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With the continuous improvement of E-commerce industry, more and more shopping
websites provide consumer online review mechanisms for consumers. Online Reviews of
Consumers(ORC) has been widely used in various online trading platforms and become a
common phenomenon in online word-of-mouth marketing, which has had a far-reaching
impact on purchase decision-making behavior for online consumer.
This paper focuses on the dispersion of ORC distribution, combine it with review
valence, and reveals the moderate effect of product categories on the dispersion of ORC
distribution, and the underlying mechanisms. Using literature analysis, experimental
manipulation and statistical analysis, this paper systematically explores the ORC distribution
features. This paper systematically analyzes the mechanism of the ORC distribution features
on consumers' purchase intention by examining the moderate effects, mediating effects, and
moderate mediating effects. The important conclusions obtained from the study are as
(1) The dispersion of ORC distribution has a significant moderate effect on ORC valence.
When the bar graph of ORC distribution has bimodal peaks, ORC valence has no significant
difference on consumer purchase intention.
(2) The product category has moderate effect on valence and dispersion. There is a
significant three-way interaction between valence, the dispersion of ORC distribution, and
product category. For hedonic products, the bimodal distribution and neutral valence can
significantly increase consumers' purchase intention.
(3) Motivation of consumers to process information plays as mediate role in the
influence of valence on consumers' purchase intention and is moderated by the dispersion of
ORC distribution.
The interaction between valence and the dispersion of ORC distribution has theoretical
practical significance. In the context of e-commerce, the combination and design of the ORC
distribution features including other review information can improve consumer evaluation on
products and change the preferences of target consumers. The results also suggest that
enterprises, blindly increase the good reviews, or deliberately maintain the number of
different valence of ORC, the ratio of good and bad reviews need to consider other factors,
such as the existing the overall score of ORC and the product category. The above research
results can provide referential value and theoretical value for all market players involved in
network marketing, including companies, consumers, and third-party platforms.
Key words: online reviews of consumers; reviews valence; dispersion of reviews distribution;
product category
摘 要 ....... I
目录 ...... III
第一章 绪论 ...... 1
1.1 研究背景 .. 1
1.1.1 现实背景 ....... 1
1.1.2 理论背景 ....... 2
1.2 研究目的与意义 .. 4
1.2.1 研究目的 ....... 4
1.2.2 研究意义 ....... 4
1.3 研究方法与技术路线 ...... 5
1.3.1 研究方法 ....... 5
1.3.2 技术路线 ....... 6
第二章 文献综述 .......... 7
2.1 消费者在线评论的研究综述 ...... 7
2.1.1 消费者在线评论效价 ........... 7
2.1.2 消费者在线评论分布离散化 ........... 8
2.1.3 消费者在线评论分布离散化与在线评论效价 ....... 9
2.2 功能型产品与享乐型产品的研究综述10
2.2.1 功能型产品与享乐型产品的定义 . 10
2.2.2 功能型/享乐型产品与在线评论分布离散化 ........ 10
2.3 消费者信息处理动机与意识的研究综述 .........11
2.3.1 消费者信息处理动机与意识 ..........11
2.3.2 消费者信息处理动机/意识与在线评论信息 .........11
2.4 对现有研究的总体评价12
第三章 理论基础与研究假设13
3.1 理论基础13
3.1.1 最优唤醒理论 ......... 13
3.1.2 归因理论 ..... 13
3.2 研究假设14
3.2.1 消费者评论分布对消费者评论效价的调节作用 . 14
3.2.2 产品类别对消费者评论信息的影响研究 . 15
3.2.3 基于动机-能力的评论信息的有调节的中介模型16
第四章 消费者评论分布离散化的调节效应18
4.1 实验研究过程 .... 18
4.1.1 调查对象 ..... 18
4.1.2 实验操纵 ..... 18
4.1.3 变量测量 ..... 18
4.2 数据分析和结果19
4.2.1 操纵检验 ..... 19
4.2.2 假设检验 ..... 19
4.2.3 结果与讨论 . 20
第五章 产品类别对评论分布特性的影响研究 ........ 21
5.1 实验研究过程 .... 21
5.1.1 预测试 ......... 21
5.1.2 调查对象 ..... 21
5.1.3 实验操纵 ..... 21
5.1.4 变量测量 ..... 22
5.2 数据分析和结果22
5.2.1 操纵检验 ..... 22
5.2.2 假设检验 ..... 23
5.2.3 结果与讨论 . 25
第六章 能力-动机对评论分布特性的中介效应研究 ........... 26
6.1 实验研究过程 .... 26
6.1.1 预测试 ......... 26
6.1.2 调查对象 ..... 26
6.1.3 实验操纵 ..... 26
6.1.4 变量测量 ..... 27
6.2 数据分析和结果27
6.2.1 操纵检验 ..... 27
6.2.2 量表检验 ..... 28
6.2.3 有调节的中介模型构建 ..... 28
6.2.4 模型检验 ..... 29
6.2.5 评论分布离散化调节效应方向的检验 ..... 30
6.2.6 结果与讨论 . 32
第七章 研究结论与展望 ........ 33
7.1 研究结论33
7.1.1 假设检验结果 ......... 33
7.1.2 研究结果讨论 ......... 33
7.2 研究贡献34
7.2.1 理论贡献 ..... 34
7.2.2 实践贡献 ..... 35
7.3 局限性及未来研究展望35
致谢 .. 37
参考文献 .......... 38
附录A:作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 ...... 42
附录B:预测试问卷 .. 43
附录C:实验操纵问卷 .......... 44
附录D:实验操纵产品与评论信息图片 ...... 50。。。。。。