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纺织服装业是历史悠久的传统行业,从 18 世纪产业革命开始直到现在,在产业部 门中一直占据重要地位,在国际贸易领域始终令人瞩目。从工业化和经济发展的一般规 律来看,纺织服装也往往是一个国家货地区工业化初期的主导产业,随后纺织品和服装 成为其对外贸易中最主要的出口产品。随着经济全球化的发展和各国经济结构的变化, 纺织服装业本身正在从劳动密集型逐步向技术密集型转变,发达国家的资金,技术和发 展中国家的劳动力比较优势,不断改变着世界纺织品服装生产和贸易的格局。 加入 WTO 是中国经济融入世界经济的战略性选择。中国是世界上最大的纺织服装 生产国和出口国,出口竞争力强,市场准入度高,占中国工业增加值的 8%,目前有约 12 万家企业,是全国 32 个行业中的第二大行业,又是中国最大的创汇行业。 STR 纺织品服装项目团队深知蕴藏于纺织品服装出口中的巨大市场机会,决定投资 该项目,定位为纺织服装检测专家,专注于全面提供纺织服装检测的服务和技术咨询。 本商业计划书正是诞生于上述背景下。在总体结构上,本文首先论述了该商业计划 产生的背景和意义,然后运用战略管理的理论从内部环境以及外部环境两个方面对项目 的可行性进行分析。在内部环境分析中,以项目的竞争优势以及服务和技术为重点分析 了项目所拥有的资源、能力和核心竞争力;在外部环境分析中,先从宏观方面对检测行 业进行了分析,并从中发现了潜在的市场机会,再运用五力模型对竞争环境进行了系统 的分析;接下来运用 SWOT 方法分析了项目所面临的外部的机会和威胁以及内部优势 和劣势,并以此制定了项目的战略。项目战略制定后,对项目未来运营管理方面进行了 相关的规划和设计,运用市场营销的理论来确定目标市场、市场细分以及进行市场定位, 并制定了营销计划;接下来运用财务管理的知识制定融资策略并分析了项目的赢利模式 和投资回报;最后运用风险管理的相关理论对公司项目执行过程中可能遇到的风险进行 分析并提出相应的风险控制对策,最后得出结论,供投资者决策参考。 关键词,纺织品检测;第三方检测;检测标准;商业计划Abstract Textile and garment industry is a long history of traditional industries, from the 18th century industrial revolution began until now, has been in the industrial sector occupies an important position in the field of international trade has always been remarkable. From the industrialization and economic development in view of the general laws, textile and apparel goods of a country are often the early industrialization in the leading industry, followed by textiles and apparel foreign trade as its main export product. With the development of economic globalization and national economic structure changes, textile and garment industry itself is gradually moving from labor intensive to technology intensive, capital of developed countries, technology and developing countries, labor comparative advantage of changing the world textile and apparel production and trade patterns. WTO accession is the strategic choices of Chinese economic integration into the world economy. China is the world's largest textile and garment producer and exporter, competitive, market access is high, accounting for 8% of China's industrial added value is currently about 12 million enterprises, is the country's first 32 industries two major industry, but also China's largest foreign exchange earning industry. STR textile and apparel project team know that hidden in the textile and garment exports in the huge market opportunities, decided to invest in the project, defined as textile and garment testing experts, focused on textiles and garments to provide a comprehensive testing service and technical advice. The business plan was born in the above context. In the overall structure, this paper discusses the background of the business plan and significance and then applies the theory of strategic management from the internal environment and external environment, two aspects of the project feasibility analysis. After the enactment of the project strategy, the project's future operation and management aspects of the relevant planning and design, the use of marketing theory to determine the target market, market segments as well as market positioning, and developed a marketing plan; then use knowledge of financial management to develop financing strategies and analyze the profitability of the project model and return on investment; and finally the use of relevant theories of risk management during the company's implementation of the project may face the risk analysis and the corresponding risk control measures and finally concluded that for investors decision making. In the internal environment analysis, the project's competitive advantages, as well as services and technology oriented analysis of the project with the resources, capabilities and corecompetitiveness; in the external environment analysis, start with the macro aspects of the testing industry, analyzed, and from discovered the potential market opportunities, and then use five forces model to the competitive environment of the system analysis; the next method of using SWOT analysis of the project facing the external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses, and thereby to develop the project strategy. Key words ,Textile testing; The 3 rd testing; Testing Standard; Business Plan目 录 摘要..5 ABSTRACT. 6 第一章 绪 论....12 1.1 选题的背景和意义 ..... 12 1.2 文献综述 ... 13 1.2.1 国内纺织检测行业的现状.... 13 1.2.2 国外纺织检测行业的现状.... 14 1.3 研究的方法和思路 ..... 17 1.3.1 研究方法..... 17 1.3.2 研究思路..... 18 第二章 STR 公司纺织品检测项目基本情况19 2.1 STR 公司介绍..... 19 2.2 STR 公司纺织品检测项目介绍.... 19 2.3 项目管理团队介绍 ..... 20 2.4 经营目标及规划 20 2.5 本章小结 ... 22 第三章 行业与市场分析......23 3.1 纺织品检测行业的产生 ...... 23 3.2 我国纺织品检测行业发展状况 ... 24 3.2.1 纺织品检测行业持续增长的原因. 26 3.2.2 宏观环境分析...... 27 3.3 中国纺织品检测市场状况 .. 27 3.4 国内中小企业检验检测需求分析 ........ 29 3.5 行业环境分析 .... 293.5.1 潜在进入者的威胁....... 30 3.5.2 替代者的威胁...... 30 3.5.3 现有竞争者分析.. 31 3.5.4 供应商讨价还价的能力........ 32 3.5.5 顾客讨价还价的能力... 32 3.6 SWOT 分析 33 3.7 本章小结 ... 34 第四章 市场营销策略.36 4.1 纺织品检测市场营销 . 36 4.2 STP 营销 .... 37 4.2.1 市场细分(segmenting) ..... 37 4.2.2 目标市场的选择(targeting)....... 38 4.2.3 市场定位(positioning)...... 39 4.3 营销组合策略 .... 39 4.3.1 产品策略..... 39 4.3.2 定价策略..... 39 4.3.3 渠道策略..... 40 4.3.4 促销策略..... 40 4.4 竞争优势 ... 40 4.5 本章小结 ... 41 第五章 项目运作的管理......42 5.1 项目管理团队 .... 42 5.2 项目组织结构 .... 43 5.3 项目运营管理 .... 43 5.4 本章小结 ... 46 第六章 财务分析及风险对策.......47 6.1 投资使用计划 .... 47 6.2 项目经营预测 .... 516.2.1 项目收入预算...... 51 6.2.2 项目成本费用支出预算........ 52 6.2.3 现金流量预测...... 53 6.3 项目投资价值分析 ..... 57 6.3.1 投资回收期计算.. 57 6.3.2 投资净现值(NPV)计算.... 57 6.3.3 内部收益率计算.. 58 6.3.4 不确定性和敏感性分析........ 58 6.4 风险识别及其策略 ..... 59 6.4.1 外部风险及策略.. 59 6.4.2 内部检测的风险及策略........ 61 6.5 本章小结 ... 66 结 论67