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中国方便面产业经过三十多年的发展,一直保持高速增长。方便面作为竞 争较为激烈的快消品品类之一,市场产品如过江之鲫,同质化程度较高。2004 年,统一企业在西南地区率先推出巧面馆老坛酸菜面;2009年,统一将老坛酸 一 菜面作为主打产品进行全国推广并取得惊人业绩。目前,各大方便面品牌都相 继推出老坛酸菜牛肉面,然而,它们从包装到口味都大致趋同,其营销推广大 多集中在传统媒介,较少涉及新媒体。 统一作为老坛酸菜牛肉面的领军人物,在市场份额、广告音量都具有较大 优势,而康师傅老坛酸菜牛肉面的品牌形象还不够明晰、消费者的品牌忠诚度 有待提闻。 笔者在著名媒介策划公司凯络实习接触到康师傅第一手市场资料,同时笔 者去康师傅集团调研,进行消费者调查等,在占有大量一线资料的基础上,运 用个案研究法、数据分析法及对比分析法,对康师傅、统一竞争情况进行系统 分析,对当今市场竞争环境、媒介传播环境、目标消费群消费习惯进行有针对 性的探讨,发现康师傅老坛酸菜牛肉面营销策略中存在的不足。在此基础上, 本策划书结合快消品行业的特点,综合运用分众传播理论、媒介环境理论和整 合营销传播理论来进行策划和创意。以整合营销传播为基本思路,结合线上线 下活动,形成多维度的跨媒介营销传播体系,以期达到预期的传播效果。最终 的策划方案将对康师傅集团老坛酸菜牛肉面的推广提供一定的参考价值,也为 国内其他方便面企业提供一定的实践参考。 关键字:快消品营销;广告策划;方便面;康师傅;统一 Abstract After more than 30 years of development,China's instant noodle industry has maintained rapid growth. Instant noodles, as one of the more competitive of FMCG, Market products such as textbooks acknowledge, homogeneity degree is higher. In 2004, Unified enterprise in southwest region pioneered qiao noodle shop old altar sauerkraut noodles. In 2009,Unified enterprise made old altar sauerkraut noodles as the flagship product in the national promotion and achieved amazing results. At present, the major brands have launched Lao yun pickled vegetable beef noodles.However, from packaging to taste all of them is roughly convergence.Its marketing focused on traditional media, less involved in new media. Unified enterprise as the leader of Lao yun pickled vegetable beef noodles.lt has a larger advantage in market share. However, Master kong brand image of the Lao yun pickled vegetable beef noodles is not enough clear, Consumer brand loyalty remains to be improved . I worked as an intern in famous media planning company carat access to first-hand market information of master kong. At the same time the author to master kong group research, consumer investigation, etc. In the possession of large amounts of data on the basis of a line.Using the case study method, data analysis and contrast analysis. System analysis is carried out on the Tingyi and unity's competition.To the market competition environment, media environment,discusses the target consumers spending habits. Found the Master kong of the insufficiency in marketing strategy. Based on this, Planning book combining with the characteristics of FMCG industry, integrated use of focus media theory and media environment theory and integrated marketing communications theory to planning and creativity. In integrated marketing communication as the basic train of thought, the online offline activities. Form multidimensional cross media marketing communication system, in order to achieve the desired communication effect. The final plans to Lao yun pickled vegetable beef noodles for Master kong group promotion provide some reference value, also for other domestic instant noodles enterprises provide certain practice reference. II Key words: FMCG marketing ; advertising planning; instant noodles; Master kong ; Unified III 目录 摘要 ABSTRACT 11 目录 IV 第一章绪论 1 1.1选题背景及意义 1 1.1.1选题背景 1 1.1.2选题意义 1 1.2理论资源 2 1.3研究方法 3 1.4报告创新点 4 第二章方便面市场环境分析 5 2.1食品行业宏观分析 5 2.2 PEST模型分析 6 第三章本品竞品对比分析 9 3.1康师傅企业介绍 9 3. 2康师傅老坛酸菜牛肉面分析 9 3.2.1康师傅产品主要消费人群分析 9 3.2.2康师傅产品消费者认知分析 9 3. 3老坛酸菜牛肉面市场竞争态势分析 10 3.4 SWOT 分析 11 3. 5康师傅与统一媒体使用情况对比 12 第四章媒介环境分析 15 4.1媒体使用时间分析 15 4. 2网络渗透书分析 16 4. 3微博使用情况分析 16 4.4 W站浏览情况分析 17 第五章营销策略 19 5.1生命周期理论 19 5. 2核心策略阐述 20 5. 3荇销推广 21 第六章创意表现 23 6.1微电影脚本创意.二 23 6. 2微博呰销创意 26 6.3 APP应用程序 27 6. 4微信昔销 27 IV 6. 5卖场促销物品设计 29 第七章媒介提案 30 7.1媒介策略 30 7. 2媒介行程设置 30 7. 3媒介_期 30 7. 4 應 33 策划书说明 34 (-)^;J 34 (二)企业调研 34 (三)市场调研 35 1?卖场走访 35 2.问卷调查 35 3?口味试吃 36 (0) W碌 36 1.调查问卷 37 2.康师傅品牌经理报告指导意见 37