 3.4 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务行业环境分析........19 3.4.1 上游供应商议价能力.20 3.4.2 下游购买方议价能力.20 3.4.3 潜在新进入者的威胁.20 3.4.4 替代产品的威胁.....21 3.4.5 行业中的内部竞争...21 第四章 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销现状与问题分析 23 4.1 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销现状...23 4.1.1 产品现状..23 4.1.2 价格现状 ..25 4.1.3 渠道现状..26 4.1.4 促销现状..26VI 4.2 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销的问题和分析....27 4.2.1 产品创新不足结构不均衡......27 4.2.2 强势客户议价能力较强........28 4.2.3 渠道路径不够畅通...30 4.2.4 促销方式单一.......31 第五章 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销策略设计 ......32 5.1 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务 STP 分析...32 5.1.1 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务市场细分及选择..32 5.1.2 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务市场定位........33 5.2 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务产品策略 ...34 5.2.1 紧抓市场机遇与客户需求的产品创新策略.34 5.2.2 综合化金融服务的产品组合策略35 5.3 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务价格策略...37 5.3.1 竞争导向定价策略...37 5.3.2 灵活的价格策略.....37 5.4 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务渠道策略...38 5.4.1 线下人员营销渠道策略........38 5.4.2 线上电子平台营销渠道策略 ....39 5.5 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务促销策略 ...39 5.5.1 供其所需促销策略...40 5.5.2 激其所欲促销策略...40 5.5.3 保持公共关系形象...40 第六章 甘肃中行外汇衍生品代客交易业务营销策略实施保障 ..41 6.1 有效管理机制的设立.....41 6.1.1 机构重组有效支撑业务发展....41 6.1.2 设立联动营销机制...42 6.2 优化员工绩效考核机制...42VII 6.3 人才队伍建设和培养.....42 6.3.1 外汇衍生品代客交易业务专业序列建设...42 6.3.2 外汇衍生品代客交易业务专业序列培训...43 6.4 风险管理制度..44 6.4.1 加强市场风险管理...44 6.4.2 加强交易对手信用风险管理....44 6.4.3 加强操作风险管理...45 第七章 结论 ........46 7.1 主要结论......46 7.2 研究的不足与展望.......46