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近年来,我国大力推进新能源汽车的普及和发展,电动汽车又占据了主体地 位。然而,伴随着电动汽车产业在我国发达地区的迅速发展,与之相配套充电设 施的匮乏,将直接影响到电动汽车的有效推广和快速发展。城市各类设施资源丰 富,建立充电设施相对较易,电动汽车可选充电地点和充电方式较多,但在我国 广域稀疏公路网地区,由于公路网密度小且节点间距大,新建充电站成本巨大且 成网难度较高,电动汽车在各级各类公路行驶途中充电困难。为贯彻国家电动汽 车发展战略,克服电动汽车广域稀疏公路网行驶中充电难题,本文提出依托和有 效利用公路沿线现有交通服务设施建立充电设施,以在保障满足电动汽车充电的 基础上,降低建站成本,加快电动汽车在广域稀疏公路网地区的发展进程。 广域稀疏路网公路沿线的交通服务设施有加油站、加气站、服务区等,尤其 高速公路沿线只有固定的交通服务设施,在新疆现有的高速公路路网中,若能够 依托这些设施来为电动汽车提供能源补给,便利的条件是其供电网络成熟,能够 提供一定的电量来源,而且其基础设施建设完善,能够部分应用于 EV 充电设施。 但同时,这些设施的分布已经成型,能否符合为电动汽车补给能源的服务半径; 平面布局的建设也早已落成,在此基础上增设 EV 充电设施,是否拥有合理的可 利用面积;加油加气站都是安全防护等级很高的涉爆场所,EV 充电设施需要在 高电压、大电流的情况下工作,两者放在同一场所中,需要怎样的措施来避免安 全隐患。报告主要从以下几方面入手, 首先,利用兵棋推演的方法,寻找在依托路网沿线交通服务设施实施 EV 充 电时,需要考虑哪些因素,在众多的因素当中,需要重点考虑交通服务设施沿高 速路网分布的情况与EV充电需求之间的关系和常规加油站中增设EV充电设施的 方法。 其次,立足新疆实际,依托全疆高速公路沿线的交通服务设施分布情况进行 分析,通过提炼出乌鲁木齐至伊宁市和乌鲁木齐至喀什市两条路段进行研究,再 辐射至全疆高速路网,寻求结果。新疆大学硕士研究生学位报告 II 第三,选取具有代表性的常规加油站和高速公路服务区为依托,在其内部增 设 EV 充电设施,考虑到充电站自身型号规模的大小以及建站需求,在立足加油 站和服务区实际的基础上,寻求合理的建站方法和规模。 本文的分析研究,符合国家电动汽车发展战略的导向,立足于新疆广域稀疏 路网实际情况,考虑到了对环境的保护和能源利用率的提高,具有一定实际意义。 关键词,广域稀疏路网;电动汽车;充电设施;布局规划;论证新疆大学硕士研究生学位报告 III Abstract In recent years, our country actively promoted the development and popularization of new energy vehicles, electric vehicles occupied the main body status. However, along with the rapid development of the electric vehicles industry in the developed areas in China, the lack of charging infrastructure associated with will directly affect the effective promotion of electric vehicles and rapid development. With all kinds of facilities resources, it is relatively easy for the establishment of charging facilities in cities, which has more options and ways for electric vehicle charging location and charging. But the wide-area sparse road network area in our country, a new charging station cost and difficulty is higher because of the small road network density and the distance between nodes, which make electric vehicle charging at all levels of various highway difficult. To implement the national electric vehicle development strategy and overcome the electric vehicles driving wide-area sparse road network in charge problem, in this paper, based on existing along the highway transportation service and effectively use them, charging infrastructure facilities was be built in ensuring to meet the electric car charging, to reduce costs and speed up the development of electric vehicle in wide-area sparse road network process. Road network transport services along the gas stations are filling stations, service areas, etc, in the existing freeway network of Xinjiang, to rely on these facilities to provide energy supply for electric vehicles, convenient conditions of its supply network is mature, power source is capable of providing a certain, and its infrastructure is improvement, can be partially applied to the EV charging infrastructure. But at the same time, the distribution of these facilities are already forming, Whether it conforms to the service radius of electric vehicles charging energy or not. Construction has already completed layout, additional EV charging新疆大学硕士研究生学位报告 IV facilities on this basis, whether it has a reasonable area can be used or not. Refueling stations are very high levels of security and explosives place, EV charging facilities need to work in the case of high voltage, high current, Both in the same place, what steps need to avoid security risks. Thesis from the following aspects: First, war games approach, looking at the traffic along the road network relies on the implementation of EV charging services, what factors need to be considered, among the many factors, relations with key consideration transportation services distribution network along the highway between the needs of EV charging stations in the conventional method of additional EV charging facilities. Secondly, based on the actual Xinjiang, relying on the distribution of transport services along the highway in Xinjiang were analyzed, research by refining the Urumqi to Yining and Urumqi to Kashgar city of two sections, and re-radiation to Xinjiang highway network, is in Search of results. Third, choosing a representative conventional gas stations and motorway service area as the basis, taking into account the size of the charging station itself model size and station needs, on the basis of gas stations and service areas based on the actual, the thesis seeks reasonable method of sitting and scale. The analysis in this paper in accord with the state electric car development strategy guidance, based on the wide-area sparse road network actual situation in Xinjiang, considered the environmental protection and improvement of energy efficiency, has certain practical significance. Key words: Wide-area sparse road network; Electric vehicles; Charging facilities; Layout and planning ; Demonstration新疆大学硕士研究生学位报告 V 目 录 摘要I Abstract....III 目 录........V 第 1 章 绪论.......1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义1 1.2 电动汽车及充电设施的发展概况...3 1.2.1 电动汽车的发展概况...3 1.2.2 充电设施的发展概况...5 1.3 研究内容和技术路线....8 1.3.1 研究内容.....8 1.3.2 技术路线.....9 第 2 章 基于兵棋推演的 EV 充电需求分析10 2.1 兵棋推演的简介.10 2.2 兵棋推演的实施方法..11 2.2.1 初始想定...12 2.2.2 推演方.......16 2.2.3 导调方.......17 2.2.4 推演规则...18 2.3 影响 EV 充电站网络规划的因素..18 2.3.1 电动汽车的能源补给模式..18 2.3.2 充电站的容量....20 2.3.3 电动汽车的充电时间.20 2.3.4 充电技术的发展20 2.3.5 充电站建设成本.21 2.4 EV 充电站规划原则.....22 2.4.1 EV 充电站的分布要与 EV 保有量相一致.......22 2.4.2 EV 充电站的分布要与当地配电网络相一致.22 2.4.3 EV 充电站的分布要符合其服务半径的分布.23 2.4.4 EV 充电站的结构要立足需要进行调整23 2.4.5 EV 充电设施的搭建要紧靠实际力争完善.....23 2.5 本章小结.....24 第 3 章 基于新疆高速路网 EV 能源补给的站点布局..25 3.1 模型分析....26 3.1.1 乌伊高速实例分析......26 3.1.2 乌喀高速实例分析......28 3.2 数学建模....31 3.3 利用 AVL CRUISE 软件模拟分析...33 3.3.1 CRUISE 软件的特点 .....33 3.3.2 利用 CRUISE 软件进行建模仿真 .34 3.4 结论分析....42新疆大学硕士研究生学位报告 VI 3.5 本章小结....43 第 4 章 依托交通服务设施增设 EV 充电设施的设计..44 4.1 交通服务设施增设 EV 充电设施的基本原则44 4.2 交通服务设施实施 EV 充电的相关规范及解读.....45 4.3 EV 能源补给模式的选择.......47 4.4 交通服务设施配电情况分析........47 4.5 电动汽车充电站的用电需求分析47 4.6 充电设施的组成.49 4.7 充电设施的设计.50 4.7.1 常规加油站中充电设施的布设...50 4.7.2 常规服务区中充电设施的布设...51 4.7.3 一般等级公路沿线 EV 充电选择..53 4.8 本章小结....54 第 5 章 总结与展望..55 5.1 总结...55 5.2 展望...56