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作丨:枵让设屮,姐筑工程耗资人、规模人,项丨丨的"丨彳r忡分析研究丨?分必毋。 木文对项丨丨的uHj?性进彳r了充分的分析及预测,对r?企业投资见沂盈利问题,捉 供了决策。能够为企业避免在投资决策吋所产1 ?:的不必耍的损火,I?办助企、Ik抓ft 良好的发展机遇。 木项H以葛洲坝投资有限公司在四川述设的高速公路为丛fi丨丨丨,充分剖析投资 妞设的可行性以及该项U的收益,为项EI幵展做了充分的调研。 木文的预测分析采)H定性分析和定蛩分析相结合的方法。运用理论与实际的 研究调齐,给予充分科宁的报告。通过对该区域的人n和经济发展的前景观测, 对项目的吋行性做了充分的研究,突出了该项H实施的吋行性。 对于本项目的功能记位结合当地的交通预测S,以数据模型的形式进行了分 析探讨,为高速公路的迚设实施提出了宝贵的意见。实现西部的快速发展,是建 设本项[丨的初衷。积极配合资源优势整合,充分验证了本项n的⑴‘实施性。 通过对项目的投资性分析以及财务易损分析,U:葛洲坝股份公司充分了解投 资该项目的优势条件与不利因素。本文可以作为企业与及四川将政府共同合作幵 发的参考立足点,通过科学预测最终确定了本项口的可投资性。 关键词:投资决策;调研;前景观测;优势整合;投资性 ABSTRACT In construction, the construction cost scale are very large .The analysis of projcct feasibility is accessary. In this paper, I carried out a full analysis and forecasting about the feasibility of the project,as well as offered solutions to the profit of business invest- -ment.Business investment is profitable for the problem to provide the decision. It is to avoid bad investment decisions that the enterprise arise from unnecessary losses. It keeps enterprises from unnecessary losses arisen from inappropriate investment decisions,and helps the the enterprises seize the good opportunities. Based on highway project constructed by Sichuan by the Gezhouba Investment Co., Ltd., the project made a full analysis of the feasibility of the investment and the profit of the project, which made a full investigation for the project's carrying out. This predictive analysis of qualitative and quantitative analysis used a combination of methods. The usage of theoretical and practical research studies gave full scientific report. Through the observation of the prospects of the region's population and economic development, I made a full analysis of the feasibility of the project. This project combined the functions of the amount and local traffic forecasts.Data were analyzed in the form of the model,which providing valuable suggestions for highway construction.The project are aimed to achieve the rapid development of the west .Actively cooperating with the integration of resources, fully demonstrated that the projcct can be implemented. Through the analysis of investment projects and financial vulnerability analysis, the Gezhouba stock company got a full understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of investing in the project. This paper can be used as a businesses.This paper certified the feasibility of the projcct through scientific forecast of investment and can be used as a rcfercncc standpoint of the cooperation between the Sichuan Provincial Govern- -ment and other enterprises. Keywords: Investment decisions; research; prospects observation;integration of advantages investment 目 录 H一章 ^ ife- 1 1.1木项丨I对P叫川竹经济发展的,S义 1 1.2木项丨丨对投资企业发展的意义 1 1. 3研究内界以及研究结论 2 1.3. 1研究内界 2 1.3.2 K耍研究结论 2 1.4经济与人丨丨影响因素分析 3 1.4. 1木项U对区域人口影响预测 3 1.4.2 K域经济预测 4 第二章项目功能定位 6 2. 1 S木思路 6 2. 2内部交通功能分析 6 2. 3通道功能分析 7 2. 4结论 11 第三章交通量分析及预测 13 3. 1坫本忍路 13 3.2交通货调查 13 3. 3交通设预测基础数据 14 3. 3. 1内部交通13:基础数椐 14 3. 3. 2通逍交通培(相义L<:途过境交通!S)庙础数倨 15 3. 3. 3坫础数据汇总 16 3. 4交通旧:预测方法及结果 16 3. 4.1趋势型交通jft 16 3.4.2诱增型交通jji 17 3. 4. 3交通策预测结災?I总 17 3.4.4乍咽结构桢测 18 第四章项目投资规模评估 20 4. 1 I:柷砰佔 20 4. 1. 1 iT设条件分析 20 4. 1.2工柷设汁;/案评佔 24 4. 1.3对设汁丨:杓数设的评佔 33 4. 2投资规校评估 35 4.2.1投资佔兑评估的丨:作思路 35 4. 2.2投资佔兑评佔依掘 36 4.2.3 if佔人投资佔算结见 37 4.2.4 If佔人投资佔兑的卩丨评价4类比分析 37 4.2.5投资佔兑屮的不确定性闪素与风险闪桌分析 42 第五章财务评价及不确定性分析 44 5. 1财务评价的依训^—评价参数 44 5. 2财务费用与效益计算 46 5. 3财务评价 48 5. 4不确定性分析 48 第六章结论与展望 60 6. 1结论 60 6. 2展望 60 致 62