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随着社会的发展,经济水平的提高,人们的体育观念发生了改变,对体育的需求趋于 多样化,大众健身操便在这种多样化的需求中逐渐发展起来,并以市场为依托,人的需求 为导向,裂变出众多的种类。 现阶段,体育院校健美操课程的广泛开展,体育院校健美操教学培养出的健美操专项 学生理论知识丰富、运动技能较高。但他们的健美操编排能力、上课的组织能力、音乐的 剪辑等能力还需要通过实践进一步提高,但是体育院校健美操专项学生专业性培养与社会 需求之间缺乏必要的沟通,影响到体育院校健美操专项学生的就业前景。结合健美操发展 趋势及健身操教练培养的相关理论,对体育院校与商业性健身俱乐部健身操人才协同培养 进行了调查研究,以增加体育院校健美操专项学生的就业率,促进商业性健身俱乐部健身 操教练招聘体系的全面性,以及促进中国健身操教练市场的健康迅速地发展。 本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法。在阅读了大量的科研方法与有关社 会调查的书籍后,根据本课题的研究目的、研究内容、研究对象,经过反复征求专家的意 见,设计了健美操教师、健美操专项学生、商业性健身俱乐部管理者三份问卷。数理统计 法。结合 5 所体育院校和 10 家大型商业性健身俱乐部现实情况,经研究分析得出研究结 果。研究结果表明: 1、体育院校健美操教师知识结构合理、教学经验丰富、运动技能较高,但是知识更新速 度较慢,健美操专项学生到商业性健身俱乐部进行实践活动可以提高各方面的能力。 2、商业性健身俱乐部人力资源中最重要的组成部分是健身操教练。但是健身操教练流动 性大,经过专业系统培训的教练不容易招聘,体育院校成为商业性健身俱乐部健身操教练 人才的直接供应系统。 3、体育院校健美操专项学生理论知识全面,但学校健身操课程项目的设置受到一定的局 限。体育院校与商业性健身俱乐部进行健身操人才合作,可以促进体育院校健身操人才的 全面发展,以及商业性健身俱乐部健身操教练的可选择性招聘。 4、体育院校的健美操教师,健美操专项的学生,以及商业性健身俱乐部的管理者,对于 体育院校和商业性健身俱乐部协同培养健身操人才的合作方式,都是十分赞同的,但是在 影响这种合作的因素也是很多的,还需要进一步的研究和多方面的支持。 关键词:体育院校;商业性健身俱乐部;健身操人才;协同培养;可行性II Abstract With the general public’s better education and the higher level of income, people's idea to health and sports changes .The demand and requirements to sports as well is getting more diversified. The business in aerobics to the general public is growing up motivated by the huge demands and the markets. And many kinds of aerobics club formed. At present, Aerobics courses are set in most physical education institutes. The students in the major of aerobics have mastered adequate knowledge in the field, and with ample skills in a aerobics training and learning aspects. The problem is that they are still lack in some part like the skills in music selection, course organization and arrangement etc. While these can be made up through practices in aerobics clubs, fitness center etc. With the help of such experience, several purposes can be reached. It is able to help meet the needs of the general public, and release the pressure to be employed for the graduate students in P.E. institutes. Besides, to promote the completeness of the aerobics education system, to reach the requirements of the aerobics instructors are two factors of great importance. It is considered to be beneficial to the healthy and rapid development of the market. In this thesis, the methods of document literature, expert interviewing and questionnaire surveying are adopted. The survey questionnaire is specially designed in different aspects according to object, subject of research expert. The survey has been done after statistical to the ample ask- answer questions from trainers, students major in Aerobics, and the managers of the fitness clubs. The survey involved 5 institutes of P.E. and 10 commercial fitness clubs. It is concluded that, 1、Aerobics teachers in the Institutes of Physical Education are with full knowledge of teaching experiences and skills, while there is the urging need for the teachers and faculties to keep them continually trained. The probation experiences in the fitness centers are of great importance for the trainee to be equipped with various practical capabilities. 2、The aerobics instructors are the most key part of the human resources in the fitness centers. The mobility of these instructors from the fitness training centers and clubs makes the recruiting of the specially trained instructors be a difficult thing. The fact is those trainers in the aerobics centers and clubs are mostly from institutes of physical education. 3、 Theoretical knowledge of aerobics specialized student is comprehensive, but school aerobics course project settings are subject to certain limitations. The cooperation between sportsIII institutions and the health club can promote the comprehensive development of the students, and health club can have greater range of option to recruitment of fitness instructors as well. 4、 Aerobics teachers, aerobics professional students and managers of commercial health club agree with the cooperation training, but there are still some problems to solve. Key words: Institutes of Physical Education; commercial fitness club; aerobics instructors; feasibilityIV 目 录 独创性声明 ....... III 摘要 .... I Abstract . II 目 录 .. IV 1 前言 .... 1 1.1 选题意义....... 1 1.2 文献综述....... 2 1.2.1 体育院校的相关研究....... 2 1.2.2 健身俱乐部的相关研究 .... 5 1.3 相关概念....... 7 1.3.1 健身操人才概念的界定 ...... 7 1.3.2 协同培养概念的界定 ........ 7 2 研究对象与方法 ... 9 2.1 研究对象....... 9 2.2 研究方法....... 9 2.2.1 文献资料法 ...... 9 2.2.2 问卷调查法 ...... 9 2.2.3 专家访谈法 ..... 11 2.2.4 数理统计法 ..... 11 3 研究结果与分析 .. 12 3.1 体育院校健美操教学现状分析...... 12 3.1.1 体育院校健美操课程设置现状分析 .. 12 3.1.2 体育院校健美操教师基本现状情况分析....... 15 3.1.3 体育院校健美操专项学生学习现状分析....... 19 3.2 商业性健身俱乐部健身操课程的现状分析..... 23 3.2.1 商业性健身俱乐部健身操课程设置情况分析 .. 23 3.2.2 对商业性健身俱乐部健身操课程管理者的调查研究 ..... 25 3.2.3 商业性健身俱乐部健身操教练基本情况分析 .. 28 3.3 体育院校与商业性健身俱乐部健身操人才协同培养的可行性研究... 30 3.3.1 体育院校的健美操教师,健美操专项学生以及商业性健身俱乐部健身V 操课程管理者对协同培养健身操人才的认可度调查. 30 3.3.2 体育院校健美操专项学生和商业性健身俱乐部健身操教练教学的优劣 势分析 ..... 34 3.3.3 体育院校与商业性健身俱乐部协同培养健身操人才影响因素分析 . 36 3.3.4 体育院校健与商业性健身俱乐部协同培养健身操人才可行性的路径分 析. 37 3.4 相关案例分析.. 39 4 结论与建议 ....... 42 4.1 结论. 42 4.2 建议 42