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L 银行是一家城市商业银行,近年来 L 银行面临着严峻的信贷风险问题,主要体现 在逐年升高的不良贷款率。截止 2017 年年末 L 银行的不良贷款率为 2.4%,且还在呈上 升趋势,关注类以上贷款总额占总贷款额的 25.58%,占总贷款额的四分之一,在所有 贷款逾期企业中,中小企业的占比高达 76.74%。不良贷款的高发背后反映的是 L 银行 较严重的中小企业信贷风险管理问题。L 银行目前的信贷风险管理模式并没有发挥其应 有的作用,使得 L 银行很难实现其风险管控的目标。 通过先期调研,调查问卷的发放,以及回收分析,从贷前调查、贷中审查、贷后管 理三个角度对 L 银行的风险管理问题进行了归纳和总结。贷前调查主要涉及贷前调查无 法准确掌握企业信息、信贷客户集中于某个行业这两个问题。贷中审查主要的问题是贷 中审查无法有效识别信贷风险。贷后管理主要涉及的问题有,贷款发放后无法有效追踪 贷款流向、贷款发放后难以实时掌握企业信息、高危贷款企业难以实现有效退出、不良 贷款处置时间过长。通过归纳和整理可以发现,造成这些问题的主要原因有,1、银企 信息不对称;2、缺乏专业的授信队伍;3、科技水平落后;4、缺少有效的奖惩激励机 制;5、缺乏有效客户准入及退出机制;6、相关信贷制度和产品设计不合理。针对 L 银 行在风险管控方面存在的问题提出以下建议,1、发展有效的关系型借贷;2、完善考核 机制;3、加大科技投入并完善系统设计;4、引入“信贷工厂”模式;5、建设专业化 的信贷队伍。 本文基于相关风险管理理论,通过对 L 银行的风险管理和控制现状进行分析,找出 其中的问题,并分析原因,最终给出相应的改进对策,对 L 银行降低不良贷款率、提升 信贷质量、健康发展有着重要的现实意义。 关键词,城市商业银行;中小企业;信贷风险;管理问题;对策研究II Abstract L bank is a city commercial bank. In recent years, L bank is faced with severe credit risk problems, mainly reflected in the rising non-performing loan ratio.By the end of 2017, the non-performing loan ratio of L bank was 2.4%, and it was still on the rise. The total amount of loans above concern category accounted for 25.58% of the total amount of loans, accounting for a quarter of the total amount of loans. Among all overdue loans, the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises was as high as 76.74%.The high rate of non-performing loans reflects the serious credit risk management problems of small and medium-sized enterprises of L bank.L bank's current credit risk management model has not played its due role, making it difficult for L bank to achieve its goal of risk control. The risk management problems of L bank were summarized and summarized from the perspectives of pre-loan investigation, loan review and post-loan management through the preliminary investigation, the issuance of questionnaires and the recovery analysis.Pre-loan investigation mainly involves the two problems that pre-loan investigation cannot accurately grasp enterprise information and credit customers are concentrated in a certain industry.The main problem of loan review is that loan review cannot effectively identify credit risks.The main problems involved in the post-loan management include: inability to effectively track the loan flow after the loan is issued; difficulty in mastering the enterprise information in real time after the loan is issued; difficulty in achieving effective withdrawal of high-risk loan enterprises; and too long disposal time of non-performing loans.It can be found that the main causes of these problems are as follows: 1.2. Lack of professional credit team;3. Backward scientific and technological level;4. Lack of effective incentive mechanism of rewards and punishments;5. Lack of effective customer access and exit mechanism;6. Unreasonable credit system and product design.In view of the problems existing in the risk control of L bank, the following Suggestions are put forward: 1.2. Improve the assessment mechanism;3. Increase investment in science and technology and improve system design;4. Introducing the "credit factory" model;5. Build a professional credit team. Based on the relevant risk management theory, this paper analyzes the current situation of risk management and control of L bank, finds out the problems, analyzes the reasons, and finally proposes the corresponding improvement countermeasures, which has important practical significance for L bank to reduce the non-performing loan ratio, improve the credit quality and develop healthily.III Keywords: Urban commercial Banks; Small and medium-sized enterprises; Credit risk; Management issues; Countermeasure researchIV 目 录 摘要...... I ABSTRACT ........ II 目 录..... IV 图表目录.. VI 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景和意义及目的.... 1 1.2 研究文献综述... 2 1.3 研究思路与方法. 7 1.4 研究内容与主要框架...... 8 第二章 L 银行的基本情况和经营环境... 10 2.1 L 银行基本情况 ........ 10 2.2 L 银行经营环境 ........ 12 2.3 本章小结 ..... 16 第三章 L 银行信贷业务基本情况和风险管控情况概述 ....... 17 3.1 L 银行信贷业务基本情况概述 ...... 17 3.2 L 银行信贷风险管理情况概述 ...... 21 3.3 L 银行信贷风险现状概述 . 27 3.4 本章小结...... 29 第四章 L 银行信贷风险管理存在的问题及成因分析 31 4.1 L 银行对公中小企业信贷风险管理问题调查 ... 31 4.1.1 调查问卷的设计及发放 ........ 31 4.1.2 调查问卷的分析 ..... 31 4.2 L 银行信贷风险管理存在的问题 .... 41 4.2.1 贷前调查中存在的问题 ........ 41 4.2.2 贷中审查中存在的问题 ........ 42V 4.2.3 贷后管理中存在的问题 ........ 43 4.3 L 银行信贷风险管理中存在的问题原因分析 ... 44 4.3.1 银企信息不对称 ..... 44 4.3.2 缺乏专业的授信队伍 . 46 4.3.3 科技水平落后 ....... 47 4.3.4 缺少有效的奖惩激励机制 ...... 49 4.3.5 缺乏有效客户准入及退出机制 .. 50 4.3.6 相关信贷制度和产品设计不合理 51 4.4 本章小结...... 52 第五章 L 银行信贷风险管理问题对策研究 54 5.1 发展有效的关系型借贷... 54 5.2 完善考核机制.. 55 5.3 加大科技投入并完善系统设计...... 57 5.4 引入“信贷工厂”模式... 60 5.5 建设专业化的信贷队伍... 63 5.6 本章小结...... 65 结 论..... 66