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Spending-Surpass-TV-Next-Year/1013671); eMarketer predictions, June 2013 (https://s-media-cache ak0.pinimg/236x/f9/50/0d/f9500d5429ea34392c94fbc701d2d218. PUTTING ALL YOUR EGGS IN THE VIEWABILITY BASKETDespite negative press and shaky measurement figuresdigital advertising spend is increasing and advertisersare increasingly using digital for brand building goals. But, there is a fly in the digital ointment, viewability (thecurrency of the digital ad trade) doesn’t necessarilyequal visual attention. Building on Lumen’s work onthe attention economy (Attention 1.0), whichinvestigated which digital ads are likely to be lookedat, this paper identifies the actual brand impact thatdigital advertising has. Even if you gain a viewer’sattention amongst other online real-estate, visualattention doesn’t guarantee brand impact. After all, thegoal of an ad isn’t to be viewable, it’s to positivelyaffect the brand by activating a response in the shortterm or building a long-term relationship.Brands face the challenge of creating ads that: standout against other adverts, distract from the contentthe user’s looking for, and overcome the general badwill towards advertising. According to our GlobalTrends report, 90% of online users in Britain find onlineadvertising annoying and 61% dislike the ads in theirsocial newsfeeds (compared to just 35% who dislikeads on TV). The result is that nearly half (47%) of allonline users in Britain claim to use ad blockers.Toeven have a chance of delivering on consideration,In 2018, Digital has found itself under the spotlight. Having received its fairshare of positive and negative press, some preach the power of targetingwhilst others will remind you that there is a lack of proven viewability. At IpsosMORI we recognise that viewability doesn’t necessarily equal visual attention,but by adapting to digital’s strengths you can still land your brand messages.The often-forgotten secret of digital advertising is that it’s just advertising. Allthe guiding principles of making a good ad still apply and success dependson the strength of your creative. Great digital creative can gain attention andimpact the brand (even if it’s just a simple banner ad). marketingweek/2017/04/25/uk-ad-spend-digital/ eMarketer US Digital Spend predictions, 8 March 2016 (emarketer/Article/Digital-Ad-jpg) Source: Ipsos Global Trends Survey, Sep – Oct 2016. Base: 10,412 adults across 23 countries, online. purchase intent, ROI, or building long-term brandrelationships, digital ads must be compelling andperform at a glance. In partnership with Lumen, Ipsos MORI has undertakena bespoke research project to ascertain what ittakes to gain a viewer’s visual attention and, moreimportantly, how this can be converted tobrand impact. By combining Lumen’s eyetracking capabilities with Ipsos MORI’sConnect:Digital methodology we haveestablished a set of criteria for makingthe most of your digital ads. Connect:Digital is a live website(available on desktop and mobile webbrowsers) that allows us to serve your digitalads in a live environment. We then follow-up witha survey to understand the impact of the digitaladvertising being tested. For this study, we useda test and control methodology where we testedeight different rich media display ads across threedifferent ad formats (MPU, DMPU, Banner). By usingthis methodology, we could derive the impact thetest ads had on brand perceptions.VIEWABILITY DOES NOT NECESSARILYEQUAL VISUAL ATTENTIONFirst things first, just because an advert is on screen (orviewable) doesn’t mean that it will be seen. Viewability,defined as 50% of an adverts pixels on screen for onesecond or more, only describes whether a user cansee an ad. As previously mentioned, the internet is fullof content competing for a user’s attention and theconsensus on advertising isn’t positive. Just becausean ad is viewable, does not mean that a userwill look at the ad and view it. Data fromthe Lumen panel suggests that in liveweb browsing, 82% of ads that aretechnically viewable don’t get viewed.For this research, we purposelyincreased the viewability of ourads, placing them above the fold andin prominent positions, to test how integralviewability is to ads success. We also used Rich Mediaads to help draw the visual attention of the user. If an adcouldn’t cut through given these optimum conditions, itwas unlikely to perform well in live web browsing.Despite the optimal conditions, our eye-tracking datashowed that only half (52%) of our viewable ads werelooked at. Breaking this figure down by ad format, we 82% OF ADS DON’TGET VIEWED Source: Ipsos MORI and Lumen study, March 2018. Base: 1,074 adults, online. 。。。。。。