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As a new industry in real estate, commercial real estate has a short development
time. With the development of the economy and the prosperity of business, many
residential housing enterprises are changing to fight in the field of commercial real
estate. Starting from the current development of commercial real estate in China, this
paper objectively analyzes the problems in the development of China’s commercial
real estate, and explores the future development trend of China’s commercial real
estate market.
With the development of market economy and the appearance of the new
economic order, domestic market competition and subject to participate in the
competition have undergone great changes, the traditional simple commodity
competition into brand competition, the competition among enterprises is the
competition between regional development, brand has become the symbol of the
economic strength of a country or a region. As a space for production and
consumption areas, a region can not just rely on the regional government and the
power of public policy to maintain the formation of enhancing regional
competitiveness. A region must introduce new development strategies and tools.
Experiential consumption and experiential commercial real estate officially appeared
in this context. Therefore, how to promote the rapid development of brand through
experiential marketing, how to take a famous commercial real estate as an example
and explore the way to boost the development of experiential commercial real estate
is a very important research topic.
This paper first reviews the research background and historical background of
experiential commercial real estate, and introduces the research methods, purpose and
significance in the first chapter. In the second chapter, in this paper the related theory
of experiential marketing, the literature is reviewed and summarized, and the
experience in commercial real estate has carried on the overall analysis, including the
experience in commercial real estate industry present situation analysis, etc, provided
a basis for subsequent case study. The third and fourth, fifth chapters in this paper, the
selection of qixia district of golden eagle lake of heaven and earth as the main case,
analyzes its present the basic composition, the composition of the formats, profit
ability, the innovation points, such as basic conditions, and using the SWOT analysis
method to the Golden Eagle Lakeside City of heaven and earth to experience
marketing to make a more detailed analysis; on this basis, this article summarizes the
current problems of the Golden Eagle Lakeside City, and then according to the
problems found and put forward some countermeasures.In the last chapter, this paper summarizes the findings of the full text, and
makes a prospect for the future research. This paper argues that the use of experiential
marketing methods and means is the development of Chinese commercial real estate
prospects, only skilled application of experience marketing method, and skillfully
combined with the shopping center, the commercial real estate experience can really
attract consumers, to achieve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, customer
stickiness and get higher brand fit.
Key words: ExperienceMarketing strategycommercial real estate Golden
Eagle Lakeside City目录
摘要 ......... 1
Abstract ..... 2
第一章 绪论 . 8
第一节 研究背景 ...... 8
第二节 研究意义 ...... 9
第三节 研究内容及方法 ....... 9
一 研究内容 ........... 9
二 研究方法 ......... 10
第二章 体验式营销的相关理论 ....... 11
第一节 体验经济 .... 11
一 体验经济 ......... 11
二 体验式消费 ..... 11
第二节 体验式营销13
一 体验式营销 ..... 13
二 体验式营销策略 .......... 14
三 体验式营销的价值传播路径 ..... 16
第三节 体验式商业地产营销理论 .... 18
一 体验式商业地产 .......... 18
二 体验式商业地产产生的背景及行业现状 ........... 19三 体验式商业地产面临的挑战 ..... 19
第三章 金鹰湖滨天地体验式营销策略发展的现状.... 21
第一节 金鹰集团介绍 ......... 21
第二节 金鹰湖滨天地介绍 .. 22
一 项目概况 ......... 23
二 业态组合及分布 .......... 24
第三节 金鹰湖滨天地实施体验式营销策略的前期成效 ......... 25
一 业绩表现分析 .. 25
二 客流量分析 ..... 26
三 租金收益分析 .. 27
四 商业地位分析 .. 27
第四节 金鹰湖滨天地体验式商业地产营销策略的SWOT分析28
一 优势(Strengths) .... 28
二 劣势(Weaknesses) ........... 29
三 机会(Opportunities) ........ 29
四 威胁(Threats) ........ 30
第一节 调研问卷统计 ......... 31
一 调查样本基本信息数据统计 ..... 31
二 调查核心数据统计 ....... 32
第二节产品定位分析 ....... 33。