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新一线城市研究所,是第一财经旗下 城市数据新闻项目,致力于集结城市 商业数据和互联网数据,用新鲜视角 探究城市未来,为城市管理者、城市 开拓者、城市人提供丰富有趣、有价值 的数据内容和数据服务。 “新一线”是指那些最有可能在未来 成为“一线城市”的城市;也泛指正在 发展中的中国二三四五线城市。“新 一线”城市概念由《第一财经周刊》在 2013年依据商业魅力为中国城市重 新分级时首次提出。 2018年4月26日,新一线城市研究 所发布《2018城市商业魅力排行 榜》,用170个品牌、19家互联网公 司和数据机构的城市大数据,为338 个中国城市重新分级。在这些城市 中,评出15个“新一线”城市、30个二 线城市、70个三线城市、90个四线城 市和129个五线城市。其中,15个进 入“新一线”的城市依次是:成都、杭 州、重庆、武汉、苏州、西安、天津、南 京、郑州、长沙、沈阳、青岛、宁波、东 莞和无锡。 新一线城市研究所将商业数据和互联 网数据作为评判城市的重要维度,同 时高度关注城市中的年轻人。目前 新一线城市研究所拥有基于地理信 息和互联网用户数据的新一线城市 基础数据库、新一线城市商业数据 库、新一线城市用户数据库和新一 线城市趋势数据库,并为政府、企 业、机构提供定制的城市相关数据 报告和数据服务。 关于 新一线城市 研究所 The Ranking of China's Cities' Cultural Tourism Attractiveness 2018 The Rising Lab is a business- data-focused journalismprogram under Yicai MediaGroup. It observes currentsituation of Chinese cities,explores the future of them,and provides quality dataanalyse and services for citydwellers, administrators andinvestors. “The Rising” here refers tocities which have the potentialto become emerging newfirst-tier cities in the future.In a broader sense, it alsorefers to cities now rankingas second-tier to fifth- tier cities in general. It is aphrase coined by CBNweeklyin the end of 2013 to name15 cities which topped thelist of 400 Chinese cities ontheir attractiveness to bigcompanies. On April 26, 2018, The RisingLab released China’s Cites2018: Cities of BusinessAttractiveness, which gradesall 338 prefecture-level citiesin China based on data of 170commercial brands and datafrom 19 Internet firms andinstitutions. Among all the cities, 30of them are classified assecond-tier cities, 70 as third- tier cities, 90 as fourth-tiercities and 129 as fifth-tiercities. According to overallindicator scores, Chengdu,Hangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan,Suzhou, Xi’an, Tianjin, Nanjing,Zhengzhou, Changsha,Shenyang, Qingdao, Ningbo,Dongguan and Wuxi are mostlikely to join the ranks ofChina’s first-tier cities. Using business and Internetdata as main sources forranking, The Rising Lab alsovalues young people in citiesas one significant element inassessment. For now, basedon geographical, commercialand Internet data, The RisingLab has built 4 databases oncities' essential information,cities' commercial resources,cities' online user behaviorand cities' developingtendency. The Rising Labprovides data services tailoredfor government, enterprises,institutions, etc. AbouT The Rising LAb 23 20September20182018城市文旅新引力排行榜 最好玩的城市在哪里 20September2018 本榜单为第一财经·新一线城市研究所与仲量联行“新文旅时代”战略合作项目的研究成果 。。。。。。