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福禄寿喜珠宝的天猫旗舰店项目是创业项目,本文是这个项目的计划书, 主要内容是向合作伙伴和投资人介绍公司的详细规划,分析目标市场,介绍本 项目的盈利模式,预测投资收益,以达到融资的目标。创业项目的选择与作者 的工作经历有关,本文作者己从事珠宝行业近十年,有四年珠宝零售管理经验, 比较了解行业特点;之后在国家权威质检机构的关键技术岗位任职六年,积累 丰富的珠宝专业知识,工作过程中接触到诸多钻石贸易公司、首饰设计企业及 OEM珠宝加工厂,对珠宝产业链有全面深入的了解。业余时间经营过淘宝店铺, 积累了一些网络店铺的运营经验。 目前中国网络营销的发展趋势是B2C模式所占比重越来越大,天猫商城的 市场份额超过国内B2C模式营销总额的一半,发展前景广阔,是本项目创业的 最佳平台。本项目以钻石首饰、贵重宝石首饰的订制为主营业务、兼营黄金等 贵金属首饰。计划发展到一定阶段后向体验店模式过度,在深圳开设第一家体 验店,并逐渐向内地拓展市场,积极探讨连锁经营模式。 为准确分析天猫市场,本文借助国内先进的网络交易统计软件《情报通》 获取数据,对天猫商城珠宝交易数据进行统计分析,统计时段是刚过去的一年, 统计珠宝销售规模约15. 47亿,统计总销量约350万件。同时分析天猫商城几 家优秀的竞争对手,研究其如何在天猫商城经营,分析竞争对手的交易规模、 各首饰品种的交易比例及交易总额;分析竞争对手的促销策略、价格策略、渠 道策略等市场营销手段,为本项目找到天猫市场竞争规律。对天猫商城最新实 际交易数据的分析是本项目市场定位的基础。通过对目标市场细分,结合本店 自身特点,比较项目的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,为创业项目进行市场定位、 设定营销目标、制定营销策略、建设人才梯队,然后做投资估算、财务分析、 盈亏平衡分析以及风险评估,最终得出商业计划书的结论。 关键词:珠宝;天猫商城;商业计划书 MBA学位报告作者:张光辉 福禄寿喜珠宝天猫旗舰店商业计划书 Abstract The goal of this paper is to write a completed business plan, which describes how to found a flagship store in the platform of Tmall. The flagship store is what I call Fulushouxi Jewelry Company. This paper is aimed at providing to partners or investors the company's detailed plan, analysis of target market, presentation of profit mode and the projected investment earnings, finally achieving the objective of financing. Industry selection is based on the author's own working experience. The author has been working for nearly 10 years in the jewelry industry. On the one hand, 4 years of jewelry retail management helps the author understand the jewelry consumption characteristics and trend. On the other hand, the author has been engaged in the key technical position for 6 years, which makes the author accumulate preferable jewelry knowledge. What's more, the author established a good relationship with many diamond trading companies, jewelry design business and OEM jewelry factories. Therefore, the author has a more comprehensive understanding of the jewelry industry. The market share of Tmall is more than half of the total domestic B2C market. Therefore Tmall is the best choice for its broad development prospects. The company takes diamond and gemstone customization as the main business, also run gold and platinum jewelry business. After 3 years, the company will transform to 020 model. The first experience store will be opened in Shenzhen. Then the company will expand in the mainland market and form a pattern of chain operation. For accurate analysis of Tmall market, statistical data will be obtained by Intelligence Link which is the most advanced statistical software of online trading. Statistical data comes from the latest jewelry transaction data of the past 12 months in the platform of Tmall Tall. Statistical size is 1.547 billion yuan and 3.5 million sales. This paper selects 5 best companies in the Tmall platform as competitors for further analysis, research their operation strategy, transaction size, trading quantities and sales of various types of jewelry, even various units of jeweliy, finally find regularity of jewelry network market. All of the data is contributed to analyzing the company's strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, providing effective clues for the establishment of small companies, maximizing existing strength and avoid deficiency.The business plan is based on the analysis of target market, SWOT analysis of my company. The content includes market positioning, market objective,market strategy, talent building, investment estimation, financial analysis, breakeven analysis and risk assessment. Keywords: Jewelry; Tmall Mall;Business Plan II MBA学位报告作者:张光辉 福禄寿喜珠宝天猫旗舰店商业计划书 目 录 一、绪论 1 (―)选题背景 1 (二)研究意义 5 (三)相关理论方法 5 二、项目介绍 7 (一)项目概述 7 (二)项目实施进度计划 7 (三)公司的组织结构 8 (四)项目投融资计划和退出方式 10 (五)本章小结 10 三、市场环境分析 11 (―)PEST 分析 11 (二)波特五力分析 13 (三)SWOT分析 15 (四)本章小结 16 四、战略策划 17 (―)市场细分 17 (二)市场定位 28 (三)公司战略 30 (四)企业的CIS 30 (五)本章小结 33 五、营销策略 34 (一)产品策略 34 (二)价格策略 39 (三)渠道策略 42 (四)促销策略 43 m MBA学位报告作者:张光辉 福禄寿喜珠宝天猫旗舰店商业计划书 六、项目运营管理 47 (一)原材料的釆购以及库存安排 47 (二)产品的研发设计 47 (三)产品的生产 48 (四)产品的质量控制 48 (五)售前售后服务 48 (六)人力资源规划 49 (七)薪酬管理 49 (八)本章小结 50 七、财务分析及盈亏平衡 51 (一)相关财务预算说明 51 (二)资金需求估算 51 (三)公司前期资金使用计划 51 (四)公司经营收入的预测 52 (五)公司营业费用和管理费用预测 53 (六)固定资产购置计划 53 (七)资产负债表 54 (八)利润预测表 54 (九)现金流量预测表 55 (十)投资回收期 56 (十一)盈亏平衡分析 57 (十二)本章小结 58 八、风险分析及对策 59 (一)市场风险及对策 59 (二)经营风险及对策 59 (三)管理风险及对策 60 (四)财务风险及对策 60 (五)政策风险及对策 60 (六)本章小结 61 IV MBA学位报告作者:张光辉 福禄寿喜珠宝天猫旗舰店商业计划书 结 论 62