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With the progress of technology and the innovation of mode, the rapid
development of the virtual community, new different demands of people continue to
emerge, or they provide innovative service mode, service contents, or provide
innovative or special service user groups, so that Internet traffic for the war
intensified. Under this background, communities with more continuous knowledge
sharing are always in the dominant position in competition. Therefore, how to make
full use of their advantages and promote users' continuous knowledge sharing is very
important for community development. As the new development of the virtual
community like a raging fire in the country in recent years, social business
community through the user about the product knowledge sharing to strengthen the
information exchange between users, not only to narrow the gap between users and
users of the distance, also closer between the user and the commodity distance,
reduces the users of traditional electricity supplier the website commodity quality
distrust, brings new development for electronic commerce. Based on the social
commerce community as an example, analyzed the influence of the community
personalized user characteristics and environmental characteristics of the user
continued willingness to share knowledge, problem and the related influence
mechanism, in order to enrich the existing virtual community users on knowledge
sharing willingness to continue the research perspective, and provide guidance for
operation and management in the community social commerce enterprise.
Based on previous studies, this paper expounds the difference between user
knowledge sharing and continuous knowledge sharing in virtual communities,
and summarizes the research results and shortcomings of scholars in continue
knowledge sharing in virtual communities. On this basis, through the analysis
of the socialized e-commerce community, the personalized characteristics of
social e-commerce in community users and community environment are
summarized, and a research model is constructed from the individual
characteristics -- community identity – the intention of continue knowledge
share. Finally, by collecting 275 valid questionnaires of what is worth
buying community users with liver tags, we apply structural equation
modeling to verify the conceptual models and related hypotheses of the
The results show that (1) in social e-commerce community, exhibited by
the community of users features of the self- presentation of the community
users continued willingness of knowledge sharing has a significant positive
effect, community environment characteristics of social interaction,
Community Association material reward for the continued willingness of
knowledge sharing has significant positive effects; (2)community
identification on users continued willingness of knowledge sharing has a
significant role, the three dimensions: cognitive identity, emotion recognition,
evaluation and recognition have significant positive effect on the continued
willingness of knowledge sharing; (3) community identity fully mediates the
self- presentation and social interaction connection to users continued
significant role in knowledge sharing, and community identity in the
community (material) reward and continue to share has no mediating effect
between intention. Based on the discussion of the above results, this paper
comes up with the relevant conclusions and puts forward some suggestions to
promote the continuous knowledge sharing will of the community users in the
social e-commerce community.
Key words:virtual communityindividual characteristicscontinue
knowledge sharesocial e-commerce community目录
第1章绪论 ... 1
1.1研究背景 .......... 1
1.2研究意义 .......... 2
1.2.1理论意义 ... 3
1.2.2实践意义 ... 3
1.3研究方法与技术路线 .. 4
1.3.1研究方法 ... 4
1.3.2技术路线 ... 5
1.4研究内容与主要创新点 .......... 6
1.4.1研究内容与框架安排 ....... 6
1.4.2论文创新点 ........... 6
第2章文献综述 ....... 9
2.1虚拟社区 ....... 9
2.1.1虚拟社区的概念 .......... 9
2.1.2虚拟社区的分类 ......... 10
2.2虚拟社区知识分享相关研究 ....... 14
2.2.1虚拟社区知识分享的概念内涵 ....... 14
2.2.2虚拟社区知识分享的影响因素研究 .......... 15
2.3虚拟社区持续知识分享的相关研究 ...... 19
2.3.1持续知识分享的概念内涵 .... 19
2.3.2虚拟社区持续知识分享的影响因素研究 .. 20
2.4自我展示 ..... 23
2.4.1 自我展示的概念内涵 ... 23
2.4.2 自我展示的形式与动机研究 .. 23
2.5社会交互联结 ......... 25
2.5.1 社会交互联结的概念内涵 ...... 25
2.5.2 社会交互联结的相关研究 ...... 25
2.6社区奖励 ..... 26
2.6.1 社区奖励的概念内涵 ... 26
2.6.2 社区奖励的相关研究 ... 27
2.7社区认同 ..... 29
2.8文献述评 ..... 31
第3章模型构建与研究假设 ......... 33
3.1模型构建 ........ 33
3.1.1模型构建基础 .... 33
3.2研究假设 ........ 36
3.2.1社会交互联结、自我展示、社区物质奖励与持续知识分享意愿 .... 36
3.2.2社会交互联结与社区认同 ........ 38
3.2.3社区物质奖励与社区认同 ........ 39
3.2.4自我展示与社区认同 .... 40
3.2.6社区认同的中介作用 .... 41
3.3本章小结 ........ 42
第4章研究设计 ..... 43
4.1变量测度 ........ 43
4.3预测试分析 .... 47
4.4本章小结 ........ 49
第5章数据分析与假设检验 ......... 51。