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1Economics 2018 中国主题公园项目发展预测 China Theme Park Pipeline Report China 2AECOM About Economic Services, AECOM 关于AECOM经济规划服务 AECOM is a global network of experts working with clients, communities and colleagues to develop and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most complex challenges. Alongside AECOM’s multi- disciplinary services, AECOM’s economic team ofers strategic and economic planning consultancy services to clients worldwide. In Asia, leisure, culture and tourism development, urban regeneration, and new town development present both opportunities and challenges. Economic analysis plays a critical role in shaping strategy and identifying an appropriate positioning for these new projects. AECOM是全球领先的咨询专家团队,与不同的客户和 行业伙伴合作,为世界最具挑战的项目提供创新解决方 案。作为AECOM众多专业领域咨询服务之一,经济服务 为全球客户提供战略和经济规划咨询服务。在亚洲,休 闲、文化和旅游开发,城市更新,新城开发等项目既存 在机遇同时又充满挑战。经济分析在这些项目的战略规 划制定和市场定位方面发挥着关键作用。 Research: Economic Services, AECOM 调研:AECOM经济咨询团队 Editor/编辑: Shaojin Li 李少金 Publication Team /出版团队: Tsz Yin Au, Shuangping Bian, Beth Chang, Guocui Gu, Jodie Lock, Shaojin Li, Hui Long , Dan Wu, Chris Yoshii. Contacts/联系信息 For further information about the content of this report and about the economics practice at AECOM, contact the following: 如需了解有关AECOM经济咨询团队以及本报告的更多信息, 请联系: Chris Yoshii 吉井贵思 Vice President, Economics Global Director of Leisure + Culture, Aisa AECOM全球休闲文化副总裁 chris.yoshii@aecom T +852 3922 9000 Beth Chang 張本韻 Executive Director, Economics AECOM经济咨询执行总监 beth.chang@aecom T +852 3922 9000 ?2018年 Economic Services, AECOM 3Economics 前言 中国主题公园在过去的二十年里发展迅速。随着中 产阶级的不断壮大,以及国内交通条件前所未有的 改善,国民主题娱乐需求极大增加。为此,中国各 地规划建设了大量的主题公园以应对该需求。本报 告重点介绍了主题公园行业历史和未来趋势,以及 行业增长情况,旨在让读者能更好了解中国现有和 未来的主题公园规模及特点等。 Preface Theme parks have been developing rapidly over the last twenty years in China. Demand for themed entertainment products is increasing signifcantly as the middle class population expands and the improvements of transportation occur at unprecedented rate. In response, governments and developers are planning to develop more theme parks nationwide. This report highlights historic data and future trends, as well as in industry growth. This report helps industry participants to understand the scale and characteristics of the current supply and future pipeline of theme park development in China. CHRIS YOSHII 吉井贵思 Vice President, Economics Global Director of Leisure + Culture, Aisa AECOM全球休闲文化副总裁 BETH CHANG 張本韻 Executive Director, Economics AECOM经济咨询执行总监 4AECOM About This Report Defnition of Theme park Drawing on decades of experience in the themed entertainment sector, AECOM defnes the meaning of theme park as follows: A theme park is a type of amusement park in which landscaping, buildings/ structures, man-made attractions (rides, games, shows), and activities that are based on one or more unifying theme. A theme park is a gated area requiring an entry ticket and may be indoor, outdoor, or a combination of both. They are tangible, stationary and built for long-lasting operation, often featuring multiple zones with distinct storylines. Signifcant capital investment is necessary to deliver a complementary mix of entertainment, food and beverage outlets, retail shops, and other supporting facilities. Selection Criteria AECOM carefully selected existing and pipeline theme parks in Mainland China for inclusion in our research sample according to following criteria: Selecyed theme parks are city-scale projects operating in China; they are all of signifcant scale and prestige (i.e. strong brand), and include a large proportion of entertainment facilities. Selected theme parks are well constructed with a signifcant level of investment. This report excludes all Family Entertainment Centers (FECs) and small amusement parks. Selected theme parks include a signifcant proportion of entertainment facilities; this excludes characteristics towns, landscaped parks, retail, dining and entertainment (RDE) districts , and standalone aquaria, botanic gardens and zoos. This report excludes water parks as only land based park are considered. Reference The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) The National Development and Reform (NDRC) of the China defnes a theme park as a commercial venture developed as a going concern, of sizable area, certain requisite investment level, and closed-end management. A theme park has one or more special culture or tourism theme; it charges for offering visitors a leisure experience, and cultural/entertainment products or services. Different types of theme park include large scale amusement parks with rides, large scale miniature landscape parks, movie studio parks, or animation parks with simulating and immersive experiences. Public city parks, botanical gardens and zoo funded by government are not considered theme parks. *The theme park defnition used by AECOM is consistent with the NDRC defnition. However, only larger city-scale theme parks are included in this report. AECOM4 5Economics 关于报告 主题公园定义 AECOM凭借多年国际和国内主题公园项目的经验,对主题公园的定义做出合理解释,并 根据一定标准对中国大陆地区现有及未来主题公园样本进行筛选: 主题公园属于游乐园的一种,园区内通常包含多个具有不同故事线的区域,区域内的景 观,建筑,人造景点及活动设施均基于一个或多个特定的主题。其特征主要包括:长期 商业运营,有大量资金投入,建设有游乐、餐饮、零售和其他综合服务设施,游客需付 费参观游览,有固定经营场所,室内、室外或室内外结合的封闭式园区。 本报告筛选标准 本研究报告所选取的主题公园样本主要由国内外主题公园运营商在中国大陆地区经营 的,具有一定投资规模,占地及一定比例娱乐设施,在当地有一定知名度,并符合主题 公园定义标准的,城市级主题公园构成。 所选取研究主题公园需要有一定投资额,占地规模,不包括室内娱乐体验中心,小型 游乐场; 所选取研究主题公园需具有一定比例的游乐设施,不包括特色小镇,纯景观类公园, 纯商业类景区,单体海洋馆及动植物园; 所选取研究主题公园范围仅限于陆公园,不包括水公园。 参考 国家发展和改革委员会 -《关于规范主题公园建设发展的指导意见》 主题公园:指以营利为目的兴建的,占地、投资达到一定规模,实行封闭管理,具有一 个或多个特定文化旅游主题,为游客有偿提供休闲体验、文化娱乐产品或服务的园区。 主要包括:以大型游乐设施为主体的游乐园,大型微缩景观公园,以及提供情景模拟、 环境体验为主要内容的各类影视城、动漫城等园区。政府建设的各类公益性的城镇公 园、动植物园等不属于主题公园。 资料来源:中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 -《关于规范主题公园建设发展的指导意见》-发改社会规 〔2018〕400号 *AECOM使用的主题公园定义与国家发改委的指导范围一致。然而,AECOM在本报告中研究对象仅包括大型的城 市级主题公园。 Economics5