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Employee’s realization in career seems to be one of the most important aspects
of the professional growth. Career success is not only the individuals concern, as the
employees personal success may also contribute to the organizational success.
Moreover, perceptions of experiencing the career success may lead to significantly
positive outcomes and result in other parts of life, influencing happiness, life
satisfaction, and longevity. Historical interest in career success topic mostly focuses
on objective career success, which can be evaluated by other people, for instance,
the number of promotions in a career. Nevertheless, there is an increasing
importance on the evaluation of subjective career success (career satisfaction), that
captures personal subjective opinions about own career achievements. For
developing effective working environment, it is necessary to investigate the specific
mechanisms of developing career satisfaction.
The choice of the Russian Federation as a site for the current research is
explained by its complex history. For the last three decades, the country has
experienced various economic and political changes. The Russian rapid historical
development caused the significant changes in the Russian people mindset.
Accordingly, two different work forces exist in the country today: those who spent
most of the working time in the Soviet Union system and those who entered the
work force in the last twenty-five years. Thus, due to many historical and social
reasons, Russia and Russian employees remain very attractive for the research
The main aim of the study was to explore the effect of the Russian organizations
employees’ self-efficacy on their career satisfaction. The study also aimed at
investigation the impact of perceived role of self-efficacy on shaping career
satisfaction by paying particular heed on its association with the mediating role
played by work effort and moderating effects played by emotional intelligence and
The study had the following objectives: empirically test the relationship
between self-efficacy, work effort, career satisfaction, and emotional intelligence,
examine the correlation between self-efficacy and work effort, determine the effect
of self-efficacy offering to the employees’ career satisfaction, explore the role work
effort leaves on the employees’ career satisfaction, study the correlation between
emotional intelligence and work effort, and explore the role of emotional
intelligence have on career satisfaction. The study also focused on investigating the
effect of mediating variable work effort and moderating variables emotional
intelligence and gender have on the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables.
Three distinctive studies had been performed in this dissertation research. The
first research aimed to explain the mediating role of work effort on the relationship
between self-efficacy and career satisfaction. Along with investigating the impact of
work effort, the first research also descriptively analyzed the key variables and
correlations among them. The second research focused on investigating the
moderating role of emotional intelligence. The descriptive and correlation analyses
had been also performed in this chapter. The third part constituted two separate
researches. The first part was focused on determining the moderating role of gender
on the relationship between work effort and career satisfaction. The second one was
an exploratory research about the gender’s moderation function upon the
relationship between self-efficacy and career satisfaction. The statistical analysis
had been performed using SPSS software package. The results had been presented
and then discussed comprehensively.
This research has opted questionnaire survey method to gather empirical data.
Following convenience sampling method data has been collected in May and June
2016 from the Russian male and female employees working in various organizations
of Russia. The institutions were selected on the convenience basis and the
employees within them were chosen on the basis of simple random sampling. The
questionnaire was translated into Russian and then retranslated into English to verify
the translations. The questionnaire instrument items of self-efficacy, work effort,
career satisfaction, and emotional intelligence were adapted from previous validated
published studies. Of forty-three questions, six were related to demographics,
participants’ gender was self-reported and coded. Participants were asked to
evaluate their agreement with the statements using a seven-point Likert scale.
From the results, there was found a positive correlation between self-efficacy
and career satisfaction among the Russian employees. The study found out that work
effort provided a mediating role between self-efficacy and career satisfaction. The
results also proved that emotional intelligence had a moderating role on both the
positive relationship between self-efficacy and work effort, and the positive
relationship between self-efficacy and career satisfaction. Thus, the positive
relationship between self-efficacy and work effort is strengthened with the increase
of emotional intelligence. Accordingly, the positive relationship between
self-efficacy and career satisfaction is strengthened with the increase of emotional
The study adds to the literature by highlighting the importance of self-efficacy
and career satisfaction in the European population and explaining the partial
mediating role of work effort in this relationship in the sample of the Russian
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employees.It also provides the insightful literature review on the topic, which
presents the evolution in studying and its popular trends in the world. The further
attention may be paid to the moderating role of work effort in the current
Moreover, the present study deepens the understanding of career satisfaction
factors in the Russian context. The results contribute significantly to the existing
knowledge of career by revealing the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on
both the relationship between self-efficacy and work effort, and the relationship
between self-efficacy and career satisfaction. The research not only shows that
“self-efficacy-work effort” and “self-efficacy-career satisfaction” links among the
Russian employees can be moderated by emotional intelligence, but also suggests
that scholars may need to study other moderators to grasp fully the career
satisfaction phenomenon. In spite of the fact, that the moderating effect of gender
was not found, it suggests that scholars may consider other demographic
characteristics. Age, marital status, education level, job tenure or average monthly
income can be examined to be a better predictor of career satisfaction.
Creating the environment where managers are eager to know the employees
satisfaction level and motivation seems to be one of the steps for a better
management. This thesis not only helps the further investigation into antecedents
and consequences of career satisfaction, but also highlights the importance of
different theoretical models exploration for studying various aspects of career
The results of the current study should be of interest to researchers studying the
phenomenon of employees’ career satisfaction in Russia and other countries. The
topic is not only of interest to theory but also to the business community, as more
and more international companies open their representative offices in the Russian
Federation. Key insights, results, implications, recommendations for future research,
and implications are discussed.
Keywords: career satisfaction, emotional intelligence, Russia, self-efficacy,
work effort
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